Tier 1 Certification Only Program in Educational Leadership 

The Tier 1 Certification non-degree program offers candidates the opportunity to become certified at Tier 1 in educational leadership (level 5). Candidates must hold a Tier 1 GaPSC certification and a master's degree or higher in a field recognized by the GaPSC as a related field.

Go to the Graduate School website and click on Our Programs, and then click on Certification in Educational Leadership for information on:

  • Specific Tier 1 Certification in Educational Leadership Admission Requirements
  • Tier 1 Certification in Educational Leadership Program Completion Requirements

To Apply Online, click here

Requirements for Tier 1 Certification in Educational Leadership

Area A -- Leadership12
Ethical and Legal Issues for Leadership
School Culture, Change and Organizational Dynamics
Managing Resources for School Improvement
Leadership for Community and Public Relations
Area B -- Curriculum and Instruction12
Advanced Research Methodology
Instructional Leadership and Supervisory Practices for Improved Teaching and Learning
Technology Leadership for School Improvement
Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology Integration
Area C -- Field-based Activities6
Leadership Field Experiences I
Leadership Field Experiences II
The above field-based activities will be conducted at the work site of the candidate and supervised by a Candidate Support Team consisting of a site mentor, a university advisor/coach, and the candidates, at which the residency is completed.
Total hours required for the Certification30
  • 1
  •  or equivalent. The faculty advisor will collaborate with candidates to identify appropriate courses based on the candidates' other graduate-level coursework and professional knowedge and skills.

Additional Requirements

Please note that all students who hold or are seeking this degree and/or GaPSC educator certification must successfully complete EDUC 5999. Prior to being recommended for a clear/renewable Georgia leadership certificate, a candidate must meet the GaPSC Special Requirements (PSC Rule 505-2-20)--Identification and Education of Children with Special Needs and pass the GACE Educational Performance-based Leadership Assessment.