NURS 2700. Pathophysiology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: BIOL 2651 and BIOL 2652. A study of cellular concepts, organ systems, and holistic aspects of health and disease. The course relates normal body physiological function to pathological changes that occur as a result of disease, compensatory mechanisms made by the body, and adaptive lifestyles strategies. Integration of developmental and preventive aspects of health across the age continuum is included.

NURS 3102. Pharmacology in Nursing Practice. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Full admission to the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Safe dosage calculation and pharmacotherapy, including pharmacological and parenteral agents, actions, therapeutic benefits, side effects, client response, and nursing implications.

NURS 3103. Health Assessment Across the Lifespan. 4 Hours.

Prerequisite: Full admission to the College on Nursing and Health Sciences. Assessment of physical, psychosocial, functional, and environmental status. Focus is on health assessment of individuals across the lifespan. Concepts and techniques of assessment, including therapeutic communication, critical thinking, and interprofessional relationship, are introduced, practiced, and evaluated in the classroom and laboratory experiences.

NURS 3111. Nursing Care I: Health Promotion and Competencies. 8 Hours.

Prerequisite: Full admission status to College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Prerequisites or Corequisites: NURS 3103. Individual health promotion and illness prevention across the lifespan, includes an overview of nursing history, theory, education, research, and practice. Fundamental nursing skills and concepts, including medication administration skills, are introduced, practiced, and evaluated in the classroom, laboratory, and clinical setting.

NURS 3201. Professional Nursing Development I: Research and Evidence-Based Practice. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of all Junior I courses. Development of skills in reading, interpreting, and evaluating nursing and health care research to become knowledgeable consumers in evidence-based nursing practice. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodology research designs are studied as they apply to the development, dissemination, and utilization of research studies in the practice of professional nursing.

NURS 3202. Mental Health Nursing Care. 5 Hours.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of all Junior I courses. Evidence-based practice for the psychosocial care of self and other across the lifespan. Students actively engaged in an exploration of behavioral health issues, including ethical, legal, cultural, public policy, and safety issues. Clinical experiences within an interdisciplinary team are used to provide client-centered care.

NURS 3203. Nursing Care II: Acute Health Alterations. 7 Hours.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of all Junior I courses. The application and integration of holistic nursing care of clients with acute, physiologic health alterations. Content builds upon foundational concepts and basic nursing skills to care for adults and families. Clinical experiences within interdisciplinary teams provide the opportunity to assist clients to attain optimal health.

NURS 4114. Nursing Care III: Chronic and Multisystem Alterations. 7 Hours.

Prerequisites: NURS 3202 and NURS 3203. The application and integration of holistic nursing care of clients with chronic and multisystem, physiologic health alterations. Content builds upon concepts and nursing skills acquired in previous courses to care for adults and families. Clinical experiences within interdisciplinary teams provide the opportunity to assist clients to attain optimal health.

NURS 4124. Nursing Care of Women, Children, and Families. 8 Hours.

Prerequisites: NURS 3202 and NURS 3203. Nursing theories and skills related to culturally competent health promotion and maintenance for women, children, and families. Incorporates concepts of family-centered care, collaboration, patient safety, quality improvement, and informatics, utilizing and evidence-based practice approach. Clinical experiences provide opportunities to perform and evaluate nursing practice for women, children, and families.

NURS 4201. Community Health Nursing Care. 4 Hours.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of all Senior I courses. A study emphasizing holistic nursing care to promote and preserve the health of culturally diverse families, groups, and populations in the community. Clinical experiences provide opportunities to collaborate with community agencies to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate services.

NURS 4202. Professional Nursing Development II: Leadership and Management. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of all Senior I courses. Preparation for the transition from student to professional nurse, focusing on the development of leadership skills and the introduction of management concepts and competencies.

NURS 4224. Professional Nursing Practice. 8 Hours.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all Senior I courses. Prerequisites or Corequisites: Senior 2 courses. A comprehensive course combining directed conceptual review, professional nursing practice, and simulation to develop students' abilities to manage care for a group of clients that approximates a beginning professional nurse's workload.