SPEC 6000. Classroom Management in Special Education. 3 Hours.

Identification and implementation of classroom management strategies that result in effective instructional practices with exceptional students.

SPEC 6010. Individualized Education Program (IEP). 3 Hours.

Development of IEPs including all federally-required components to address P-12 learners' individual needs across educational settings.

SPEC 6020. Assessment and Learning. 3 Hours.

Formal assessment, processes and classroom assessments unique to evaluating the developmental level and potential achievement of children with exceptionalities. Emphasis is on the use of evidence-based practices, assessment strategies and data needed for effective teaching and learning in the special education classroom.

SPEC 6070. Behavior Management Support. 3 Hours.

Strategies and methods to manage the academic and social-behavior needs of students with special needs, including legal implications as well as school and community resources to support learning.

SPEC 6080. Instructional Planning and Teaching Methods. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Level 2 on the American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI) or an Intermediate on the Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI). Curriculum planning, technology integration, and special adaptations in teach P-12 content areas to special education students at the elementary, intermediate and secondary levels.

SPEC 6790. Internship/Clinical Practice in Teaching. 6 Hours.

Culminating clinical experience is completed in a P-12 classroom aligned to the candidate's field of certification. The candidate is engaged in the processes of planning, instruction, assessment, and management, and is supervised by a university faculty member and by the assigned school mentor teacher.

SPEC 6999. edTPA Assessment: Candidate Instructions and Resources for Preparation and Submission. 0 Hours.

Prerequisite: Candidates must be in third regular semester of enrollment in the MAT program. Graded "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory". A required non-credit course for teacher candidates pursuing initial certification in special education general or adapted curriculum which focuses on requirements for edTPA, resources and grading rubrics, and registration and submission instructions.

SPEC 7000. Serving Students with Diverse Needs. 3 Hours.

An introduction to major issues in the field on special education. Emphasis is placed on understanding the characteristics and etiologies of individuals with diverse needs and on identifying the qualities of home, school, and community environments that support these individuals in achieving their potential.

SPEC 7050. Assistive Technology. 3 Hours.

A study of various applications of technology for young children with disabilities that support inclusive services. Topics to be addressed include assistive technology assessment of young children with disabilities, selection and use of a variety of forms of assistive technology, and methods of securing funding for assistive technology.

SPEC 7110. Transition Planning and Services. 3 Hours.

The study of theoretical constructs and practical considerations in programming for students with disabilities from preschool through secondary and post-secondary levels. Emphasis is placed on the transition planning process, including transition assessment and development of post-school goals to develop a transition plan based on student's strengths and interests.

SPEC 7120. Behavior Management and Positive Behavior Supports. 3 Hours.

A study of the principles and application of positive behavioral supports for managing challenging behaviors of individuals with disabilities within educational settings. Course content focuses on teaching alternative socially meaningful behaviors and development of positive behavioral support strategies derived from functional assessments.

SPEC 7130. Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). 3 Hours.

A study of the knowledge and skills needed to support students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in educational settings. Participants will explore evidence-based practices, strategies, and interventions to promote academic, social, and behavioral success for individuals with ASD.

SPEC 7200. Evidence-based Methods and Strategies. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: RSCH 7100. Research-based instructional strategies for enhancing the ability of students with mild disabilities to acquire, retain, and demonstrate academic and social competence across academic and social content areas as addressed in the general school curriculum.

SPEC 7300. Single subject Research in Special Education. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SPEC 7200. Application of single subject research methodology in classroom settings with students who have disabilities. Focus is on acquisition of skills necessary to allow a functional relationship to be established between teaching practices and changes in pupil behavior.

SPEC 8010. Readings in Issues of the Education of Children and Youth with Disabilities. 3 Hours.

An in-depth study of research articles which present factual information regarding the chief issues in programs for children and youth with disabilities.

SPEC 8020. Characteristics of Effective School Structures for Children and Youth with Disabilities. 3 Hours.

An application of the effective schools' literature to pro- grams for children and youth with disabilities in school settings.

SPEC 8030. Leadership in Special Education Programs. 3 Hours.

A review of and in-depth study of legal issues which govern programs for children and youth with disabilities.

SPEC 8040. Using Technology for Professional Development in Special Education. 3 Hours.

The application and implementation of advanced technology applications, hardware, software, and the Internet for professional training and staff development programs in the field of special education.

SPEC 8050. Co-Teaching in Special Education. 3 Hours.

Application of current evidence-based practice to write, implement, monitor, and evaluate building-based co-teaching plans for special education and general education teacher pairs who teach students with disabilities in general education classrooms.

SPEC 8060. Single Subject Designs for Special Education Research. 3 Hours.

An in-depth review of the use of single subject designs for research which has been conducted in special education. Application of these designs to research questions in school settings will be discussed.

SPEC 8110. Advanced Capstone Experience. 3 Hours.

Creation of portfolio demonstrating candidates' knowledge, skills, and dispositions for the Dewar College of Education Conceptual Framework Standards.

SPEC 8999. Thesis. 1-3 Hours.

Development and defense of Thesis. Must be taken each semester until the Thesis is completed. Number of hours taken per semester must be approved by the Thesis Chair. A minimum of 6 hours must be taken to complete the course of study for this program.