THEA 1000. Voice and Diction. 3 Hours.
Application of the International Phonetic Alphabet's vowel and consonant symbolization for production of Standard American Speech with emphasis on resonance, breath control, vocal relaxation, and posture using a variety of contemporary approaches to vocal training.
THEA 1100. Theatre Appreciation. 3 Hours.
Survey and appreciation of theatre as a performing art; in- troduction to and improvement of critical and aesthetic evaluation of theatrical performances, including the con- tributions of the playwright, the actor, the director, the designer, and the audience member.
THEA 1120. Introduction to Theatrical Design. 3 Hours.
Introduction to the theatrical design process, including basic elements of theatrical design, rendering, and collaboration techniques.
THEA 1710. Introduction to Performance. 1 Hour.
An introduction to the principles of actor training, performer expectations, and rehearsal techniques.
THEA 1800. Acting I. 3 Hours.
A study of basic skills and techniques of acting, including increased sensory awareness, ensemble performing, character examination, and script analysis. Emphasis on the mechanics of voice, body, emotion, and analysis as tools for the actor.
THEA 2020. Musical Theatre Vocal Techniques. 1 Hour.
An introduction to the principles and application of musical theatre singing through the use of traditional and contemporary musical theatre repertoire, implementing musical theatre vocal colors and styles.
THEA 2110. Stage Dialects. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 1000. An exploration of dialect frequently used in performance, based on an understanding and usage of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
THEA 2730. Introduction to Theatrical Makeup, Wig, and Costume Technology. 2 Hours.
An introduction to theatrical makeup, wig, and costume technology with a focus on the application of stage makeup, wig styling and maintenance, and basic sewing techniques.
THEA 2750. Basic Technical Theatre and Stage Lighting. 3 Hours.
An introduction to stagecraft and stage lighting, including the tools, materials, equipment, and techniques used for the construction of scenery, properties, and basic lighting for the stage.
THEA 2800. Acting II. 3 Hours.
Further training in the fundamental principles and tools of acting discovered in Acting I; emphasizing critical analysis of oneself and others ensemble performance as well as character and script analysis.
THEA 2810. Basic Stage Movement. 2 Hours.
The principles of physicalizing characters through movement, by developing a kinesthetic awareness and an understanding of gesture, bodily expression, and basic unarmed combat.
THEA 2830. Fundamentals of Stage Combat. 2 Hours.
An introduction to the fundamental principles and practices of stage violence and choreographed fighting for the stage and film.
THEA 2840. Stage Management. 3 Hours.
An introduction to the principles and practices of stage management; an investigation into the role of the stage manager in theatre production.
THEA 2900. Play Analysis for Production. 3 Hours.
An introduction to reading and analyzing plays,with an overview of the major genres of dramatic literature and the impact of literary analysis on the work of the director, the actor, and the designer.
THEA 2999. Track Audtion. 0 Hours.
Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. A required non-credit course for all theatre students pursuing placement in either the Musical Theatre or Performance Tracks; the audition must be successfully completed prior to enrolling Upper Division Performance classes. If an unsatisfactory grade is earned, the course must be repeated until a satisfactory grade in received.
THEA 3020. Theatre Voice. 1 Hour.
Private instruction in musical theatre vocal techniques. May be repeated for credit.
THEA 3021. Sight Singing and Aural Training for Musical Theatre I. 1 Hour.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1000. Skills development in sight singing and aural training in relation to Musical Theatre performance.
THEA 3031. Sight Singing and Aural Training for Musical Theatre II. 1 Hour.
Prerequisite: THEA 3021. Advanced skills development in sight singing and aural training in relation of musical theatre.
THEA 3100. Directed Study. 1-9 Hours.
Individual instruction for enrichment of advanced majors in their areas of specialization. May be repeated for credit.
THEA 3200. Audition Techniques. 1 Hour.
Prerequisite: THEA 2800 or approval of Instructor. Theory, technique and application of auditions skills for the performer.
THEA 3300. Costume Construction. 2 Hours.
Introduction to the principles and theory of costume construction for professional theatre and dance, with practical experience in the basic elements of sewing.
THEA 3700. Play Analysis for Production. 3 Hours.
An overview of the major genres of dramatic literature with an emphasis on the impact of critical evaluation on the work of the director, the actor, and the designer.
THEA 3710. Theatre Performance. 1 Hour.
Application of performance techniques in approved VSU theat- rical productions. Selection by audition or approval of the instructor. May be repeated for credit.
THEA 3711. Laboratory Theatre Performance. 1 Hour.
Prerequisites: THEA 2800. The application of performance techniques in student-directed same work. Enrollment is by audition or permission of the instructor only.
THEA 3720. Theatre Production. 1 Hour.
Prerequisite: THEA 2750 and 2730 or permission of the instructor. Directed experience in technical theatre. Students will participate in the building of scenery or costumes or the hanging of lights for theatre productions. Course may be repeated for credit.
THEA 3725. Stage Management Practicum. 1 Hour.
Directed experience in stage management. Students will apply management techniques in approved VSU theatrical production. Course may be repeated for credit.
THEA 3730. Theatre Management Practicum. 1 Hour.
Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Directed experience in theatre management. Students will participate box office operations and generate publicity documents and playbills. Course may be repeated for credit.
THEA 3740. Theatre Management. 3 Hours.
An investigation of current approaches to theatrical produc- tion including budget preparation, financial management, audience engineering, and promotional techniques used in American commercial, nonprofit professional, educational, and community theatres.
THEA 3745. Front of House Management. 2 Hours.
A study of approaches to and procedures in box office management and house management, including performance settlements, cash handling procedures, and contracts.
THEA 3750. Costume History. 3 Hours.
