Dr. Heather Kelley, Head
2002B Health Sciences and Business Administration Building

The department offers the M.S. degree with a concentration in clinical/counseling psychology or in industrial/organizational psychology. Graduates are prepared to perform services in mental health settings, businesses, community colleges, government or industries that require graduate training in psychology at the subdoctoral level.

The department also offers programs leading to the M.Ed. and Ed.S. degrees with a major in school counseling. These programs train and endorse program graduates specifically for employment in the public school setting and community. Students in these programs are required to satisfy all Georgia Professional Standards Commission requirements for certification as a component part of the degree programs. These programs are approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission, and the College of Education is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). The school counseling programs are approved by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).

Department faculty instruct courses and serve on doctoral committees for students enrolled in the College of Education doctoral programs. All department faculty hold the doctorate. Information concerning these programs, their admission requirements (which differ by degree program), continuing education, and other services offered by the department can be obtained by contacting the department.

The Marriage and Family Therapy Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Training and Education (COAMFTE) of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT).

The Department also offers the Master of Social Work degree. Social Work is a profession committed to improving the quality of life for all individuals. Social workers perform a variety of roles in many settings and are eligible for professional certification and state licensure. The Master of Social Work degree program at Valdosta State University is designed to prepare students for advanced generalist practice. Social workers in advanced generalist practice use their skills as direct service providers in interventions with individuals, families, groups, organizations, as well as in communities in the role of supervisors, managers, administrators, researchers, and social planners.


COUN 7010. Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: COUN 7800. Development of school counseling programs that establish the school counseling program as an integral component of the academic mission of the school, ensure equitable access to school counseling for all students, identify the knowledge and skills that all students acquire as a result of P-12 school counseling programs, and ensure that the comprehensive school counseling program is delivered in a systematic fashion to all students.

COUN 7020. Principles of Learning and Classroom Management. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: RSCH 7100. This course is designed to aid the in-service educator in predicting, understanding, and controlling the fundamental principles of learning and human development as they apply to schools. The emphasis is on studying the variables shown to affect students and educators in the teaching/learning process with particular attention to classroom management and current research findings.

COUN 7030. Measurement and Evaluation. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: RSCH 7100. An overview of issues related to assessment, measurement, and evaluation in counseling settings, including supervised experience in instrument selection, use, and outcomes analysis.

COUN 7050. Expressive Arts in Counseling. 3 Hours.

An examination of the history, rationale, and practice of expressive arts in counseling. The course will enhance student knowledge and skill in expressive arts techniques, with a focus on multicultural perspectives for a variety of populations. Students will also learn how to incorporate expressive arts into various counseling theoretical orientations.

COUN 7200. Psychopathology and Diagnosis. 3 Hours.

Overview of formal psychopathology classification systems across the life span with emphasis on the integration of multivariate empirical approaches, and medical and psychological models. The course is designed to familiarize students with evolving information such as criterion, comorbidity rates, and issues of differential diagnosis accrued from the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, and the developmental psychopathology literature. Case studies will be used to illustrate diagnostic issues.

COUN 7400. Counseling Theory and Practice. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to Graduate Program in Department. Introduction to major theoretical approaches to counseling and development. Theories of personality and the causes of mental illness and emotional distress will be reviewed as frameworks for intervention. Specific case examples will illustrate applications of theory to professional practices.

COUN 7420. Counseling Children and Adolescents. 3 Hours.

Also offered as PSYC 7420. Prerequisite: SCHC 7400. Theories, methdos, and techniques of psychotherapy with children. Emphasis will be placed on a multidimensional view of intervention with children, fiving attention to developmental, cognitive, behavioral, affective, organic, educational, social, and environmental issues.

COUN 7430. Ethics and Professional Issues in Counseling. 3 Hours.

An examination of the professional, ethical, and legal concerns of school and clinical counselors with an emphasis on ethical and legal standards of practice.

COUN 7450. Group Counseling. 3 Hours.

Also offered as PSYC 7450. Prerequisite: SCHC 7400. Group dynamics and their importance in the counseling process and counseling outcome are studied. Emphasis is given to the application of various counseling and psycho therapeutic approaches within the group setting.

COUN 7470. Counseling Culturally Diverse Populations. 3 Hours.

Also offered as PSYC 7470. Prerequisite: COUN 7400. Survey of the cultural context of relationships, issues, and trends in a multicultural and diverse society. Emphasis placed on a knowledge base related to theory, techniques and skills utilized in working with culturally diverse populations.

COUN 7800. Orientation to Counseling as a Profession. 3 Hours.

