Selected Educational Outcomes

  1. Students will demonstrate the ability to integrate into simulated activities higher level administration skills as follows:
    • decision-making
    • professional office communication
    • data management
    • computerized accounting
    • information presentation   
    • project management
    • personnel training
    • employee relations
  2. Students will demonstrate an acceptable level of competence in workplace skills.
  3. Program graduates will report an adequate level of their perceived competence with the following administrative concepts:
    • employee skills assessment
    • employee training
    • project management
    • database software
    • computerized accounting software
    • human resource information systems
    • payroll processing

Examples of Outcome Assessments

  1. Students will be assessed on their performance on simulated activities across the curriculum.
  2. Program interns will be assessed on their practicum experience through direct observation using a rating scale by the job site supervisor. Program interns and job site supervisors will complete a post-practicum survey designed to identify program strengths and weaknesses. Students who document experiential learning credit will be assessed through an e-portfolio that they will submit before the end of their final semester instead of through the internship.
  3.  Program graduates will respond to a survey relating their perceptions about their preparation for overall aspects of office administration.

Requirements for the B.S. Degree with a Major in Office Administration and Technology

Core Curriculum60
Core IMPACTS (See VSU Core Curriculum)42
Field of Study Courses18
Select 18 hours of 1000- to 2000-level courses from the following: ACCT, ACED, BUSA, COMM, CS, DATA, ECON, PSYC, or transfer hours from TCSG.
Major Course Requirements 160
ACED 2050Communications for the Workplace3
BUSA 2106The Environment of Business3
ACED 2400Computer Technology for the Workplace3
ACED 3000Office Calculations and Recordkeeping3
ACED 3101Computerized Office Accounting3
ACED 3400Applied Computer Technology3
MGNT 3500Employment Law3
PSYC 3800Industrial/Organizational Psychology3
ACED 4040Introduction to Human Resource Development3
ACED 4050Workforce Development and Management for Technical Leaders3
ACED 4060Human Resource Technology and Operations3
ACED 4170Theories of Inclusive Leadership3
ACED 4180Organizational Development and Change3
ACED 4820Project Management for Technical Leaders3
Guided Electives 118
9-12 hours of 3000- to 4000-level course work and 6-9 hours of 1000- to 4000-level course work.
Total hours required for the degree120

Students must have a total of 39 hours of course work at the 3000- to 4000-level in the Major and Guided Electives.