This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

COMM 1100. Human Communication. 3 Hours.

A broad approach to oral communication skills including intrapersonal, interpersonal, small group, and public speaking.

COMM 1100H. Honors Human Communication. 3 Hours.

An honors-level approach to oral communication skills with emphasis on advanced theoretical and practical approaches to interpersonal communication, small group communication, and public speaking.

COMM 1110. Public Speaking. 3 Hours.

The organization of materials and the vocal and physical aspects of delivery in various speaking situations.

COMM 1500. Introduction to Communication Studies. 3 Hours.

Orientation to the communication profession. Topics addressed include professionalism, workplace etiquette, career opportunities, writing style, technology, research, and written and oral presentational skills. This course is to be taken the first term enrolled as a major.

COMM 1800. Communication Technology. 3 Hours.

Examination and application of technology design processes and their impact on communication.

COMM 2100. Introduction to Communication Theory. 3 Hours.

General survey of communication theories to familiarize students with basic constructs in interpersonal, intercultural, organizational, and public communication; to demonstrate the value of theory; and to orient students to the speech communication major.

COMM 2300. Interpersonal Communication. 3 Hours.

The study of communication skills in interpersonal relationship in social and professional contexts.

COMM 2500. Communication, Culture, and Community. 3 Hours.

Introduction to intercultural communication. The course addresses verbal and nonverbal theories, methods, and vocabulary used in mixed cultural situations. Emphasis in is placed on sense-making and strategies to reduce uncertainty in social and cultural systems.

COMM 3011. Argumentation and Advocacy. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: COMM 2100. Theories of argumentation and advocacy.

COMM 3021. Persuasion. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 2100, Theories of persuasions.

COMM 3031. Communication Law and Ethics. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500 and COMM 2100. Examination of the history and effects of laws that impact communication processes.

COMM 3072. Debate and Individual Events (Forensics) Lab. 2 Hours.

Research and practice in debate and individual events. Individual events include dramatic interpretation, dramatic duo interpretation, after-dinner speaking, prose, poetry, communication analysis, program oral interpretation, impromptu, extemporaneous, persuasion, and informative. Debate events include parliamentary style and Lincoln-Douglas style.

COMM 3111. Applied Communication Research. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500 and COMM 2100. The study and application of contemporary research methods in organizational settings. Students explore how organizations make data-based decisions utilizing multiple methods including observation, surveys, focus groups, content analysis, and experiments. Students will complete a research project as part of this course.

COMM 3112. Data Analytics in Communication. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500 and 2100. Analysis of large data sets for assistance in decision-making in message design and stakeholder communication.

COMM 3211. Event Planning. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500 and COMM 1800. An introduction to the principles of event management including planning, managing, budgeting, promoting, and implementing special events for organizations.

COMM 3231. Health Communication. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500 and COMM 2300 or HCAD Major. Exploration of the role of communication in identifying, managing, and addressing major health events such as patient advocacy, health promotion, support groups, medical decision making, end-of-life caregiving, healthcare systems, and mediated patient care.

COMM 3311. Teams and Leadership. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500 and COMM 1800. Study of communication strategies that enhance and promote synergy, cohesion, and university in teams for effective and efficient attainment of their goals.

COMM 3321. Conflict Management. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 2300 or Communication Minor. Study of theories and approaches to managing conflict. Students utilize negotiation, mediation, and arbitration techniques in addressing interpersonal and organizational conflicts.

COMM 3331. Creativity and Communication Design. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500 and COMM 1800 or Communication Minor. Exploration of techniques for creating and applying concepts in professional communication message design.

COMM 3411. Visual Communication and Aesthetics. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500 and COMM 1800 or Communication Minor. Study of the design, use, and impact of visuals on communication processes.

COMM 3421. Social Media Strategies. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500 and COMM 1800 or Communication Minor. Study of social media strategies and their impact on communication processes and relationships. Emphasis is placed on how social media shapes virtual interpersonal and organizational identities.

COMM 4120. Theories of Public Communication. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: COMM 2100. The study of selected bodies of theories of public communication, including political communication, classical theory, contemporary rhetorical theory, and mass communication theory. May be repeated for credit.

COMM 4151. Applied Health Communication. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 3231. Advanced study of design, implementation, and evaluation of health communication campaigns.

COMM 4240. Public Relations Law and Ethics. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 3200 and speech communication major. Legal and ethical aspects of professional public relations practice.

COMM 4401. Advanced Interpersonal Communication. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 2100 and COMM 2300. Advanced study of interpersonal theories and processes.

COMM 4421. Nonverbal Communication. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500 and COMM 2300. Advanced study of nonverbal codes and their applications in communication.

COMM 4431. Listening and Interviewing. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500 and COMM 2300. Examination of the theories and processes of listening and interviewing.

COMM 4441. Communication Across Difference. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500, COMM 2300, and COMM 2500 or Communication Minor. An examination of how communication is influenced by diversity.

COMM 4461. Interpersonal Communication Capstone. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: Completion of Communication Core and COMM 4401. Application of knowledge and skills through completion of a capstone experience requiring the analysis, development, and implementation of a project.

COMM 4501. Organizational Communication. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 3111. Study of complex organizations and their environments.

COMM 4511. Professional Communication. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 3331. Identification and application of best communication practices for the workplace.

COMM 4521. Crisis Communication and Negotiation. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 1500 and COMM 3321. Application of tools, theories, and skills to manage organizational crises.

COMM 4531. Communicating Globally. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: COMM 2500 and COMM 3331. An examination of the perspectives, theories, and assumptions underlying communication between nations, organizations, and people.

COMM 4561. Organizational Communication Capstone. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: Completion of Communication Core and COMM 4501. Application of knowledge and skills through completion of a capstone experience requiring the analysis, development, and implementation of a project.

COMM 4601. Special Topics in Communication. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. Exploration of topics outside the prescribed curriculum of communication. Course may be repeated for credit when topics are different.

COMM 4610. Special Topics in Communication Studies. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor. Topics to be assigned by instructor. The course provides an opportunity to explore topics outside the prescribed curriculum of speech communication and may be repeated for credit when topics different.

COMM 4611. Directed Study in Communication Arts. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisites: Approval of supervising instructor and Department Head. Individual instruction for enrichment of advanced majors in their area of specialization. May be repeated with a change in topic.

COMM 4671. Internship in Communication. 3-9 Hours.

Prerequisite: Completion of Communication Core and COOP 1100. Graded “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory.” The placement of students in apprentice and intern positions in professional environments to enlarge the students’ professionalism.

COMM 4911. Communication Arts Study Abroad I. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Acceptance to a VSU study abroad program. For students studying abroad on VSU-approved programs. Students must have written approval from the Office of International Programs and relevant academic units to register for this course. May be repeated with change in program and instructor.

COMM 4912. Communication Arts Study Abroad II. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Acceptance to a VSU study abroad program. For students studying abroad on VSU-approved programs. Students must have a written approval from the Office of International Programs and relevant academic units to register for this course. May be repeated with change in program and instructor.