An orientation to the field of counseling. The assumptions, theories, strategies, applications, and ethical and legal considerations related to development in counseling are studied. The core requirements and multicultural competencies necessary to becoming a counselor, the various employment opportunities and settings in the counseling profession, and the roles and functions of counselors in these settings are emphasized. Threaded throughout the course will be the concept of the counselor as social change agent and advocate for clients, the community, and the counseling profession.

COUN 7820. Career Counseling. 3 Hours.

An introduction to the theories of career choice and to human development processes which influence career choice. Emphasis is placed on the nature and use of educational and occupational information in assisting individuals to explore the world of work and develop meaningful career plans. The course includes lab experiences consisting of administering scoring and interpreting career inventories. Students also learn about computer-assisted career development including the Georgia Career Information System. Open as an elective to all graduate majors.

COUN 7830. Consultation and Advocacy in School Counseling. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: COUN 7010. Emphasis is placed on skills and competencies in the areas of consultation and advocacy that allow the student to function effectively as a counsultant in the school system and as an advocate for all students.

COUN 7850. Clinical Mental Health Counseling. 3 Hours.

An introduction and historical overview of the clinical mental health counseling profession. Roles and functions of clinical mental health counselors across various settings and services will be explored. Current trends, professional issues, ethical codes, preparations standards, and licensing processes will be examined.

COUN 7890. Issues in Mental Health Counseling. 3 Hours.

An examination of selected issues related to clinical mental health counseling including but not limited to the following: preparation standards related to clinical mental health counseling, advocacy and consultation, crisis intervention, private practice, spitituality in counseling, treatment planning, and family counseling.

COUN 7900. Counseling Skills and Techniques. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: COUN 7400. Advanced course in counseling and psychotherapeutic approaches emphasizing skill development. Extensive role playing in dyads and groups will be critiqued. Basic attending, empathy, and relationship skills will be emphasized as well as specific techniques such as desensitization, contracting, and role reversal.

COUN 7930. College and Career Development. 3 Hours.

Examination of the college and career development and planning process with a focus on current career counseling interventions at the P-12 and college levels. This course explores current issues facing counselors in the college and career advising process as well as career counseling for special student populations.

COUN 7950. Assessment in Counseling. 3 Hours.

A comprehensive introduction to assessment in counseling including basic assessment principles and specific assessment methods (i.g., initial assessments, intelligence testing, achievement/aptitude assessment, personality appraisal, and behavioral assessment). This course places an emphasis on selecting, administering, scoring and communicating.

COUN 7981. Practicum. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: COUN 7900.

COUN 7991. Internship I. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: COUN 7981 and Graduate Standing.

COUN 7992. Internship II. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: COUN 7981 and Graduate Standing.

COUN 8200. Child Psychopathology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate School. An intensive study of formal psychopathology classification of infants, children, and adolescents with emphasis on multivariate or empirical approaches, medical models, and an integration of both. The course is designed to familiarize students with evolving information such as criteria, co-morbidity rates, and differential issues accrued from the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, developmental psychopathology literature, and research related to public laws governing special education.

COUN 8250. Developmental Psychology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: RSCH 7100. A study of life span developmental problems, milestones, achievements, and social influences from a psychological perspective. Topics will include, but not be limited to, theory research methods, biosocial influences, cognition, language, motivation, personality, and socialization processes.

COUN 8610. Behavior Modification. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: Advanced Standing. The study of changes in human motivation, adjustment, and achievement as a functions of the systemic application of principles derived from operant, respondent, and social learning theories. The student will be trained in defining, observing, and recording behavior in various environments. Techniques of behavior therapy will be illustrated. Although there is an applied emphasis, a general knowledge of learning theory is recommended.

COUN 8892. Special Topics Seminar. 3 Hours.

A study of issues of topical importance in the counseling field. Topics will change depending on current events and professional issues.

Marriage and Family Therapy

MFTH 6700. Family Sociology. 3 Hours.

The social context of contemporary issues facing families. Including family history, cross-cultural issues, and research and theory regarding changing gender roles, family violence and abuse, divorce, single-parenting, work families, sexual orientation, non-traditional families, and other relevant issues.

MFTH 6800. Relational Theory, Practice, and Ethics. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the basic epistemological theories and practices in marriage and family therapy, history of the field and current developments, and the ethics and values associated with a systemic orientation to change. Implications for practice are emphasized.

MFTH 6900. Foundations of Family Therapy. 3 Hours.

