DATA 4905. Topics in Data Science. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: MATH 3700 or 4901 or permission of instructor. Also offered as MATH 4905. Capstone project class for the Certificate in Basic Data Science program. Students will apply the knowledge and skills of R data analysis to complete course projects that will test essential skills in data visualization, probability, statistical inference, modeling, data organization, regression, Monte Carlo simulation and machine learning. Students will create data products that can be used to showcase their skills to potential employers. All projects will come from real world problems. May be repeated up to twice for credit.

MATH 4905. Topics in Data Science. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: MATH 3700 or 4901 or permission of instructor. Also offered as DATA 4905. Capstone project class for the Basic Data Science Certificate program. Students will apply the knowledge and skills of R data analysis to complete course projects that will test essential skills in data visualization, probability, statistical inference, modeling, data organization, regression, Monte Carlo simulation and machine learning. Students will create data products that can be used to showcase their skills to potential employers. All project will come from real world problems. May repeated up to twice for credit.