AS 1000. Leadership Laboratory. 1 Hour.

Graded “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory.” Practices in both followership and leadership. A study of Air Force customs and courtesies, drill ceremonies, military commands, and Air Force opportunities (for 1000- and 2000-level AS students). Advanced leadership experiences in planning, organizing, and executing cadet training activities; preparing and presenting briefings and other oral and written communications (for 3000- and 4000-level AS students). The leadership laboratory is required of AS students each semester, but total credit is limited to 3 hours.

Aerospace Studies

Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) offers students a course of study designed to complement their individual academic major. This program is designed to commission young men and women as second lieutenants into the active duty Air and Space Forces upon completion of a bachelor’s degree and ROTC requirements. Students take one academic Aerospace Studies course and a leadership laboratory each semester to receive hands-on leadership and management practice. Cadets enrolled in the program represent a broad cross-section of the student body. By taking AFROTC, a student/cadet has an opportunity to explore and evaluate Air Force career opportunities while earning a college degree. Completion of the ROTC curriculum is the initial step in the education of the professional officer and provides a firm understanding of air and space concepts and the Air and Space Force missions, organizations, and operations. A commission as an officer in the United States Air Force or Space Force is tendered only after Valdosta State University grants the bachelor’s degree.

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