Introduction to postmodern theory and social constructionism. The course will focus on understanding human interaction, meaning making, and problem resolution through both relational and narrative lenses. Students will explore the relationship between meaning, language, stories, and cultural discourses.

MFTH 6990. Supervisor's Training in Marriage and Family Therapy. 3 Hours.

Limited to graduate students who already hold the master's degree and are pursuing the status of "Supervisor in Train- ing" through the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. (Graded on S/U basis). Offered on an individual basis, readings of supervision, supervision styles, systemic family therapy, and ethics for supervision will be explored.

MFTH 7050. Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: MFTH 6800. An in-depth study of the skills, sensitivities, and theoretical ideas needed by family therapists to encounter otherness and navigate the interface between professional responsibilities, ethics, social justice, and the social and political context of treatment. Implications for practice are emphasized.

MFTH 7101. Family Systems Theories. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: MFTH 6800. An in-depth study of family systems theory. Emphasis on the major schools of thought included in a systems analysis of the family and current issues and ideas within family systems discourse.

MFTH 7102. Interventions in MFT. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: MFTH 6800. A review of the various intervention techniques employed by the major theoretical approaches to MFT. Emphasis on skill development, video and role-play demonstrations, and linking practice to theory and appropriate treatment goals.

MFTH 7103. Advanced Theories Seminar. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: MFTH 7102. A series of seminars that allow students to develop in depth understanding of at least two theoretical approaches to MFT. Examples of offerings include structural/strategic, experiential, family of origin, narrative/constructivism, feminist, solution-oriented. May be repeated.

MFTH 7200. Research in Marriage and Family Therapy. 3 Hours.

An examination of the various concepts and theories used in marriage and family therapy research. Outcome research will be emphasized. Students will be expected to complete a major project demonstrating their ability to perform research in family therapy.

MFTH 7350. Legal Issues in MFT. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite; MFTH 6800. Legal responsibilities and liabilities in the practice of family therapy. Addresses issues such as limits to confidentiality, therapist liability, and client privilege. Includes working with the legal system and relevant aspects of family law.

MFTH 7400. Psychopathology & Pharmacology in MFT. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: MFTH 6800. Legal responsibilities and liabilities in the practice of family therapy. Addresses issues such as limits to confidentiality, therapist liability, and client privilege. Includes working with the legal system and relevant aspects of family law.

MFTH 7500. Development in the Family System. 3 Hours.

Human growth and development within the family system. Includes theories of individual development, developmental tasks over the family life cycle, normative and non-normative change, processes of divorce and remarriage, and social, economic, and ethnic influences on the family life cycle. Implications for practice are emphasized.

MFTH 7510. Human Sexuality and Gender. 3 Hours.

The cultural, social, physical, psychological, and interpersonal aspects of human sexuality and gender. Includes gender role socialization and the development of gendered identities, sexual functioning and attraction, sexual orientation, and problems related to sex and gender.

MFTH 7550. Family Stress and Crisis. 3 Hours.

Understanding normative and catastrophic stress, trauma, and crisis across the lifespan from a family systems perspective. Focus on approaches to preventions and intervention with families, agencies, and communities.

MFTH 7600. Practicum in Marriage and Family Therapy. 6 Hours.

Prerequisite: MFTH 7102 and approval of the MFT Faculty. Co-requisite: MFTH 7350. Supervised experience in the practice of marriage and family therapy. Includes practice and live supervision at the MFT Training Clinic as well as experience in community placements. Requires a minimum of 20 hours per week. Must be taken three successive semesters for a total of 500 hours of direct client contact.

MFTH 7601. Treatment Issues in Family Therapy. 3 Hours.

A review of the predominant treatment modalities used by family therapists when treating families in crisis. Emphasis will be placed on intervention issues surrounding family violence, sexual coercion, and the role of the conflict.

MFTH 7602. Couples and Sex Therapy. 3 Hours.

A review of those theories, specific therapies, and research studies applied to couples with an emphasis on the marital dyad.

MFTH 7650. Special Topics in MFT. 1-3 Hours.

A rotating series of seminars addressing important contemporary issues in the field of marriage and family therapy. Examples of topics include working with children, working with adolescents, spirituality, family violence, and substance abuse. May be repeated for credit.

MFTH 7700. Assessment in Marriage and Family Therapy.. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: MFTH 7101 and MFTH 7500. How to assess family processes within a developmental context. Models for assessing family functioning and use of individual and family assessment instruments will be included.

MFTH 7880. Professional Ethics Seminar. 1 Hour.

Addresses professional issues in the workplace. Includes marketing oneself, politics of the workplace, professional licensure and clinical membership, working in interdisciplinary teams, professional wellness, and the ethics, values, and decision-making associated with current practice issues.

