Collaborative Online Education Programs

Selected Educational Outcomes

  1. Candidates know the content that they plan to teach and can explain important principles and concepts delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards.
  2. Candidates understand the relationship of content and content specific pedagogy and have a broad knowledge of instructional strategies that draws upon content and pedagogical knowledge and skills delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards to help all students learn.
  3. Candidates assess and analyze student learning, make appropriate adjustments to instruction, monitor student learning, and have a positive effect on learning for all students.

Examples of Outcome Assessments

  1. Candidates will demonstrate content knowledge through passing the state-required content assessment.
  2. Candidates will demonstrate pedagogical content knowledge and knowledge of evidence-based strategies through development of lesson plans identifying use of research-validated procedures and effective content pedagogy.
  3. Candidates will demonstrate skills in assessment, instructional strategies, use of technology, and monitoring and modifying instruction during observed teaching episodes evaluated by their mentor teacher and a university supervisor.
  4. Candidates will demonstrate their ability to positively impact P-12 learning through documents, which may include teacher work samples and a capstone project.

Admission Deadlines

Check the website for admission deadlines and application form.

Go to the Graduate School website for admission requirements and program information.

Special Requirements: Candidates will be required to complete coursework each enrolled semester that will require a minimum amount of time in a classroom setting with students who have special needs appropriate to the candidates’ selected area of certification.

In order to pursue Special Education Deaf Education certification, applicants must have been admitted under this concentration and met the ASLPI score minimum.

NOTE: Out-of-state applicants are strongly encouraged to confirm that this program complies with the requirements of their respective state educator licensing agency prior to applying. It is the applicant's responsibility to determine if there are additional requirements for educator certification by the respective agency.

Requirements for the Online M.A.T. Degree with a Major in Special Education

Core Courses24
SPEC 6000Classroom Management in Special Education3
SPEC 7000Serving Students with Diverse Needs3
SPEC 6010Individualized Education Program (IEP)3
SPEC 6020Assessment and Learning3
SPEC 6070Behavior Management Support3
SPEC 6080Instructional Planning and Teaching Methods3
SPEC 6790Internship/Clinical Practice in Teaching6
Area of Concentration12
Select one of the following:
Special Education General Curriculum (P-12)
SERD 6030Teaching Children to Read3
SEGC 6040Technological Support Planning for Children and Youth with Disabilities3
SEGC 6050Language and Learning Disabilities3
SEGC 5140Collaborative Roles in Education3
Special Education Deaf Education (P-12) Certification *
DEAF 6100Deaf Education and Language Learning3
DEAF 6020Audiological Considerations and Auditory/Oral Methods for Teachers of the Deaf3
DEAF 5370Teaching Thinking Skills3
DEAF 5310Methods of Teaching Reading and Writing to Deaf Students3
Total Hours Required for the Degree36

* In order to pursue Special Education Deaf Education certification, applicants must have been admitted under this concentration and met the ASLP score minimum.

NOTE: SPEC 7000 can be waived if applicants provide evidence of meeting the Georgia Professional Standards Commission's Special Education Requirement (Georgia House Bill 671).

Students must hold a Pre-Service Certificate or other approved certificate as well as professional liability insurance prior to progressing into their second semester of the program.

Prior to completion of the M.A.T. and recommendation for initial certification, the following additional requirements must be met: Applicant must pass aligned certification field: GACE Special Education General Curriculum Tests: Test I (081) and Test II (082) or Special Education Deaf Education: Test I (085) and Test II (086).