All students wishing to pursue  the criminal justice major or minor must have obtained a minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 for acceptance into the degree program. Students must also maintain an overall GPA of 2.00 to remain active within the degree program. Once accepted into the criminal justice degree program, students who fall below the minimum GPA of 2.00 at any time will be blocked from registration into any criminal justice course until his/her overall GPA is raised to the minimum 2.00.

Selected Educational Outcomes

The major program in Criminal Justice seeks to prepare students for entry level positions in the criminal justice system at all levels of the system, as well as for related positions in the private sector. Educational outcomes will include the following:

  1. To develop in students an understanding and appreciation of the structure and function of the criminal justice system as it applies to adults and juveniles; federal, state, and local criminal laws and procedures; and the relationship of these to the Constitution of the United States.
  2. To apply knowledge about diverse criminal justice systems.
  3. To apply scientific research techniques and related statistical techniques in the study of crime.
  4. To develop an understanding of various theories in criminology, their strengths and weaknesses, and their role in gaining an understanding of crime.

Examples of Outcome Assessments

The assessment of educational outcomes is a continuing process throughout the entire undergraduate program. Means of assessment will include the following:

  1. The on-going evaluation of student examinations, research projects, the Senior Seminar project, and reports of other scholarly and internship work.
  2. Exit questionnaires to be administered to each student completing work for the major.
  3. Surveys of graduates of the program to assess the relevancy of the program to their current work and their suggestions for refinements.
  4. The use of university or external data that may become available to assess the quality of the program and the performance of its graduates.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree with a Major in Criminal Justice

Core Curriculum60
Core IMPACTS (See VSU Core Curriculum)42
Core Field of Study18
CRJU 1100Introduction to Criminal Justice3
ENGL 2020Writing for Criminal Justice Professions3
SOCI 1101Introduction to Sociology3
or SOCI 1160 Introduction to Social Problems
Introduction to Anthropology
Human Communication
Public Speaking
Principles of Logic and Argumentation
Introduction to General Psychology
World Religions
Foreign Language 1001
Foreign Language 1002
Foreign Language 2001
Foreign Language 2002
If SOCI 1101, SOCI 1160, or any of the above electives are taken in the Humanities area or the Social Sciences area, the student will select another course from the electives listed above.
Upper-level courses in Criminal Justice
CRJU 3300Criminal Law3
or CRJU 3310 Criminal Procedure
CRJU 3401Criminal Justice Data Analysis3
CRJU 3402Criminal Justice Research Methods3
CRJU 3600Criminology3
CRJU 3700Ethics in Criminal Justice3
One of the following: CRJU 4100, CRJU 4200, or CRJU 4400
Criminal Justice Electives18
Any CRJU course numbered 4000 or above (except 4100, 4200, 4400, and 4800) may be used as an elective. CRJU 4700, CRJU 4900, and CRJU 4910 may each be taken for a maximum of 6 hours of credit.
Open Electives12
CRJU 4910 Criminal Justice Internship may be taken as an open elective for 3 to 6 hours of credit. At least 6 hours of coursework numbered 3000 or above must be taken in a single discipline outside the major.
Total hours required for the degree120

Additional Departmental Requirement

The grade earned in all Core Field of Study courses and each CRJU course taken for the major must be a “C” or better.

The Accelerated Undergraduate-to-Graduate Track

The Accelerated Undergraduate-to-Graduate Track is an undergraduate-to-graduate degree program. Students in this track will complete up to 12 hours of graduate course work at the 7000 level in Criminal Justice that will count toward the completion of the undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice. These 12 hours may then be applied toward the completion of degree requirements for the Master of Science in Criminal Justice Administration degree upon admission to the graduate program at Valdosta State University.

To be admitted to the Accelerated Undergraduate-to-Graduate degree program, students must:

  1. have completed 75 credit hours;
  2. have completed CRJU 3401 with a minimum grade of B (or course equivalent);
  3. have acquired a cumulative VSU GPA of 3.0 or higher; and
  4. submit a personal statement not to exceed 5 pages describing their education and career goals and how the program will assist the students to achieve their goals.

Once admitted to the program, a specific course of study will be developed with the student's undergraduate advisor, as the student can take one or more graduate courses in the terms remaining to complete the undergraduate degree (summer, fall, and/or spring terms once the student is admitted to the Accelerated Undergraduate-to-Graduate track).

Graduate courses taken as an undergraduate will count toward the student's undergraduate degree requirements but will not count toward the student's undergraduate GPA or the calculation of academic honors.

Upon admission to the Accelerated Undergraduate-to-Graduate Track, students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 to remain in good standing. Students who do not remain in good standing or who do not wish to continue with the track may complete the remaining requirements for the B.S. in Criminal Justice.

Successful completion of the Accelerated Undergraduate-to-Graduate Track requires that the student earn a grade of B or better in all graduate-level coursework. A grade of C earned in a graduate course can still be used for credit toward the undergraduate degree, but such a grade will affect the student's graduate GPA as a grade of C creates one deficiency point at the graduate level.

Once a student graduates with the B.S. in Criminal Justice, she/he/they must submit the VSU graduate application form to continue the M.S.C.J.A. degree.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
Accelerated Undergraduate-to-Graduate Track

Core Curriculum60
Core IMPACTS (See VSU Core Curriculum)42
Core Field of Study18
CRJU 1100Introduction to Criminal Justice3
ENGL 2020Writing for Criminal Justice Professions3
SOCI 1101Introduction to Sociology3
or SOCI 1160 Introduction to Social Problems
Introduction to Anthropology
Human Communication
Public Speaking
Principles of Logic and Argumentation
Introduction to General Psychology
World Religions
Foreign Language 1001
Foreign Language 1002
Foreign Language 2001
Foreign Language 2002
If SOCI 1101, SOCI 1160, or any of the above electives are taken in the Humanities area or the Social Sciences area, the student will select another course from the electives listed above.
Senior College Curriculum60
Upper-level Courses in Criminal Justice30
CRJU 3300Criminal Law3
CRJU 3310Criminal Procedure3
CRJU 3401Criminal Justice Data Analysis3
CRJU 3402Criminal Justice Research Methods3
CRJU 7412Research Strategies for Criminal Justice Administrators3
CRJU 3600Criminology3
CRJU 3700Ethics in Criminal Justice3
CRJU 7020Leadership and Ethics for the Criminal Justice Executive3
CRJU 4100Seminar in Law Enforcement3
CRJU 4200Seminar in Corrections3
CRJU 4400Seminar in Juvenile Justice3
CRJU 4800Seminar in Criminal Justice3
Criminal Justice Electives18
Any CRJU course numbered 4000 or above (except 4100, 4200, 4400, and 4800) may be used as an elective. CRJU 4700, CRJU 4900, and CRJU 4910 may each be taken for a maximum of 6 hours of credit. Students may take any two graduate CRJU elective courses for 6 hours of credit.
Open Electives12
CRJU 4910 Criminal Justice Internship may be taken as an open elective for 3 to 6 hours of credit. At least 6 hours of coursework numbered 3000 or above must be taken in a single discipline outside the major.
Total hours required for the degree120

Additional Departmental Requirement

The grade earned in all Core Field of Study courses and each CRJU course taken for the major must be a “C” or better.