MFTH 7980. Internship in Marriage and Family Therapy. 1-5 Hours.

Prerequisite: MFTH 7600. Supervised experience in the practice of marriage and family therapy in a community placement. Requires enough direct contact hours additional to practicum to total 500 before graduating.

MFTH 7990. Directed Study in Family Therapy. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Specialized study in an area of Marriage and Family Therapy under the direction of a faculty member.


PSYC 5400. Abnormal Psychology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Open to graduate students from any major. The nature and etiology of the various of behavior disorder, mental deficiency, and other deviations. Critical evaluation of current theories.

PSYC 5500. Statistical Methods in Psychology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Open to graduate students from any major. Uni- variate and bivariate statistical methods for research in the behavioral sciences.

PSYC 5700. Rehabilitation Psychology. 3 Hours.

The course focuses on biological, personality, cognitive, and social effects of disabilities on adult development. Em- phasis is placed on sensory and motor disabilities and the roles played by vocational rehabilitation programs, indepen- dent living initiatives, and the community integration move- ment on rehabilitation. Implications of theory, research, and program implementation on rehabilitation outcomes are made.

PSYC 6500. Special Topics. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Approval of advisor and instructor.

PSYC 6610. Counseling Gifted/Talented Children and Youth. 3 Hours.

An overview of issues relevant to the counseling and guidance of gifted and talented children and youth. Issues include, but are not limited to, conceptions of giftedness, motivation, self-image, relationships, career planning, counseling needs, intervention methods, and programs designed to fulfill the needs of this population.

PSYC 7000. Methods in School Psychology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to Graduate Program in the Department. An introduction to the modern role of school psychologists to include response to intervention strategies and current special education law. Historical, current, and future status of psychological services in the schools will be explored. Professional, ethical, and cultural issues will be presented for discussion with particular attention to recent developments in federal and state laws that affect the delivery of services in the school.

PSYC 7010. Learning and Assessment. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: RSCH 7100. This course assists the in-service educator (teacher, administrator, coach, curriculum supervisor, etc.) to understand the learning and assessment as they apply in educational settings.

PSYC 7020. Principles of Learning and Classroom Management. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: RSCH 7100 or PSYC 5500. Designed to aid the in-service educator in predicting, understanding, and controlling the fundamental principles of learning and human development as they apply to schools. The emphasis is on studying the variables shown to affect students and educators in the teaching/learning process with particular attention to classroom management and current research findings.

PSYC 7030. Measurement and Evaluation. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: RSCH 7100, or PSYC 3500, or PSYC 5500. An overview of issues related to assessment, measurement, and evaluation in educational and school counseling settings, including supervised experience in instrument selection, use, and outcomes analysis.

PSYC 7040. Adult Learning and Assessment. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: RSCH 7100 or PSYC 3500 or PSYC 5500. Course is designed to aid the in-service educator in predicting, understanding, and controlling the fundamental principles of learning and assessment as they apply in the education and training of adults.

PSYC 7080. Group Dynamics. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to MS Psychology-Industrial Organizational Program or Permission of Instructor. An exploration of the interactions and processes that occur in groups and teams. The course covers the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of teams and groups. Topics include group influence, group decision making, group conflict, power, leadership, and group performance.

PSYC 7100. Intellectual Assessment. 4 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to Clinical/Counseling Psychology or School Psychology. A combination of lectures and supervised practical experiences on conducting psychological evalua- tions. Primary emphasis on the administration, scoring and interpretation of traditional and process oriented intellec- tual measures. Additional training on clinical interview and report writing skills as well as functional mastering of selected psychometric instruments.

PSYC 7110. Personality Assessment. 4 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to Clinical/Counseling Psychology or School Psychology. An introduction to the theory, administration, scoring, and interpretation of personality assessment instruments, with primary emphasis on objective measures. The course is designed to familiarize students with projective and objective assessment instruments and to enhance development of clinical interviewing skills. Students will administer several personality assessment batteries and produce final reports based on their scoring and interpretation.

PSYC 7120. Academic and Behavioral Assessment. 4 Hours.

Prerequisites: A previous graduate assessment course and permission of instructor. Advanced intensive study of the administration and interpretation of individual academic and behavioral assessment instruments with attention to multimethod, multisource, and multisetting methodologies; emphasis on the measurement of change within individuals and system levels of intervention.

