This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

WMBA 6000. Human Behavior in Organizations. 3 Hours.

An exploration of the ways in which human behavior affects management and leadership as well as individual, group, and organizational performance.

WMBA 6010. Managerial Accounting. 3 Hours.

The use of internal and external data to enhance the decision-making skills of managers.The course includes an overview of the management accounting function within the organization, cost management and cost accumulation systems, planning and control systems, use of historical data in forecasting costs, and the use of accounting information in management decision-making. These concepts will be applied to a variety of companies using problems and case studies, which improve critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills. Students will be able to understand and apply accounting information in management decision making functions.

WMBA 6030. Global and International Business. 3 Hours.

And exploration of growing opportunities and potential risks in doing business across national boundaries will be explored. The nature and economic role of the global business, including the impact of legal, political, social, and cultural variables are examined for their influence upon business performance and managerial activity. The concepts will be applied to case studies, country report, and other assignments. Students will have a truly global approach in identifying, analyzing, and solving problems.

WMBA 6040. Managerial Decision Analysis Using Business Intelligence. 3 Hours.

An introduction to the statistical and management science techniques that are most commonly used by managers in both the public and private sectors. The course provides tools for a team project. Three main themes of this course are data analysis, optimization, and decision-making under uncertainty.

WMBA 6050. Strategic Marketing. 3 Hours.

A study of the strategic managerial aspects of marketing as well as basic marketing concepts and tools and strategies used by marketing managers. Topics include product, price, promotion, and place in the ethical planning, implementing, and controlling of marketing activities. Students will undertake a strategic marketing simulation that allows them to apply and demonstrate understanding of the concepts learned in the course.

WMBA 6060. Managerial Finance. 3 Hours.

A study of financial risk and return, capital budgeting, valuation, capital structure, working capital management and current topics in financial management. The course develops knowledge, analytical skills and communication skills in the area of financial management. Students will learn to analyze a company’s financial position relative to the industry, apply time value of money concepts to business cash flows, evaluate the acceptability of a short-term and long-term financial decision, and understand the relationship between capital structure, risk, and the cost of capital.

WMBA 6070. Entrepreneurship. 3 Hours.

A study of the perspective of both the would-be entrepreneur and the manager of creative and entrepreneurial activity within established organizations. The course covers new venture startup process and strategies for increasing the likelihood of successful venture launch. Other topics include models of new venture formation, strategic resource acquisition and deployment, marketing, operations, and financial strategies for successful ventures, and the leadership skills and behaviors required for venture success, as well as how to write a business plan and assess business plans written by others.

WMBA 6080. Management Information Systems. 3 Hours.

A study of how technology can affect organizational success, impacting decision making from operational activities to strategic decisions. Business cases, current events, and personal experiences are used. Student teams investigate emerging technology topics and record videos to apply the new technology to business opportunities. For the final project, students will interview a CIO (or equivalent) and apply the skills learned to develop a framework for IT decisions.

WMBA 6100. Operations and Supply Chain Management. 3 Hours.

A course designed for both new and high level managers addressing operations strategy, process selection, capacity planning, facility location and layout planning, job design, and total quality management. Students will apply concepts to operational issues and challenges in their daily function and identify strategic decisions in operations management; select the appropriate process for a given production system; employ available techniques in firm’s long-range capacity planning and layout design; and apply all related OM [what is OM?] approaches in management decision making processes.

WMBA 6110. Business Strategic Management. 3 Hours.

An integrative capstone for the WebMBA. Students learn how to audit and analyze complex situations to determine the firm’s strategies for long-run survival and growth in competitive markets as well as techniques for analysis of environmental conditions and trends, opportunities and threats, and resource strengths and limitations through case studies, discussions, and a sophisticated strategy simulation. Students will plan, implement, and control organizational efficiency and effectiveness at both the strategic and operational level.