Dr. Sheri R. Noviello, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
1013 West Hall

Core Curriculum of the University System of Georgia (USG)

The University System of Georgia (USG) is a composite of diverse institutions that require systemwide coherence to facilitate success for students. To achieve these ends, the USG has outlined a Core IMPACTS curriculum that will serve as a guide for institutions to develop and refine course selections that will enable students to meet the Learning Outcomes and Career-Ready Competencies for each Core IMPACTS area.

Systemwide Learning Outcomes and Career-Ready Competencies have been established for each Core IMPACTS area. To be included in a Core IMPACTS area, courses must address the approved Learning Outcomes and Career-Ready Competencies for that area.

Every institution in the University System of Georgia will have Core IMPACTS of precisely 42 semester hours and a Field of Study area of precisely 18 hours. All students must meet the Core IMPACTS requirements of the institutions from which they receive their degrees.

There are seven Core IMPACTS areas. IMPACTS is a mnemonic for the core curriculum. The core curriculum also includes the field of study area.

Area Name Description
Institutional Priority (Institution) Courses that address learning outcomes of priorities chosen by the institution
Mathematics and Quantitative Skills (Mathematics) Courses that address learning outcomes in quantitative reasoning
Political Science and US History (Citizenship) Courses that address learning outcomes related to citizenship in political science and history
Arts, Humanities, and Ethics (Humanities) Courses that address learning outcomes in humanities, fine arts, and ethics
Communicating in Writing (Writing) Courses that address learning outcomes in writing in English
Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences (STEM) Courses that address learning outcomes in the natural sciences, mathematics, and technology
Social Sciences (Social Sciences) Courses that address learning outcomes in the social sciences
Field of Study Lower division courses required by the degree program that are prerequisites to major courses at higher levels.

VSU Core Curriculum (60 Semester Hours Required)

Descriptions of the courses in the Core Curriculum are found in the Courses of Instruction section, listed in alphabetical order by course prefix.

Any additional hours selected in the Core Curriculum by the student may be counted as electives in the major program, if allowed by the major program.

All students must meet VSU’s core requirements in order to receive a degree from Valdosta State University.

Institutional Priority

Learning Goal:

Students will demonstrate the ability to think critically and solve problems related to academic priorities at their institution.

Orienting Question: 

How does my institution help me to navigate the world?

Career-ready Competencies:

Critical thinking, Team work, Time management.

Courses in Institutional Priorities : 4-5 semester hours
For non-STEM/non-nursing majors, 5 hours; for STEM/nursing majors, 4 hours

This area is satisfied by completing Academic Perspectives on Inquiry (INQR) courses offered in the following areas:

  • Academic Perspectives on Inquiry:  Business and Education
  • Academic Perspectives on Inquiry:  Exploratory
  • Academic Perspectives on Inquiry:  Humanities, Arts and Design, and Communication Studies
  • Academic Perspectives on Inquiry:  Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Academic Perspectives on Inquiry:  STEM and Health Professions

Mathematics and Quantitative Skills

Learning Goal:

Students will apply mathematical and computational knowledge to interpret, evaluate, and communicate quantitative information using verbal, numerical, graphical, or symbolic forms.

Orienting Question:

How do I measure the world?

Career-ready Competencies:

Information literacy, Inquiry and analysis, Problem-solving

Courses in Mathematics and Quantitative Skills: 3 semester hours

Select one of the following:3
Quantitative Reasoning
Introduction to Mathematical Modeling
College Algebra
Precalculus (*)
Honors Precalculus
Elementary Statistics
Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
Total Hours3

NOTE: MATH 1113 or MATH 1113H (or higher) is required of all students majoring in (or intending to transfer within the University System with a major in) architecture, astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering technology, geology, geography (B.S.), forestry, pharmacy, mathematics, physical therapy, physics, or secondary education (biology, chemistry, mathematics, or physics). MATH 2261 (or higher) is required of all students intending to transfer within the University System with a major in engineering.

Political Science and U.S. History

Learning Goal:

Students will demonstrate knowledge of the history of the United States, the history of Georgia, and the provisions and principles of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Georgia.

Orienting Question:

How do I prepare for my responsibilities as an engaged citizen?

Career-ready Competencies:

Critical thinking, Intercultural competence, Persuasion 

Courses in Political Science and US History: 6 semester hours

POLS 1101American Government3
or POLS 1101H Honors American Government
Select one of the following:3
United States History to 1865
Honors United States History to 1865
United States History since 1865
Honors United States History Since 1865
Total Hours6

Arts, Humanities, and Ethics

Learning Goal:

Students will effectively analyze and interpret the meaning, cultural significance, and ethical implications of literary/philosophical texts or of works in the visual/performing arts.