PSYC 7130. Infant and Preschool Assessment. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing, permission of instructor, and prior coursework in measurement, evaluation, and child development. Training on the administration, scoring, and interpretation of instruments assessing cognitive, visual- motor ability, and adaptive behavior of infants, toddlers, and preschool-ages children.

PSYC 7200. Psychopathology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to Clinical/Counseling Psychology or School Psychology or Permission of the Instructor. Overview of formal psychopathology classification systems across the life span with emphasis on the integration of multivariate, empirical approaches, and medical and psychological models. The course is designed to familiarize students with evolving information such as criteria, co-morbidity rates, and issues of differential diagnosis accrued from the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and the developmental psychopathology literature. Case studies are used to illustrate diagnostic issues.

PSYC 7400. Counseling Theory and Practice. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to Graduate Program in Department. Introduction to major theoretical approaches to counseling and psychotherapy. Theories of personality and the causes of mental illness and emotional distress will be reviewed as frameworks for intervention. Specific case examples will illustrate applications of theory to professional practice.

PSYC 7420. Child Counseling. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: PSYC 7200 or PSYC 7400. Theories, methods, and techniques of psychotherapy with children. Emphasis will be placed on a multidimensional view of intervention with children, giving attention to developmental, cognitive, behavioral, affective, organic, educational, social, and environmental issues.

PSYC 7450. Group Counseling. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: PSYC 7400. Group dynamics and their importance in the counseling process and counseling outcome is studied. Emphasis is given to the application of various counseling and psychotherapeutic approaches within the group setting.

PSYC 7470. Counseling Culturally Diverse Populations. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: PSYC 7400. Survey of the cultural context of relationships, issues, and trends in a multicultural and diverse society. Emphasis placed on a knowledge base related to theory, techniques and skills utilized in working with culturally diverse populations.

PSYC 7500. Consultation Theory and Practice. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to be an introduction to consultation and collaboration. Effective development of indirect intervention strategies employed by human service workers will be reviewed in this course.

PSYC 7610. Performance Appraisal. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Methods, theory, and applications in the measurement of work performance as related to administrative, developmental, and feedback functions.

PSYC 7670. Social Psychology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Open to graduate students from any major. Integration of classic and contemporary theories, research, and application relating groups, organizations, culture, and society to individual behavior.

PSYC 7791. School Psychology Practicum. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to School Psychology program.

PSYC 7792. School Psychology Practicum. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to School Psychology program.

PSYC 7793. School Psychology Practicum. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to School Psychology program.

PSYC 7794. School Psychology Practicum. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to School Psychology program.

PSYC 7795. School Psychology Practicum. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to School Psychology program.

PSYC 7820. Career Counseling. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Open as an elective to all graduate majors. An introduction to the theories of career choice and to human development processes which influence career choice. Emphasis is placed on the nature and use of educational and occupational information in assisting individuals to explore the world of work and develop meaningful career plans. The course includes lab experiences consisting of administering scoring and interpreting career inventories. Students also learn about computer assisted career development including the Georgia Career Information System.

PSYC 7900. Pre-Practicum. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: PSYC 7400. Advanced course in counseling and psychotherapeutic approaches emphasizing skill development. Extensive role playing in dyads and groups will be critiqued Basic attending, empathy, and relationship skill will be emphasized as well as specific techniques such as desenitization, contracting, and role reversal.

PSYC 7950. Clinical/Counseling Psychology Practicum. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisites: PSYC 7900, successful completion of comprehensive examinations. Practical supervised experience in counseling, psychometric assessment, and report writing at approved practicum sites. Group and individual supervision with the instructor will allow students to share their experiences and learn from one another, and receive guidance in working with clients in a professional setting. May be repeated for credit.

PSYC 8000. Research Design and Analysis. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: PSYC 5500 or permission of instructor. Design of experimental and correlational research, using univar- iate, bivariate, and multivariate techniques.

PSYC 8020. Advanced Educational Psychology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: PSYC 7010 and admission to COE Educational Specialist or Doctoral Program or approval of instructor. The course applies the research and theory in educational psychology to practical problems in P-16 school settings. Students will be taught problem-solving processes and learn to apply them through discussion and resolution of a variety of case studies. Students will also develop a specific application to a current significant educational problem.

PSYC 8120. Alternative Assessment. 2 Hours.

Prerequisite: PSYC 7100. Alternative methodologies such as portfolio, authentic, curriculum-based, and dynamic assess- ment will be introduced. Integration of alternative and tra- ditional methodologies will be emphasized. Application to multicultural, non-traditional settings, and to the assessment of special populations such as infants will be addressed.

PSYC 8130. Computer Based Assessment. 2 Hours.

