This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

ACED 7000. Foundations and Trends in Business Education. 2 Hours.

An overview of the history and development of the field of business education. Emphasis on the various components of the business education profession; federal and state legislative implications for business education; current trends, issues, and problems in business education; and contributions of various leaders in the field of business education.

ACED 7020. History and Philosophy of Adult and Career Education. 3 Hours.

In depth inquiry into the background, purposes, philosophies, policies and principles of adult and career education. Students will study the impact of federal and state legislation.

ACED 7030. Contemporary Curricular Approaches. 3 Hours.

Principles, procedures, and considerations for developing curriculum in adult and career education.

ACED 7070. Advanced Office Procedures. 3 Hours.

Advanced concepts of project management and office procedures integrating previously learned office skills, including identifying and using resources to teach administrative office procedures.

ACED 7100. Current Practices in Workforce Education and Development. 3 Hours.

Introduction to workforce education, training, and development. Emphasis is on program design, needs assessment, costs, and benefits of training programs and methods of trainer performance in the workplace.

ACED 7110. Workforce Human Performance Improvement. 3 Hours.

Exploration and analysis of recent developments in practices of workforce human performance improvement. Emphasis will be placed on the theory and practical applications of performance improvement techniques, principles, analysis, benchmarking, interventions, and change management.

ACED 7120. Electronic Courseware Design and Development. 3 Hours.

An overview of emerging technologies used to develop interactive, computer-based training applications for distribution via corporate Intranets, the Internet, and CD-ROM. Emphasis is placed on learning technical skills and design skills while developing a broad understanding of the capabilities and limitations of computer-based training applications in corporate and other adult education settings.

ACED 7150. Adult Learning and Development. 3 Hours.

Advanced study of the socio-historical context of contemporary methods, agencies, programs, and issues in adult education, including adult non-formal education as well as formal and informal learning in diverse organizational and global contexts.

ACED 7200. Improvement of Instruction in Keyboarding. 3 Hours.

Development of strategies for teaching keyboarding. Emphasis on course objectives, equipment, materials, skill development, standards, and evaluative criteria.

ACED 7220. Improvement of Instruction in Business Technology Education. 3 Hours.

An analysis of methods, strategies, and problems associated with teaching advanced business technology courses. Also included are the selection, acquisition, and use of state-of-the-art hardware and software and the design and maintenance of a business technology lab in an educational setting.

ACED 7230. Improvement of Instruction in Basic Business Subjects, Economics, and Accounting. 3 Hours.

Strategies for teaching basic business subjects, economics, and accounting. Emphasis is placed on examining the use of computers in the teaching and learning process; motivation techniques, evaluation tools, gathering of resources, and application of research to the instructional process.

ACED 7240. Improvement of Instruction in Office Education. 3 Hours.

Competencies needed by students preparing for office work are analyzed; teaching methods, course content, and evaluation procedures are discussed.

ACED 7300. Practicum in Adult/Career Education. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Major in appropriate specialization; permission of the advisor must be obtained before registration.

ACED 7310. Practicum in Adult/Career Education. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Major in appropriate specialization; permission of the advisor must be obtained before registration.

ACED 7350. Organizational Learning and Development. 3 Hours.

Exploration of the history, principles, theories, and practices of organization development and learning as related to workforce education. Students will study the dominant models, their application, and research in the field.

ACED 7400. Computer Technology for the Workplace. 3 Hours.

Introductory, hands-on computer applications for development of workplace skills. Topics include word processing, databases, spreadsheets, communication, and presentation software.

ACED 7410. New Teacher Institute. 3 Hours.

Basic instructional and management skills for new secondary career education teachers. Emphasis is on survival skills related to teaching methodology and curriculum implementation that will help them to be successful during their first and second year of teaching.

ACED 7420. Creating and Delivering Online Instruction. 3 Hours.

Procedures, best practices, and learning theories related to using the Internet to deliver instruction. The course includes preparation of materials and assignments that utilize the Internet to foster interactive learning environments in face-to-face, blended, and online courses.

ACED 7430. Advanced New Teacher Institute. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite or co-requisite: ACED 7410. Advanced instructional and management skills for new secondary career education teachers. Emphasis is on improvement of skills related to teaching methodology and curriculum implementation that will help them to be more successful as career education practitioners.

ACED 7500. Organization and Administration of Career Education. 3 Hours.

Organization of career education on the local, state, and national levels; federal and state government roles; and types of career education programs in education and industry.

ACED 7510. Communication in Business Technology Education. 3 Hours.

Study of the proper use of APA writing style; effective electronic, organizational, and multicultural communications; and presentation techniques in business technology education environments.

ACED 7530. Supervision and Mentoring in Adult and Career Education. 3 Hours.

Advanced study of techniques of supervision and methods of leadership relevant to those in, or aspiring to positions in secondary, post-secondary or business/industry workforce education and development.

ACED 7600. Applied Computer Technology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: ACED 2400 or ACED 7400 or consent of instructor. Development of instructional materials for specific teaching areas using the advanced features of word processing, spreadsheets, databases, communication, and presentation software. The course is designed for business technology educators and will require the development of practical computer-related projects which can be used in various adult education settings.