Orienting Question:

How do I interpret the human experience through creative, linguistic, and philosophical works?

Career-ready Competencies:

Ethical reasoning, Information literacy, Intercultural competence

Courses in Arts, Humanities, and Ethics: 6 semester hours

Select one of the following:3
World Literature I: The Ancient World
Honors World Literature I: The Ancient World
World Literature II: The Age of Discovery
Honors World Literature II: The Age of Discovery
World Literature III: The Development of Modern Thought
Honor World Literature III: The Development of Modern Thought
Select one of the following:
ARAB 1001Beginning Arabic Language and Introduction to Arabic Culture I3
ARAB 1002Beginning Arabic Language and Introduction to Arabic Culture II3
ARAB 2001Intermediate Arabic Language and Culture I3
ARAB 2002Intermediate Arabic Language and Culture II3
ART 1100Introduction to the Visual Arts3
or ART 1100H Honors Introduction to the Visual Arts
COMM 1100Human Communication3
COMM 1110Public Speaking3
DANC 1500Introduction to Dance3
ENGL 2111World Literature I: The Ancient World3
or ENGL 2111H Honors World Literature I: The Ancient World
ENGL 2112World Literature II: The Age of Discovery3
or ENGL 2112H Honors World Literature II: The Age of Discovery
ENGL 2113World Literature III: The Development of Modern Thought3
or ENGL 2113H Honor World Literature III: The Development of Modern Thought
FREN 1001Beginning French Language and Introduction to Francophone Cultures, I3
FREN 1002Beginning French Language and Introduction to Francophone Cultures, II3
FREN 2001Intermediate French Language & Francophone Cultures, I3
FREN 2002Intermediate French Language & Francophone Cultures, II3
GRMN 1001Beginning German Language and Introduction to German Culture, I3
GRMN 1002Beginning German Language and Introduction to German Culture, II3
GRMN 2001Intermediate German Language and German Culture, I3
GRMN 2002Intermediate German Language and Culture, II3
JAPN 1001Beginning Japanese Language and Introduction to Japanese Culture I3
JAPN 1002Beginning Japanese Language and Introduction to Japanese Culture II3
JAPN 2001Intermediate Japanese Language and Japanese Culture I3
JAPN 2002Intermediate Japanese Language and Japanese Culture II3
LATN 1001Beginning Latin Language and Introduction to Roman Culture I3
LATN 1002Beginning Latin Language and Introduction to Roman Culture II3
LATN 2001Intermediate Latin Language and Roman Culture3
LATN 2002Fundamentals of Roman Literature and Roman Culture3
MDIA 2000Introduction to Mass Media3
MUSC 1100Music Appreciation3
MUSC 1120Music Appreciation: American Popular Music3
MUSC 1130Music Appreciation: Jazz3
PHIL 2010Fundamentals of Philosophy3
or PHIL 2010H Honors Fundamentals of Philosophy
REL 2020World Religions3
RUSS 1001Beginning Russian Language and Introduction to Russian Culture I3
RUSS 1002Beginning Russian Language and Introduction to Russian Culture II3
RUSS 2001Intermediate Russian Language and Russian Culture I3
RUSS 2002Intermediate Russian Language and Russian Culture II3
SPAN 1001Beginning Spanish Language and Introduction to Hispanic Cultures, I3
SPAN 1002Beginning Spanish Language and Introduction to Hispanic Cultures, II3
SPAN 2001Intermediate Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures I3
SPAN 2002Intermediate Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures II3
THEA 1100Theatre Appreciation3
Total Hours6

Communicating in Writing

Learning Goal:

Students will communicate effectively in writing, demonstrating clear organization and structure, using appropriate grammar and writing conventions.
Students will appropriately acknowledge the use of materials from original sources.
Students will adapt their written communications to purpose and audience.
Students will analyze and draw informed inferences from written texts.

Orienting Question:

How do I write effectively in different contexts?

Career-ready Competencies:

Critical thinking, Information literacy, Persuasion

Courses in Communication in Writing :  6 semester hours

ENGL 1101Composition I3
or ENGL 1101H Honors Composition I
ENGL 1102Composition II3
or ENGL 1102H Honors Composition II
Total Hours6

Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences

Learning Goal:

Students will use the scientific method and laboratory procedures or mathematical and computational methods to analyze data, solve problems, and explain natural phenomena.