Prerequisite: PSYC 7100. Course content will include techno- logical advances that augment both traditional as well as more recent assessment devices. Development and applications of alternative assessment methodologies such as adaptive testing and intervention-based program development will be examined.

PSYC 8140. Emergent Technologies for Interview-Based Assessment. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: A previous graduate assessment course and/or permission of instructor. Includes technological advance that augment both traditional as well as more recent assessment devices; examines alternative assessment methodologies for individual and family intervention-based program development.

PSYC 8150. Behavioral Health Care Systems. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: PSYC 7420, or permission of instructor. Develops knowledge and skills concerning the behavioral health care of school aged youth with severe emotional disorders, including the conceptual, philosophical, operational, structural and procedural mechanisms commonly associated with system-level service coordination and delivery.

PSYC 8160. Advanced Practice in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SCHC 7400 or PSYC 7400 or equivalent. An in-depth study of counseling theories whereby students develop an advanced level of understanding and skill in cognitive behavioral counseling theories and practice.

PSYC 8200. Child Psychopathology. 3 Hours.

An intensive study of formal psychopathology classification system of infants, children, and adolescents with emphasis on multivariate or empirical approaches, medical models, and an integration of both. The course is designed to familiarize students with evolving information such as criteria, co-morbidity rates, and differential issues accrued from the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, developmental psychopathology literature, and research related to public laws governing special education. Case studies will be used to illustrate diagnostic issues.

PSYC 8250. Developmental Psychology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: RSCH 7100 or PSYC 8000, and Advanced standing. The course is designed to acquaint the student with life span developmental problems, milestones, achievements, and social influences from a psychological perspective. Topics will include, but not be limited to, theory research methods, biosocial influences, cognition, language, moti- vation, personality, and socialization processes.

PSYC 8350. Psychology of Motivation. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Advanced standing. Behavioral, cognitive, and physiological bases of motivation in theory and application.

PSYC 8360. Human Resource Development. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Advanced standing. Development, administra- tion, and evaluation of strategies and products utilized in the development of human resources in business, in- dustrial, and educational settings.

PSYC 8380. Employment Law and Personnel Practices. 3 Hours.

A study of employment law and ethical principles as they relate to the practice of I/O psychology. Course content spans landmark labor and civil rights legislation (e.g., title VII, ADEA, FLSA, etc.), in addition to ethical standards and principles within the workplace.

PSYC 8400. Special Topics in Applied Psychology. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor. Introduction to current advanced topics within the fields of applied psychology. Emphasis will be placed on specific content areas and applications.

PSYC 8800. Legal and Ethical Issues in Psychology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to Graduate Program in Department and Advanced Standing. Review of legal and ethical dilemmas and decisions faced in psychological practice, including research, assessment, teaching, teherapeutic intervention, constultation, and court testimony. Emphasis will be placed on a review of professional guidelines and the process of ethical decision-making.

PSYC 8891. School Psychology Internship I. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: Advanced standing in the Ed.S. Program in School Psychology.

PSYC 8892. School Psychology Internship II. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: Advanced standing in the Ed.S. Program in School Psychology.

PSYC 8893. School Psychology Internship III. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: Advanced standing in the Ed.S. Program in School Psychology.

PSYC 8894. School Psychology Internship IV. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: Advanced standing in the Ed.S. Program in School Psychology.

PSYC 8895. Capstone Project. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: RSCH 8000. Development, implementation, and evaluation of a project in the school environment.

PSYC 8999. Thesis. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to Graduate Program in Department, advanced standing, permission of advisor.

PSYC 9050. Program Evaluation. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: PADM 9040. Also offered as PADM 9050. Theories, research, and practice related to program evaluation in government and nonprofit organizations.

PSYC 9710. Social Psychology in Educational Contexts. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Approval of Doctoral Program Coordinator. An intensive scientific study of how our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. Various theoretical and applied approaches of social psychology will address the educational context.

Psychology and Gifted

PSYG 5610. Nature and Needs of Children Who are Talented and Gifted. 3 Hours.

A course designed to give an overview of educational and behavioral characteristics of pupils who are talented and gifted. Includes diagnosis, referral, management, and educational practices.

PSYG 6600. Methods & Materials for Children Who Are Talented and Gifted. 3 Hours.

A course covering the development of curriculum content and teaching materials for students identified as talented and gifted. Considerable time will be spent on organizing learning experiences and utilizing a variety of teaching methods.

PSYG 6620. Curriculum for Children Who Are Talented and Gifted. 3 Hours.