ACED 7610. Advanced Web Design and Development. 3 Hours.

Advanced theory and practice of designing web sites for business and/or education settings, incorporating accepted design and usability standards. The course includes use of Hypertext markup language (HTML) and web design software taught in business technology programs.

ACED 7620. Evaluation of Adult and Career Education Programs. 3 Hours.

Development and understanding of program evaluation in adult and career education settings. Emphasis is placed on understanding and application of evaluation approaches, models, and practical guidelines for implementation.

ACED 7640. Issues and Trends in Adult and Career Education. 3 Hours.

Exploration and analysis of recent research and societal developments affecting adult and career education. Emphasis is on ethical and professional responsibilities, liability, emerging trends, and issues.

ACED 7680. Contemporary Instructional Practices in Workforce Education. 3 Hours.

Theory and application of contemporary instructional practices found in workforce education settings. Focus is on the principles of adult teaching and learning, including the development and implementation of professional and innovative delivery and instructional practices, materials, and resources.

ACED 7700. Advanced Desktop Publishing. 3 Hours.

Advanced theory and practice of designing business-related documents such as brochures, newsletters, advertisements, and books, integrating several software packages taught in business technology programs for desktop publishing, photo editing, and graphic design.

ACED 7710. Managing the Classroom and Laboratory Learning Environment. 3 Hours.

Principles and strategies for managing the secondary classroom and laboratory learning environment. Emphasis is placed on establishing an effective learning environment through positive teacher, student, and peer relationships, along with techniques for minimizing and responding to disruptive student behavior.

ACED 7740. Educators and Industry. 3 Hours.

Designed to increase career awareness among educators, students, business and industry, and the community. Interaction among educators, business and industry, and community leaders concerning how to meet the needs of local industry.

ACED 7810. Computer Programming for Business Technology Education. 3 Hours.

Advanced study and the teaching of programming for a business environment in a high-level language, including algorithm design, data types and classes, basic control structure, file processing arrays, and object-oriented programming. Also includes an overview of computer environments, hardware and software components, machine-level programming, and information systems.

ACED 7820. Diverse Learners in Adult and Career Education. 3 Hours.

A study of learning needs of diverse students through differentiated instructional strategies, processes, products, and assessments. Emphasis is placed on enhancing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to design and deliver diverse instruction in adult and career education settings.

ACED 7850. Adult and Career Education Internship. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Permission from Instructor.

ACED 7900. Special Topics in Adult and Career Education. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Permission from instructor and consent of the department head. Exploration of topics specific to Adult and Career Education as applied to workforce education. May be repeated for up to six hours of credit.

ACED 7950. Directed Study in Adult and Career Education. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Graded "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory". An opportunity for intensive individual study on an approved topic.

ACED 7990. Analysis of Research in Adult and Career Education. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: RSCH 7100. Development and enhancement students' ability to analyze and construct relevant research in adult and career education. Emphasis placed on analysis of research methodology, research findings, implementation, and implications for adult and career education.

ACED 8450. Multimedia Authoring and Design. 3 Hours.

Advanced theory and practice of writing, designing, and preserving content for digital interfaces through multimedia and/or hypermedia tools that respond to specific audience needs for effective human-computer interaction, as well as usability, accessibility, and security issues.

ACED 8530. Instructional Supervision in Adult and Career Education. 3 Hours.

Information and experiences for the development of skills related to supervision of instruction in the career education classroom and laboratory.

ACED 8995. Practicum in Adult/Career Education. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Consent of the department head.

ACED 9400. Adult Learning Strategies. 3 Hours.

Design, development, and implementation of adult learning programs. Particular emphasis will be placed on curriculum models, goals, organization, methodology, career development and evaluation for adult learners and learning programs.

ACED 9410. Diverse Populations in Adult and Career Education. 3 Hours.

Analysis of decision making, policy development and implementation of adult and career education programs serving diverse adult populations. Particular emphasis will be placed on adult populations including but not limited to adults with special needs, military veterans, displaced workers, single parents, incarcerated adults, older workers and others.

ACED 9420. Issues in Adult and Career Education. 3 Hours.

Emphasis on topics relating to adult and career education which are considered to be especially significant to the field because of current research developments and legislation.

ACED 9430. Leadership in Adult and Career Education. 3 Hours.

Exploration of theory and development of leadership in adult and career education settings. Emphasis will be placed on identifying effective leadership characteristics, expanding leadership skills, and developing a philosophy of effective leadership.

ACED 9440. Seminar in Adult and Career Education. 3 Hours.

Exploration of topics specific to adult and career education in industry and/or educational settings. Emphasis will be given to examination of research, as applied in the public and private sectors.

ACED 9450. International Workforce Education and Training. 3 Hours.

Advanced study of from an international perspective of the social, economic and environmental impact of workforce and technical education and training.

ACED 9999. Dissertation in Adult and Career Education. 1-6 Hours.

Prerequisites: Completion of major courses and approval of advisor or dissertation chair. Development and defense of the dissertation proposal and the dissertation. Must be taken each fall and spring semester until dissertation is completed. Number of hours taken per term must be approved by the dissertation chair. A minimum of 9 hours must be completed.