This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

The performance-based certification non-degree program offers candidates the opportunity to become certified in performance-based leadership (PL 6 or 7) at the building level or system level.

Admission Deadlines

  • Fall Deadline: July 1
  • Spring Deadline: November 1
  • Summer Deadline: April 1

To pursue the Certificate in Educational Leadership, applicants must hold a specialist’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited or GaPSC approved institution, hold a Tier I Educational Leadership Certificate, and currently serve in a leadership role as defined by their school system.

To Apply Online, click here.

Requirements for Certification in Educational Leadership (Tier II)

Area A Core9
The Faculty advisor will collaborate with the candidate and school system partners to evaluate graduate course work to identify appropriate courses for transfer or enrollment.
Area B Residency18
Advanced Leadership Field-Based Experiences I
Advanced Leadership Field-Based Experiences II
Advanced Leadership Field-Based Experiences III
The residency will be completed at the candidate's work site under the supervision of a Candidate Support Team consisting of a site mentor, a university advisor/coach, and the candidate.
Total Hours27

Please note that all students who hold or are seeking this degree and/or GaPSC educator certification must successfully complete EDUC 5999. Prior to being recommended for a clear/renewable Georgia leadership certificate, a candidate must meet the GaPSC Special Requirements (PSC Rule 505-2-20)--Identification and Education of Children with Special Needs and pass the GACE Educational Performance-Based Leadership Assessment.