Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts with a Major in English

Core Curriculum60
Core IMPACTS (See VSU Core Curriculum) 142
Core Curriculum Field of Study 1
ENGL 2060Introduction to Literature3
ENGL 2080Grammar and Style3
Select one of the following: 23
World Literature I: The Ancient World
World Literature II: The Age of Discovery
World Literature III: The Development of Modern Thought
Foreign Language and Culture equivalent to 2001 level 33-9
Select zero to six hours from the following:0-6
Introduction to the Visual Arts
Human Communication
Creative Writing for Non-Majors
World Literature I: The Ancient World
World Literature II: The Age of Discovery
World Literature III: The Development of Modern Thought
History of Civilization I
History of Civilization II
History of Civilization III
Music Appreciation
Fundamentals of Philosophy
Principles of Logic and Argumentation
Theatre Appreciation
Senior College Curriculum60
Select one of the following tracks:
Literature and Creative Writing
Journalism and Editing
Total hours required for the degree120

All core classes with an ENGL prefix (ENGL 1101, ENGL 1102, ENGL 2060, ENGL 2080, ENGL 2111, ENGL 2112, and ENGL 2113) must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.


Student may choose one of the above courses not taken in the Humanities area.


 3 hours will count in the Humanities area if student begins foreign language classwork at the 1001 level.

Literature and Creative Writing Track

Required courses39
ENGL 3060Introduction to Criticism and Theory (prerequisite or corequisite to all 4000-level courses)3
ENGL 3110British Literature I3
ENGL 3120British Literature II3
or ENGL 3125 Global Anglophone Literature
ENGL 3210American Literature I3
ENGL 3215American Literature II3
or ENGL 3235 Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States
ENGL 3400Introduction to Creative Writing3
ENGL 4900Senior Seminar3
Select one of the following writing-based courses:3
Professional Writing
Technical Writing and Editing
Writing for the Legal and Social Science Professions
Special Topics in Creative Writing
Narrative at Work
Survey of the History of Rhetoric
Advanced Professional Writing
Studies in Composition Theory
Any 3000- or 4000-level JOUR or LING course
Select one of the following diversity courses:3
Global Anglophone Literature
Studies in African American Literature
Special Topics in African American Literature
Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States
Studies in African Literature
Studies in Women and Literature
Topics in Diversity ((can be taken twice if offered under different subtitle and content))
Disabilities Literature
Queer Literature
Language in Society
Select two of the following Literature and Creative Writing courses:6
Postcolonial Literature
Special Topics in Literature
Studies in Major Writers
Studies in Poetry
Studies in Narrative
Studies in Drama
Studies in Criticism/Theory
Genre Form and Theory
Poetry Writing
Fiction Writing
Nonfiction Writing
Two ENGL literature or creative writing courses at the 3000-4000 level6
(Experiential Learning courses such as ENGL 4500 and ENGL 2500 may be counted toward these hours)
Minor and/or Elective Courses (must include at least 6 hours of courses numbered 3000 or above in a single discipline outside of ENGL)21
Total Hours60

Professional Practices: Writing, Editing, and Journalism Track

Required Courses 26
ENGL 3110British Literature I3
or ENGL 3120 British Literature II
ENGL 3210American Literature I3
or ENGL 3215 American Literature II
JOUR 3080Editing for Publications3
JOUR 3510News Writing3
JOUR 4500Document Design3
ENGL 3040Digital Writing3
ENGL 3010Professional Writing3
JOUR 3520Essential Reporting Skills1-2
ENGL 3400Introduction to Creative Writing3
Select one of the following paths:34
Writing for Professionals
Creative Genres
Total Hours60

Writing for Professionals

ENGL 3020Technical Writing and Editing3
ENGL 3030Writing for the Legal and Social Science Professions3
ENGL 4600Narrative at Work3
ENGL 4630Advanced Professional Writing3
Internship/Experiential Learning6
Internship in Journalism
Internship in English
Internship Preparation for Nonprofits
and College of Humanities and Social Sciences Internship
Upper-division Electives (3000- or 4000-level courses in a single discipline outside of JOUR or ENGL)6
General electives10


JOUR 3570Photojournalism3
JOUR 2500Journalism Newspaper Seminar2
JOUR 4520Literary Journalism3
ENGL 3070Freelance Writing1
Select two from the following:6
Contemporary American Magazines
Feature Writing
Introduction to Sportswriting
Internship/Experiential Learning6
Internship in Journalism
Internship in English
Internship Preparation for Nonprofits
and College of Humanities and Social Sciences Internship
Upper division electives (3000- or 4000-level courses in a single discipline outside of JOUR or ENGL)6
General electives7

