This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Bachelor of Science in Education Degree with a Major in Middle Grades Education, Secondary Education, or  Special Education (Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing)

All three programs in the department have numerous desired outcomes. Examples of these outcomes include the following:

Selected Educational Outcomes

  1. Students in initial teacher education programs demonstrate knowledge of the content that they plan to teach and can explain important principles and concepts delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards.
  2. Students in initial teacher education programs apply content-specific pedagogy to the subject area content and demonstrate a broad knowledge of instructional strategies that draws upon content and pedagogical knowledge and skills delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards to help all students learn.
  3. Students in initial teacher education programs analyze educational research findings and incorporate new information into their practice.
  4. Students in initial teacher education programs assess and analyze student learning, make appropriate adjustments to instruction, monitor student learning, and have a positive effect on learning for all students.

The departmental faculty members assess the desired learner outcomes for these three programs by using a variety of techniques. Examples of summative assessments in addition to course evaluations include the following:

Examples of Outcome Assessments

  1. Students in initial teacher education programs will demonstrate content knowledge through passing the state-required content assessment.
  2. Students in initial teacher education programs will demonstrate pedagogical content knowledge and knowledge of evidence-based strategies through development of lesson plans identifying use of research-validated procedures and effective content pedagogy.
  3. Students in initial teacher education programs will demonstrate skills in assessment, instructional strategies, use of technology, and monitoring and modifying instruction during observed teaching episodes evaluated by a university supervisor and P-12 mentor teacher.
  4. Students in initial teacher education programs will demonstrate their ability to positively impact P-12 learning through the completion of a capstone applied research project..

Requirements for the B.S. Ed. Degree with a Major in Special Education (Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing)

Core Curriculum60
Core Areas A-E (See VSU Core Curriculum)42
Area F Requirements
EDUC 2999Teacher Education Requirements0
ISCI 2001Exploring Our Ecosphere3
or ISCI 2002 Physical Science for Early Childhood Education Teachers
EDUC 2110Investigating Critical and Contemporary Issues in Education3
EDUC 2120Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Diversity3
EDUC 2130Exploring Learning and Teaching3
ASLS 2110American Sign Language I3
ASLS 2120American Sign Language II3
All courses in Area F must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher
College of Education and Human Services Health and Physical Education Requirements 6
KSPE 2000
KSPE 2150
Health and Wellness for Life
and First Aid - CPR
Select two KSPE Fitness/Activity Courses2
Professional Education61
Professional Semester 1
ELES 3010Planning, Instruction, and Developmentally Appropriate Practices3
LITR 3110Emergent Literacy Through Children's Literature and the Arts3
LITR 3120Early Literacy3
SPEC 3000Serving Students with Diverse Needs3
ELED 3190Elementary Education Practicum and Seminar: PreK-K2
Professional Semester 2
ELES 3020Intermediate Assessment, Planning, and Instruction3
ELED 4500Science and Technology in Elementary Education3
LITR 3130Developing Literacy3
ELED 3690Elementary Education Practicum and Seminar: Grades 4-52
MATH 2008Foundations of Numbers and Operations3
Professional Semester 3
ASLS 2130American Sign Language III3
DEAF 3130Orientation to Deaf Education: Communication, Culture, and Language3
DEAF 4050Manual Communication3
MGED 3220Reading and Writing in the Content Areas for Middle Grades3
SPEC 3020Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers3
Professional Semester 4
ASLS 3180American Sign Language IV3
ASLS 3210American Sign Language V3
DEAF 3040Legal and Ethical Issues for Deaf Education3
MGED 3991Differentiated Classroom for Middle Grades3
MATH 3161Mathematics for Early Childhood Teachers I3
Summer Semester (3 hours)
ASLS 3220American Sign Language VI3
Total hours required for the degree127