Orienting Question:

How do I ask scientific questions or use data, mathematics, or technology to understand the universe?

Career-ready Competencies:

Inquiry and analysis, Problem-solving, Team work

Courses in Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences 1 : 10 semester hours

Select one of the following:4
Astronomy of the Solar System
Stellar and Galactic Astronomy
Introduction to Biology: The Evolution and Diversity of Life
and Biodiversity Lab
Introduction to Biology: Organismal Biology
and Organismal Biology Lab
Honors Biology: Cellular Processes
Honors Biology: The Evolution and Diversity of Life
Chemistry for World Citizens
and Chemistry for World Citizens Laboratory
Survey of Chemistry I
Survey of Chemistry II
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory I
Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory II
Introduction to Weather and Climate
Introduction to Land Forms
Principles of Physical Geology
Principles of Historical Geology
Introductory Physics I
Introductory Physics II
Principles of Physics I
Principles of Physics II
Select two of the following:6
Introduction to the Universe
Human Biology
Conservation Biology
Chemistry for World Citizens
Introduction to Data Science
Technological Problem Solving
Health Geography and Pandemics
Our Hazardous Environment
Resources, Society, and Environment
Our Hazardous Environment
Survey of Calculus I
Elementary Statistics
Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
The Universe of Energy
Total Hours10

Courses in Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences 2.a: 

Required of majors in astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, environmental geosciences, mathematics, physics, secondary biology education, secondary chemistry education, secondary mathematics education, secondary earth and space science education, secondary physics education, and all students in the Engineering Studies program.

Mathematics, above the level taken for Mathematics and Quantitative Skills:  3 hours

Biology Majors
Select one of the following:3
Elementary Statistics
Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
All Other Science or Mathematics Majors
Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (The additional hour of calculus [MATH 2261 and MATH 2262] counts in the Core Field of Study or in the major.)
Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
Total Hours3

Science (for all students listed above):  8 hours

Select two of the following:8
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory I
Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory II
Principles of Biology I
and Principles of Biology Laboratory I
Principles of Biology II
and Principles of Biology Laboratory II
Introductory Physics I
Introductory Physics II
Principles of Physics I
Principles of Physics II
Total Hours8

Courses in Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences 2.b

Required of nursing majors

Select two semester laboratory sequences from the following:8
Introductory Physics I
and Introductory Physics II
Principles of Physics I
and Principles of Physics II
Survey of Chemistry I
and Survey of Chemistry II
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory I
and Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory II
Introduction to Biology: The Evolution and Diversity of Life
and Biodiversity Lab
and Introduction to Biology: Organismal Biology
and Organismal Biology Lab
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to the Universe
Astronomy of the Solar System
Stellar and Galactic Astronomy
Introduction to Biology: The Evolution and Diversity of Life
and Biodiversity Lab
Introduction to Biology: Organismal Biology
and Organismal Biology Lab
Human Biology
Conservation Biology
Chemistry for World Citizens
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory I
Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory II
Our Hazardous Environment
Health Geography and Pandemics
Introduction to Weather and Climate
Introduction to Land Forms
Resources, Society, and Environment
Our Hazardous Environment
Principles of Physical Geology
Principles of Historical Geology
Introductory Physics I
Introductory Physics II
Principles of Physics I
Principles of Physics II
Technological Problem Solving
Elementary Statistics
Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
The Universe of Energy
Total Hours11

Social Sciences

Learning Goal:

Students will effectively analyze the complexity of human behavior, and how historical, economic, political, social, or geographic relationships develop, persist, or change.

Orienting Question:

How do I understand human experiences and connections?

Career-ready Competencies:

Intercultural competence, Perspective-taking, Persuasion

Courses in Social Sciences: 6 semester hours    

Select two from the following:6
Race, Class, and Gender
Introduction to Anthropology
Introduction to Anthropology, Honors
Survey of Economics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Introduction to Geography
Introduction to Human Geography
World Regional Geography
Geographic Perspectives on Multiculturalism in the U.S.
History of Civilization I
Honors History of Civilization I
History of Civilization II
Honors History of Civilization II
History of Civilization III
Honors History of Civilization III
Foundations of Consumer Culture
Introduction to Political Science
Introduction to Global Issues
Honors Introduction to Global Issues
Current Issues in American Politics
Introduction to General Psychology
Introduction to General Psychology Honors
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Sociology, Honors
Introduction to Social Problems
Total Hours6

Field of Study area: Courses Appropriate to the Major: 18 semester hours

Requirements vary according to the major program. 