Creative Genres

Select 12 hours of course work from the following:12
ENGL 4440Poetry Writing (May be repeated once)3
ENGL 4460Fiction Writing (May be repeated once)3
ENGL 4480Nonfiction Writing (May be repeated once)3
JOUR 4520Literary Journalism3
ENGL 3500Contemporary Literary Journals2
or JOUR 2510 Journalism Magazine Seminar
ENGL 3070Freelance Writing1
Internship/Experiential Learning6
Internship in Journalism
Internship in English
Internship Preparation for Nonprofits
and College of Humanities and Social Sciences Internship
Upper division electives (3000- or 4000-level courses in a single discipline outside of JOUR or ENGL)6
General electives7


ENGL 3000Advanced Descriptive English Grammar3
ENGL 3070Freelance Writing3
ENGL 4630Advanced Professional Writing3
LING 4160Language in Society3
Select at least two from the following:4
CWCL 2500Contemporary Literary Magazines: Revision, Editing, and Production1
JOUR 2500Journalism Newspaper Seminar1-2
JOUR 2510Journalism Magazine Seminar2
ENGL 4600Narrative at Work3
ENGL 4500Publishing Academic Journals3
Internship/Experiential Learning6
Internship in Journalism
Internship in English
Internship Preparation for Nonprofits
and College of Humanities and Social Sciences Internship
Upper Division Electives (3000- or 4000-level courses in a single discipline outside of JOUR or ENGL)6
General Electives8

Students should review the College of Humanities and Social Sciences requirements for completion of the B.A. degree.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts with a Major in English / Bachelor of Science in Education with a Major in Secondary Education--English

Core Curriculum60
Core Areas A-E (see VSU Core Curriculum)42
To complete the dual degree in 126 hours, students must take one foreign language course (1001 or 1002) in Area C (see notes below)
Area F Requirements (see notes below)
ENGL 2060Introduction to Literature3
ENGL 2080Grammar and Style3
Second course in Foreign Language3
SPEC 2000Serving Students with Diverse Needs3
EDUC 2120Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Diversity3
EDUC 2130Exploring Learning and Teaching3
EDUC 2999Teacher Education Requirements0
Senior College Curriculum66
Program Requirements for BA in English (Content Concentration)30
ENGL 3000Advanced Descriptive English Grammar3
ENGL 3060Introduction to Criticism and Theory3
ENGL 3110British Literature I3
ENGL 3120British Literature II3
or ENGL 3125 Global Anglophone Literature
ENGL 3210American Literature I3
ENGL 3215American Literature II3
or ENGL 3235 Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States
ENGL 3400Introduction to Creative Writing3
ENGL 4640Studies in Composition Theory3
Select two of the following Diversity courses:6
Global Anglophone Literature (if not taken above)
Studies in African American Literature
Special Topics in African American Literature
Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States (if not taken above)
Studies in African Literature
Studies in Women and Literature
Topics in Diversity (may be taken a second time when offered under a different subtitle and content)
Disabilities Literature
Queer Literature
Studies in British Literature since 1968
Program Requirements for the BSED in Secondary Education (Professional Courses)36
SEED 3020Introduction to Standards, Planning, and Assessment2
EDUC 3110Integrating Technology in Education2
MGED 3220Reading and Writing in the Content Areas for Middle Grades3
MGED 3990Development and Education of the Middle Grades Student3
SEED 3991Differentiated Instruction in Secondary Education3
SEED 4000Assessment for Secondary Education3
SEED 4400English/Language Arts Methods for Secondary Education3
SEED 4610Secondary Education Practicum I2
SEED 4620Secondary Education Practicum II3
SEED 4790Student Teaching in Secondary Education10
SEED 4800Professional Practices Seminar2
Total Hours Required for the Degree126


  • The English Education Track is for students who are pursuing the double major with Education. The English Education Track can be earned in 126 hours as long as participants take their first foreign language course in Area C and take ENGL 2060 and ENGL 2080 in Area F; otherwise, attaining the double major will require more than 126 hours.
  • Any English Education Track student who cannot gain acceptance into the education program or maintain program enrollment (because of low GACE scores or low GPA, for example) must switch to the English Track--B.A. Only, with its requirements of 9 hours in a single foreign language and 36 hours of ENGL courses at the 3xxx/4xxx level. 
  • The English Education track is for students who are pursuing the double major with education. Students who cannot gain acceptance into the education program or maintain program enrollment (because of low GACE scores or low GPA, for example) must switch to one of the other English tracks and fulfill the requirements for that track.
  • To complete both majors successfully, students must earn a minimum grade of "C" or better in all Area F, content concentration, and professional courses; earn an adjusted GPA of 3.0 or higher across all EDUC courses, upper division (3000-4000) ENGL/LING courses, and professional courses; and maintain an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher. Foreign language courses will not be included in the adjusted GPA requirement.