This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Selected Educational Outcomes

1. Depth of knowledge in the major subfields of contemporary English studies.

2. The ability to work in each subfield in light of key facts and concepts.

3. The ability to produce cogent written work, blending knowledge of each subfield with its implications for the teaching of language arts.

4. The ability to articulate their own work.

5. The ability to produce systematic and researched work appropriate to the discipline.

Outcome Assessments

The English Department assesses the extent to which its program requirements create the desired outcomes by using a variety of techniques. Examples of these assessments (and the related educational outcome) include the following:

  1. Students will pass a four-hour written comprehensive examination.
  2. Students will pass an oral examination.

Prior to admission to any graduate program at Valdosta State University, applicants must first submit a completed application to the Graduate School. A completed application includes official transcripts from all institutions previously attended, official test scores (GRE), completed application, fee, and any additional program requirements, submitted by the admission deadline. To be considered for the preferred term, all required materials must be received by the Graduate School no later than the close of business on the deadline. It is the responsibility of the applicant to allow adequate time for document submission and to ensure receipt of documents.

Application Deadlines

Fall: July 1

Spring: November 1

Summer: April 1

Go to the Graduate School website and click on Our Programs, then click on English for information on:

  • Specific English Program Admission Requirements
  • English Program Retention, Dismissal, and Readmission Policies
  • English Program Graduation Requirements

To Apply Online, click here.

Students may be accepted as probationary students in the Department of English. In order to be accepted as such, students must meet either the minimum GPA or GRE requirements. Moreover, students must submit a three-page essay to the Department of English, detailing (a) career goals and (b) academic interests. Probationary acceptance is provisional and at the discretion of the Graduate Committee.

Comprehensive Examination

The Comprehensive Exam is the final component of the MAESLAT program and is required for completion of the MAESLAT degree. Although the Comprehensive Exam is designed to build upon student knowledge gained through coursework, it requires significant additional study and preparation in selected areas of emphasis.

The exam consists of a four-hour written component and a one-hour oral component. The written component can be divided into two days, if desired.

The Written Component

The written component must be taken in a proctored setting of the student’s choice subject to approval by the Graduate Studies Committee.  Typically, the setting will be a testing center on a university campus (such as the Office of Testing at VSU) or a commercial entity that offers proctored testing for a fee (such as Sylvan). The student is responsible for arranging the testing site, obtaining approval for it from the Graduate Studies Committee no fewer than two weeks before the scheduled date of the exam and paying any fees required by the testing center. 

The written component will be comprised of questions drawn from two of the following areas of the student’s choosing: 1) literature, 2) rhetoric and composition, 3) linguistics, and 4) creative writing. The student is responsible for identifying these two areas via e-mail to the Graduate Coordinator of the Department of English at least 1-2 semesters before graduation.

In preparation for the exam and subject to the approval of the Graduate Studies Committee, students will be provided and in some areas help develop reading lists representative of each chosen area of focus. Each list will consist of at least 15-20 sources (secondary in most cases; primary and secondary for literature), some of which reflect but many of which provide material additional to that which students have studied in their courses.

A sub-committee of two to three faculty members will write the Comprehensive Exam questions for each area of specialization, basing questions on reading lists and, in some instances, student coursework. The same sub-committee will evaluate the student’s written performance (pass or fail). The results of these evaluations will be compiled by the Graduate Coordinator and communicated to the student.

The student must pass the written portion in order to proceed to the oral portion.

The Oral Component

The oral component will take place via BlazeView in the form of Blackboard Collaborate, or via a similar technology, subject to approval by the Graduate Studies Committee.

The oral component will be a follow up to the written portion.

For important additional exam guidelines, click here. [please link to Eng. Dept.’s Comps page – currently linked to English MA thesis option instead]

Students preparing for the Comprehensive Exam may take preparation hours (ENGL 8950) (0-3 credit hours) as desired. They do not count toward the degree, but do assist students who need more time after required coursework has been completed to complete the program, since the exam must be taken during a semester for which the student is registered for a course.

Students desirous of entering the program without an undergraduate degree in English or an English minor must complete the following requirements prior to enrollment in graduate-level coursework with a grade of "B" or higher in each:

ENGL 3060Introduction to Criticism and Research3
ENGL 3110British Literature I3
ENGL 3120British Literature II3
ENGL 3210American Literature I3
ENGL 3215American Literature II3

Program Requirements

Required Courses27
ENGL 7005Research Methods in English Studies for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7200American Literature for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7100British Literature for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7400Multicultural Literature for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7500Creative Writing for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7610Composition Theory for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7710English Language Change Past and Present for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7720English Grammar for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7620Rhetorical Theory for Language Arts Teachers3
Electives (may include up to 3 credit hours from outside the program)9
Select at least one of the following:
History of Rhetorical Theory for Language Arts Teachers
Language in School, Community, and Society for Language Arts Teachers
The Study of English Language Learners for Language Arts Teachers and Other Professionals
Select at least one of the following:
Special Topics in Creative Writing for Language Arts Teachers
Special Topics in American Literature for Language Arts Teachers
Special Topics in British Literature for Language Arts Teachers
Total Hours Required for the Degree36

Students seeking the M.A. in English Studies as a second master’s degree must satisfy all the requirements for the Master of Arts in English Studies.

T-5 Certification

Students wishing to obtain T-5 certification may do so after the completion of the MAESLAT program, provided they have a T-4 certificate and complete the professional education courses required for T-5 certification by the State Department of Education.

Application Deadlines:

Fall: July 1
Spring: November 1

Summer: April 1

Go to the Graduate School website and click on Our Programs, then click on English for information on:

  • Specific English Program Admission Requirements
  • English Program Retention, Dismissal, and Readmission Policies
  • English Program Graduation Requirements

To Apply Online, click here.

Students may be accepted as probationary students in the Department of English. In order to be accepted as such, students must meet either the minimum GPA or GRE requirements. Moreover, students must submit a three-page essay to the Department of English, detailing (a) career goals and (b) academic interests. Probationary acceptance is provisional and at the discretion of the Graduate Committee.

Required Courses30
ENGL 7005Research Methods in English Studies for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7200American Literature for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7100British Literature for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7400Multicultural Literature for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7500Creative Writing for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7610Composition Theory for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7620Rhetorical Theory for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7710English Language Change Past and Present for Language Arts Teachers3
ENGL 7720English Grammar for Language Arts Teachers3
Select one of the following:3
Special Topics in British Literature for Language Arts Teachers
Special Topics in American Literature for Language Arts Teachers
Special Topics in Creative Writing for Language Arts Teachers
History of Rhetorical Theory for Language Arts Teachers
Language in School, Community, and Society for Language Arts Teachers
The Study of English Language Learners for Language Arts Teachers and Other Professionals
Electives (may include up to 3 credit hours from outside the program)6
Total Required for the Degree36

Students seeking the M.A. in English Studies as a second master’s degree must satisfy all the requirements for the Master of Arts in English Studies.

T-5 Certification

Students wishing to obtain T-5 certification may do so after the completion of the M.A. program, provided they have a T-4 certificate and complete the professional education courses required for T-5 certification by the State Department of Education.