Dr. Adam Wood, Department Head
Room 2109 West Hall

The Department of English offers a Master of Arts degree with a major in English. Students have the option of pursuing the M.A. with an emphasis in literature or the M.A. with an emphasis in rhetoric and composition.

The Department also offers a Master of Arts in English Studies for Language Arts Teachers, a fully online degree program. For information on this degree, click here


The Department of English at Valdosta State University offers a Master of Arts degree with a major in English for students who wish to continue their study of literature, literary criticism, language, rhetoric and composition, and creative writing. Because there is no formal tracking, students may, in consultation with their advisors, individually tailor their programs to accommodate special interests. Students earning a Master of Arts degree with a major in English are well prepared for a number of careers and programs. These include doctoral studies, college and secondary school teaching, business, and other professional endeavors. The English Department of VSU expects its graduate students to acquire the following:

  1. A breadth of knowledge, including general knowledge of major literary periods and movements, general knowledge of useful literary concepts and terminology, and specific knowledge of key works and figures;
  2. The ability to produce cogent written works blending knowledge of specific texts, history, and sources with a clearly developed critical point of view; and
  3. The ability to discuss their work articulately.

The English Department’s admissions policies, degree offerings, degree options, and course offerings are designed to help all students achieve these goals.