This course provides a study of curriculum models, the types of curriculum needed for the Talented and Gifted, guidelines for developing curricular patterns which include subject or skill, core, interest, process, experiential bases of operations, and modular designs of community involvement. The course requirements include the development of curriculum of learning activities which will have greatest applicability and usability within the local school system.

PSYG 7600. Assessment of Children Who Are Talented and Gifted. 3 Hours.

Introduction to tests unique to assessing the developmental level and the potential achievement of children with talents and gifts. Emphasis is placed on the use of these tests in planning and selecting curricular programs and activities.

Social Work

SOWK 6004. Social Work Practice with Groups. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the program. An introduction to the knowledge skills, and values that underlie contemporary social work practice with various types of groups and group dynamics.

SOWK 6203. Human Behavior in the Social Environment. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the program. A study of micro and macro theories and perspectives on the behavior of individuals, members of families, groups, organizations, and communities within the context of the social environment.

SOWK 6204. Diversity. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Program. A survey of differences between individuals, marginalized populations and the dominant culture. The course explores concepts of intersectionality, human rights, and civil rights, and emphasizes application of self-reflection for the purpose of identifying personal perceptions and values in regard to differences.

SOWK 6301. Generalist Practice I: Individuals and Families. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the program. An introduction to social work values, ethics, and the planned intervention process with individuals and families within the ecological systems framework.

SOWK 6302. Generalist Practice II Organizations and Communities. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the program. An introduction to the problem-solving approach with work groups, organizations, and communities with the ecological systems framework.

SOWK 6310. Models of Intervention. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admissions to the Program. An examination of selected treatment approaches as foundation for advanced direct practice. The course includes models base on psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and social systems theories and their influence on practice decisions with client populations, using assessment, intervention and evaluation skills. There is emphasis on implications for populations at risk of marginalization due to the intersectionality of multiple factors.

SOWK 6400. Social Welfare Policy and Services. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Program. A history of the social work profession and current patterns of the provision of social services. The course focuses on policy formulation process, policy analysis, and change.

SOWK 6500. Generalist Practice in Research and Evaluation Methods in Social Work. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Program. Principles, methodologies, technologies and statistical approaches of human service research are introduced. Beginning capabilities in evaluation of social work practice and skill development regarding use of published research are emphasized.

SOWK 6700. Practicum II. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the program, SOWK 6600, and SOWK 6610. Corequisite: SOWK 6710. Second semester of supervised practice for the integration of classroom learning in field settings.

SOWK 6800. Field Practicum and Seminar I. 3 Hours.

Supervised practice in field settings with accompanying seminar in which students will integrate classroom learning, social work theory and practice, and discuss field experiences.

SOWK 6900. Field Practicum and Seminar II. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SOWK 6800. Supervised practice in field settings with seminar in which students will integrate classroom learning, social work theory and practice, and discuss field experiences.

SOWK 7000. Independent Study in Social Work. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Must have permission of department head. Independent study in social work.

SOWK 7001. Special Topics in Social Work. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Permission of the Instructor and Department Head. Advanced study of emerging areas and forms of social work practice. Topics may change each time the course is offered. Course may be taken three times for credit, with permission of the Department head.

SOWK 7300. Advanced Practice with Individuals. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the program. A study of practice models compatible with the ecological systems perspectives and with skills for working with individuals.

SOWK 7310. Advanced Practice with Families. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the program. The development of interviewing skill within a time-limited approach in relations to multi-level work with families at different levels of functioning and of diverse forms.

SOWK 7320. Advanced Practice with Organizations and Communities. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Program. The applications of service management and planning principles and skills essential for social work planners, administrators, supervisors, and program developers.

SOWK 7321. Community Organizing and Planning. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the MSW program and Advanced status. The history, theories, and models of community organizing and planning. Students will implement evidence-based strategic planning and organizing frameworks that encompass ethical behavior and social, racial, economic, and environmental justice.

SOWK 7322. Program Development for Human Services. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites. Advanced Status. An overview of processes and techniques of program planning and development in human service organizations form problem formulation through program design, resource mobilization, and implementation. Special attention is given to designing programs and meeting the needs of populations at risk.

SOWK 7400. Advanced Practice in Social Welfare Policy and Practice. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the program. Promotes the development of research skills for advanced policy analysis as well as an in-depth examination of where social work and law intersect.

SOWK 7500. Advanced Practice in Research and Program Evaluation. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the program. Emphasizes the integration of research and advanced generalist social work through analysis and evaluation of programs and program components. Emphasis is on program evaluation as a form of direct practice. Both qualitative and quantitative methods and evaluation are emphasized.