A survey of costume from ancient Greek to modern times, with emphasis on historically significant theatrical periods.
THEA 3755. Period Décor for Theatre. 3 Hours.
A chronological study of trends and significant developments in décor, architecture, and furnishings for theatrical design.
THEA 3760. Lighting Design. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 1120 and THEA 2750. A study of lighting design in theatrical productions, including the use of color, composition and instrumentation.
THEA 3765. Sound Design. 3 Hours.
Prerequisites: THEA 1120 and THEA 2750. A study of sound design for theatre including design principles, media, and skills necessary for communicating and applying ideas and solutions.
THEA 3770. Costume Design. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 1120 and THEA 3750. An introduction to the principles and elements of design and their relation to stage costume. The student will learn how to communicate design choices both visually and verbally.
THEA 3780. Scene Design. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 1120 and THEA 2750. A study of scenic design through an exploration of design principles, art media, and skills necessary for communicating ideas and solutions with theatre artists.
THEA 3785. Theatre Design Practicum. 1-2 Hours.
Prerequisites: THEA 3760 or THEA 3770 or THEA 3780. Directed experience in design for theatre. Students act as Costume, Lighting, or Scenic Designer for a realized theatre production. Course may be repeated for credit.
THEA 3790. Computer-aided Drafting for the Theatre. 2 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 2750. An introduction to theatrical drafting procedures and skills using computer aided design software.
THEA 3795. Draping and Drafting for Costumes. 2 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 3300. An introduction to draping and drafting techniques used in costume construction. Students will work in both 2D and 3D methods to create garments, as well as learn industry standard techniques to prepare them to work professionally.
THEA 3800. Acting III. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 2800 and 2999 or permission of instructor. The advanced study of scene analysis, rehearsal techniques and audition preparation using material primarily from the Modern Theatre repertory with application of the study in performance situations.
THEA 3850. Acting for the Camera. 2 Hours.
Prerequisites: THEA 2800. The development of techniques required to act in front on the camera.
THEA 3880. Theatre History I. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 110 or permission of instructor. The study of the development of theatre from its origins up to the 18th century with emphasis on dramatic theory, play writing styles, theatrical production styles, physical theatres, and the impact of theatre on society.
THEA 3890. Theatre History II. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 1100 or permission of instructor. The study of the development of theatre from the 18th century to the present with emphasis on dramatic theory, play writing styles, theatrical production styles, physical theatres, and the impact of theatre on society.
THEA 3950. Fundamentals of Play Directing. 3 Hours.
Prerequisites: THEA 2750, 2800 and 3900. The study of the role of the director in theatrical production, including practical application of theories in class-room exercises.
THEA 4020. Advanced Theatre Voice. 1 Hour.
Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Instruction in advanced musical theatre vocal techniques, musical theatre styles, and musical theatre repertoire. May be repeated for credit.
THEA 4030. Special Topics in Theatre. 1-3 Hours.
The study of specific topics in theatre not covered in existing courses. May be repeated for credit if different topics are studied.
THEA 4270. Play Writing. 3 Hours.
An overview of the principles of writing for theatrical pro- duction with primary emphasis on the development of the structure for both one act and full length play scripts.
THEA 4730. Advanced Makeup Techniques. 2 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 2730 or permission of Instructor. Exploration of advanced theatrical makeup materials and techniques for developing character makeup and for masks.
THEA 4740. Theatre, Labor Relations, and the Law. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 3740. An overview of legal problems and procedures related to theatre, including profit and nonprofit corporations, contracts agreements, collective bargaining and federal law, federal and state regulations, and personnel policies.
THEA 4745. Fundraising in the Arts. 3 Hours.
A study of concepts, techniques, and theories of non-profit fundraising from government, foundations, corporations, and individuals. This course will examine the importance of stewardship, program evaluation and role of the borad and staff in developing and implementing effective fundraising strategies.
THEA 4760. Principles of Technical Theatre. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 2750. Advanced study of the principles and techniques of technical theatre needed to engineer and complete the requirements for theatrical productions, in- cluding rigging, welding, advanced construction technology, as well as special problems which arise in the execution of a set design.
THEA 4770. Scene Painting. 3 Hours.
An introduction to basic scene painting techniques, paint media, and materials.
THEA 4790. Theatre Portfolio and Resume Presentation. 2 Hours.
Prerequisite: Senior Standing with a major in Theatre or Dance. Assembly and presentation of a portfolio and resume for professional use in the field of theatre. The course is designed to assist the graduating student in preparation of materials needed for job placement or graduate school admission.
THEA 4800. Acting IV. 3 Hours.
Prerequisites: THEA 3800 and 2999 or permission of Instructor. The study of pre-modern acting styles and application of the styles in a series of class scene performances.
THEA 4810. Musical Theatre Technique. 2 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 2800 and THEA 3020, or permission of instructor. The advanced study of scene analysis, rehearsal techniques and audition preparation using materials from the Musical Theatre repertory with application of the study in performance situations.
THEA 4850. Applied Theatre. 3 Hours.
An examination of the theories and methodologies used by practitioners of applied theatre in their work with communities outside of traditional theatre.
THEA 4950. Advanced Directing. 2 Hours.
Prerequisite: THEA 3950. The study and application of various directing styles, aesthetics, theories, skills, and techniques from historical and contemporary practioners. The course will culminate in the workshop performance of a one-act play.
THEA 4970. Internship in Theatre. 3-9 Hours.
Prerequisite: Senior Standing. The placement of students in apprentice and intern positions in professional environments.
THEA 4980. Theatre Tour. 3 Hours.
The placement of students in touring positions conducted in a professionally oriented environment and involving the preparation and presentation of productions for regional and/or local audiences. This placement is to enlarge the student's professionalism. Admission to the tour is by audition only.