See the requirements for the Core Field of Study area in the departmental section of your major.

eCore® and VSU’s Core Curriculum

Valdosta State University is an affiliate institution in eCore®, Georgia’s College Core Curriculum Online. The eCore® are core curriculum classes taught via GeorgiaVIEW and are designed for students who desire the flexibility and convenience of online learning. Core classes are typically those classes required during the first two years of a college degree. All these courses meet the learning outcomes designated for their specific areas. For more information about eCore®, click here

eCore® VSU Equivalent

Communicating in Writing 

eCoreVSU Equivalent
ENGL 1101: English Composition IENGL 1101: English Composition I
ENGL 1102: English Composition IIENGL 1102: English Composition II

Mathematics and Quantitative Skills

eCoreVSU Equivalent
MATH 1101: Intro to Mathematical ModelingMATH 1101: Intro to Mathematical Modeling
MATH 1111: College AlgebraMATH 1111: College Algebra
MATH 1113: Pre-calculusMATH 1113: Pre-calculus
MATH 1501: Calculus IMATH 1501: Calculus I

Arts, Humanities, and Ethics

eCoreVSU Equivalent
ARTS 1100: Art AppreciationART 1100: Introduction to the Visual Arts
COMM 1100: Human CommunicationCOMM 1100: Human Communication
ENGL 2111: World Literature IENGL 2111: World Lit I:The Ancient World
ENGL 2112: World Literature IIENGL: 2112: World Lit II: The Age of Discovery
ENGL 2131: American Literature Ino direct VSU equivalent, but satisfies Arts, Humanities, and Ethics lit requirement
ENGL 2132: American Literature IIno direct VSU equivalent, but satisfies Arts, Humanities, and Ethics lit requirement
MUSC 1100: Music AppreciationMUSC 1100: Music Appreciation
PHIL 2010: Introduction to PhilosophyPHIL 2010: Fundamentals of Philosophy
SPAN 2001: Intermediate Spanish ISPAN 2001: Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2002: Intermediate Spanish IISPAN 2002: Intermediate Spanish II
THEA 1100: Theatre AppreciationTHEA 1100: Theatre Appreciation

Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences

eCoreVSU Equivalent
ENVS 2202: Environmental Scienceno direct VSU equivalent, but accepted as elective
BIOL 1011K: Introductory Biol I with Labno direct VSU equivalent, but satisfies lab science
BIOL 1012K: Introductory Biol 2 with LabBIOL 1010: Introduction to Biology: The Evolution and Diversity of Life *AND* BIOL 1020L: Biodiversity Lab
CHEM 1211K: Principles of Chemistry I and LabCHEM 1211K: Principles of Chemistry I *AND* CHEM 1211L
CHEM 1212K: Principles of Chemistry II and LabCHEM 1212K: Principles of Chemistry II *AND* CHEM 1212L
CSCI 1301: Computer Science I CS 1301: Principles of Programming I Accepted in Field of Study for B.S. in Computer Science & Computer Information Systems. Other majors may count it as an elective
DATA 1501: Introduction to Data ScienceDATA 1501: Introduction to Data Science
GEOL 1121K: Introductory Geosciences IGEOL 1121K: Principles of Physical Geology
PHYS 2211K: Principles of Physics IPHYS 2211K: Principles of Physics I
PHYS 2212K: Principles of Physics II and LabPHYS 2212K: Principles of Physics II
MATH 1001: Quantitative ReasoningMATH 1001: Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 1401: Elementary StatisticsMATH 1401: Elementary Statistics

Political Science and U.S. History

eCoreVSU Equivalent
POLS 1101: American GovernmentPOLS 1101: American Government
HIST 2111: United States History IHIST 2111: United States History to 1865
HIST 2112: United States History IIHIST 2112: United States History since 1865

Social Sciences

eCoreVSU Equivalent
ANTH 1102: Introduction to AnthropologyANTH 1102: Introduction to Anthropology
ECON 2105: Principles of MacroeconomicsECON 2105: Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106: Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2106: Principles of Microeconomics. Accepted in Field of Study for B.B.A. majors. Other majors may count it as an elective.
HIST 1111: World History IHIST 1011: History of Civilization I
HIST 1112: World History IIno direct VSU equivalent, but accepted as Social Sciences elective
PSYC 1101: Intro to General PsychologyPSYC 1101: Introduction to General Psychology
SOCI 1101: Introduction to SociologySOCI 1101: Introduction to Sociology