SOWK 7611. Advanced Social Work Practicum and Seminar I. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission into the program and Advanced Status. The first of two practica and seminars designed to prepare students for advanced generalist social work practice.

SOWK 7612. Advanced Social Work Practicum and Seminar II. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: SOWK 7611 and admission into the program and Advanced Status. The second of two practica and seminars designed to prepare students for advanced generalist social work practice.

SOWK 7613. Advanced Practice Seminar. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SOWK 7611 and Advanced Status. An integrative seminar to demonstrate readiness to practice as a master's professional social worker in the student's area of specialization and facilitate the students transition to social work practice.

SOWK 7700. Social Work Practice with Older Adults. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SOWK 6301, 6302, and 6303 or permission of instructor for other students in other graduate programs or Advanced Standing Status. Study of aging from a Bio-Psycho-Social perspective within the context of culture and values with an emphasis on healthy aging.

SOWK 7770. Trauma Informed Child Welfare Practice. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the program and SOWK 6301. An introduction to core concepts informing evidence-based assessment and interventions for traumatized children and adolescents involved in the child welfare system.

SOWK 7775. Social Work and Trauma. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SOWK 6301 and Admission to the program. A study of theories of primary and secondary trauma and intervention approaches as they apply to practice with survivors of primary trauma as well as care of secondary traumatic stress. The course assessment, intervention, and evaluation on the micro, mezzo, and macro levels of practice, diversity and use of social work ethics and values.

SOWK 7776. Military Social Work. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SOWK 6203 and Admission to the program. An overview and approaches for working with active-duty military personnel, and veterans and their families.

SOWK 7800. Social Work Practice in Health Settings. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SOWK 6301. Admission to the program. Prepares for advanced practice across a variety of traditional and emerging inpatient and outpatient health care delivery systems.

SOWK 7810. Psychopathology and Assessment. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Program. Information on theories within the Bio-Psycho-Social paradigm or on causality of disorders/conditions and the use of the DSM-5.

SOWK 7820. Issues in Substance Use. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Program or permission of instructor for Advanced Standing status. Examination of Alcohol and substance use issues are examined from the perspective of their individual and cultural impact. Strategies for prevention and treatment are introduced with an emphasis on Bio-Psycho-Social approaches.

SOWK 7826. Perspectives in Substance Use and Mental Health. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: SOWK 6301, and 6302 or Advanced Standing status, or permission of instruction. A survey of the historical and philosophical underpinnings of substance use and mental health requirement, both traditional and alternative. Public opinion and public policy are examined in the context of their effect on treatment approaches.

SOWK 7830. Social Work Practice in Mental Health. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SOWK 6301, and 6302, or Advanced Status or permission of instructor. An advanced seminar on mental health service delivery - past, present, and future.

SOWK 7840. Seminar on Loss and Bereavement. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SOWK 6301or permission of instructor. A seminar focused on a multidisciplinary perspective for helping clients deal with significant losses, using practical interventions at the individual and family level.

SOWK 7850. Social Work Practice in Schools. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the program and SOWK 6301. A study on the issues and laws related to social work practice in the school.

SOWK 7860. Grant Writing and Program Development for Human Services. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Concentration Status for SOWK students or permission of department head for other graduate students. Provides knowledge, skills, and process grant writing with an emphasis on human services.

SOWK 7861. Human Services Organization Management. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the MSW program and Advanced status. A study of effective management in human services organizations, including program and organizational design, human resources, supervision, and financial and information systems management.

SOWK 7870. Working with Victims and Perpetrators of Abuse and Neglect. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SOWK 6310 or permission of instructor or Advanced Standing status. An advanced seminar in working with victims and perpetrators of abuse and neglect. Content includes current knowledge about causes, dynamics, and interventions related to abuse and neglect.

SOWK 7871. Advanced Direct Practice with Children and Adolescents. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SOWK 6310 or Advanced Standing Status. A study of direct social work practice with children, adolescents, and their families. Emphasis is placed on evidence-based intervention strategies to ameliorate detrimental environmental effects for children and families.

SOWK 7890. Spirituality in Social Work Practice. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SOWK 6301 or permission of instructor. A framework of knowledge, values, skills, and experiences for spiritually sensitive social work practice and subsequent social justice ramifications.

SOWK 7910. Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: SOWK 6310 or Advanced Status. An overview of cognitive behavioral models and their application in treatment with individuals, families, and groups. The course emphasis is on assessment procedures and intervention strategies, monitoring and evaluating client progress.