This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Students admitted to the Communication Disorders program must have a 3.00 GPA. All courses in Area F and major courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher. If a student’s GPA falls below 3.00, the student will have one semester (fall or spring) to restore it to or above 3.00. If the GPA remains below 3.00 for two consecutive semesters (not including summer), the student will be required to select another major.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Education in Communication Disorders

Core Curriculum60
Core Areas A-E (See VSU Core Curriculum)42
For CSD majors, both a biological science and a physical science are required in Area D to meet ASHA certification requirements. Students are strongly encouraged to take PSYC 1101 in Area E of the Core Curriculum. This course is a prerequisite for all upper division courses in Psychology.
Area F Requirements
EDUC 2110Investigating Critical and Contemporary Issues in Education3
EDUC 2120Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Diversity3
EDUC 2130Exploring Learning and Teaching3
Language Arts (Selected from any 2000-level course)3
MATH 1401Elementary Statistics3
ACED 2400Computer Technology for the Workplace3
or CS 1000 Introduction to Microcomputers and Applications
CSD 2998Entry to the Profession0
College of Education and Human Services Health and Physical Education Requirements6
KSPE 2000
KSPE 2150
Health and Wellness for Life
and First Aid - CPR
Select two KSPE Fitness/Activity courses2
Professional Education60
CSD 3010Introduction to Communication Disorders3
CSD 3020Audiology I: Hearing Science3
CSD 3040Applied Phonetics3
CSD 3060Anatomy & Physiology of the Speech Mechanism3
CSD 3070Normal Language Acquisition3
CSD 3080Introduction to neuroscience for communication sciences and disorders3
DEAF 4050Manual Communication3
CSD 4020Speech Science3
CSD 4040Introduction to Speech Sound Disorders3
CSD 4050Observation2
CSD 4010Clinical Methods in Communication Disorders3
CSD 4120Consultation in Communication Disorders3
CSD 4130Organic Speech Disorders3
CSD 4110Diagnostics in Communication Disorders4
CSD 4140
CSD 4151
Cultural and Dialectical Issues
and Audiology II: Auditory Diagnostics and Disorders
Select two of the following:6
Serving Students with Diverse Needs
Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers
Introduction to Behavior Modification
Select one of the following:3
Psychoeducational Aspects of Early Childhood
Child Psychology
Adolescent and Young Adult Psychology
Adult Psychology and Gerontology
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Social Psychology
All Area F courses and CSD major course requirements must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher.
Toal hours required for the degree126