SEGC 5140. Collaborative Roles in Education. 3 Hours.

A critical analysis of issues, research, implementation approaches, and recommended practices for employing collaborative models to support learning. Evaluating and accessing community resources, and developing and maintaining interdisciplinary and interagency partnerships will be studied.

SEGC 6000. Integration and Management of Instruction in the Classroom. 3 Hours.

Identification and implementation of management and instructional strategies that have demonstrated effectiveness. Through applied projects focused on K-12 student learning, students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate intervention efficacy.

SEGC 6020. Integrated Instruction: Assessment and Learning. 3 Hours.

Formal assessment, processes, and classroom assessments techniques unique to evaluating the development level and potential achievement of children with exceptionalities. Emphasis is on the use of the tools in planning and selecting curricular programs and activities.

SEGC 6040. Technological Support Planning for Children and Youth with Disabilities. 3 Hours.

An introduction to computers and related hardware and software as they related to the individualized education program and needs of individuals who require intermittent or limited support. The course emphasizes classroom applications and technology in support of the needs of students with disabilities.

SEGC 6050. Language and Learning Disabilities. 3 Hours.

Study of the foundation and sequence of language and communication development, characteristics of language and communication disorders and differences, and selected evidence-based classroom intervention strategies.

SEGC 6060. Transition Planning and Services. 3 Hours.

The study of theoretical constructs and practical considerations in programming for students with disabilities from preschool through secondary and post-secondary levels. Emphasis is placed on the transition planning process, including transition assessment and development of post-school goals to develop a transition plan based on student's strengths and interests.

SEGC 6110. Professional Capstone Course. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: Minimum of 27 hours in the program of study prior to enrolling in SEGC 6110. Culminating course experience in which candidates select and post evidence from class assignments and write reflections describing and providing evidence to show how their knowledge and skills have changed/improved in relation to the InTASC Standards.