This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Selected Educational Outcomes

  1. Students will demonstrate an advanced level of performance skills and personal musicianship in studio and ensemble settings.
  2. Students will apply analytical and historical knowledge to performance.
  3. Students will exhibit knowledge of applicable solo and ensemble literature.
  4. Students will apply pedagogical skills in studio instruction.
  5. Students will demonstrate the methodology of research in the field of music.
  6. Students will communicate scholarly research in proper written form.
  7. Students will utilize a variety of instructional strategies to encourage development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills in their private students.

Examples of Outcome Assessments

  1. Students will complete a written and oral comprehensive examination that demonstrates satisfactory achievement in written and oral communication skills related to pedagogy, music history and analysis, literature, and research methodology.
  2. Students will prepare and perform a graduate recital to the satisfaction of a faculty committee.This recital represents a culmination and application of applied study, pedagogy, music history, analysis, and research.

Go to the Graduate School website and click on Our Programs, then click on M.M.P. Program for information on

  • Specific M.M.P. Program Admission Requirements
  • M.M.P. Program Retention, Dismissal, and Readmission Policies
  • M.M.P. Program Graduation Requirements

To Apply Online, click here

Requirements for the Master of Music in Performance degree

Applied Music, Literature, Pedagogy16
Applied Music (a four-hour course in a single major applied performance area taken for four semesters)
Performance Areas (4 semester hours per course): 16
Private Piano
Private Voice
Private Brass
Private Woodwinds
Private Percussion
Private Strings
Private Conducting
Private Collaborative Piano
Required Music Core Courses10
MUSC 7010Music Theory3
MUSC 7020Music History3
MUSC 7050Music Research and Bibliography3
Advanced Pedagogy1
Advanced Piano Pedagogy
Advanced Percussion Pedagogy
Advanced Brass Pedagogy
Advanced Woodwind Pedagogy
Advanced String Pedagogy
Advanced Collaborative Piano Pedagogy
Advanced Pedagogy of Choral Conducting
Advanced Pedagogy of Orchestra Conducting
Advanced Pedagogy of Wind Band Conducting
Music Ensembles and Guided Electives 10
Minimum of 4 hours in Music Ensembles
Minimum of 4 hours in Guided Electives
Total Hours Required for the Degree36