Catalog Disclaimer
The statements set forth in this catalog are for informational purposes only and should not be constructed as the basis of a contract between a student and the institution.
While the provisions of this catalog will ordinarily be applied as stated, Valdosta State University reserves the right to change any provision listed in this catalog, including but not limited to academic requirements for graduation, without actual notice to individual students. Every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes. Information on changes will be available in the Office of the Registrar. It is especially important that all students note that it is their individual and personal responsibility to keep themselves apprised of current graduation requirements for their particular degree program.
Absence Regulations (Undergraduate)
Academic Advising (Undergraduate)
Academic Classification (Undergraduate)
Academic Load
Academic Probation and Suspension (Undergraduate)
Academic Programs
Academic Renewal Policy (Undergraduate)
Academic Standards and Regulations (Graduate)
Academic Success Center (Undergraduate)
Accounting, Department of
- Programs of Study
- MAcc (Master of Accountancy)
- BBA in Accounting
- Accounting Minor
- Undergraduate (Beginning Freshmen, Home schooled, Transfer students, Transient students)
- Graduate
Advanced Placement (AP)
Advertising and Promotions Minor
Agriculture Education, M.A.T. in Education
American Sign Language/English Interpreting Major
- Programs of Study
Arts, College of the
Astronomy Programs of Study
Attendance (Undergraduate)
Auditing Courses
Biology, Department of
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Programs of Study
- BS in Biology and Accelerated Undergraduate-to-Graduate Track
- BA in Biology and Accelerated Undergraduate-to-Graduate Track
- MS in Biology
- Biology Minor
Business Administration, Langdale College of
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Programs of Study
- BBA in Accounting
- BBA in Applied Economics
- BBA in Finance
BBA in General Business - BBA in Management
- BBA in Healthcare Administration
- BBA in Marketing
- BBA in International Business
- MAcc
- MAcc and MBA dual degree
- WebMBA
- Accounting Minor
- Advertising and Promotions Minor
- Business Analytics Minor
- Business Law Minor
- Economics Minor
- Entrepreneurship Minor
- Healthcare Administration Minor
- Human Resources Management Minor
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management Minor
- Operations Management Minor
- Professional Sales Minor
Cancellation of Registration for Cause
Career Opportunities, Office of
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)
- Community and Technical College Leadership
Crosstraining in Journalism and Mass Media - European Studies
- Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Administration (Online only)
- Honors
- Internal Auditing
- Latin American Studies
- Online Teaching
- Online Writing
- Spanish for Professionals
- Sports Broadcasting
- Teaching College English
Certification Only Programs of Study
Change in Major Program (Undergraduate)
- Programs of Study
Class Attendance (Undergraduate)
Classification of Students (Undergraduate)
College Level Exam Program (CLEP)
College Preparatory Curriculum
Communication Arts, Department of
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Programs of Study
- BFA in Communication
- BFA in Dance
- BFA in Theatre ((Performance Track, Production Track, Musical Theatre Track, Elective Studies in Theatre Management)
- BFA in Mass Media
- Communication Minor
- Theatre Arts Minor
- Mass Media Studies Minor
- Dance Minor
Communication Sciences and Disorders, Department of
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Programs of Study
Computer Information Systems Degree
Computer Science, Department of
- Programs of Study
Comprehensive Examinations (Graduate)
Continuing Education (Professional and Community Education)
Correspondence Work (Undergraduate)
Course Loads
Course Numbering
Course Substitutions and Waivers (Undergraduate)
Courses of Instruction
Creating Writing (B.A. in English, Literature, Language, and Letters Track)
Creative Writing and Contemporary Literature Minor
Credit by Examination (Undergraduate)
Criminal Justice Programs of Study
Dance Programs of Study
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Programs of Study
- BSEd in Special Education (Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing)
- MAT in Special Education--Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
- MEd in Special Education--Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Education
- Deaf Studies Minor
Dental Hygiene Program of Study (Associate of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene)
Dual Degree Programs in Engineering
Dismissal Appeal (Graduate)
Early Admission (Undergraduate)
Economics, Finance, and Healthcare Administration, Department of
- Programs of Study
- BBA in Applied Economics
- BBA in Finance
- Economics Minor
- Healthcare Administration Minor
- Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Administration
Education and Human Services, Dewar College of
Educational Leadership Programs of Study
English, Department of
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Programs of Study
- BA in English (Literature, Language, and Letters Track, Journalism and Editing Track)
- MA in English
- MA in English Studies for Language Arts Teachers (Online only)
- Creative and Contemporary Literature Minor
- English Studies Minor
- Literature and Language Minor
- Journalism Minor
- Professional Writing Minor
- Institutional Cross-training Certification in Journalism and Mass Media
- Online Writing Certificate
- Teaching College English Certificate
- English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Endorsement
Enrollment at Other Institutions (Undergraduate)
Environmental Geosciences Major (Geography Track or Geology Track)
ESOL (English as a Second Language)
Exemption Tests (Undergraduate)
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Final Examinations (Undergraduate)
Financial Aid (Undergraduate or Graduate)
Five “W” Policy (Undergraduate)
Foreign Languages--Department of Modern and Classical Languages
Foreign Students
French Programs of Study
- BA in French (Language and Culture Track, Language and International Trade Track, World Languages and Cultures Track)
- M.A.T. in English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
- M.A.T. in Foreign Language Education (FLED)
- Minor
Geography Programs of Study
Geology Programs of Study
Grade Appeals and Changes
Graduation Requirements (Undergraduate)
Graduation with Honors (Undergraduate)
Hardship Withdrawal
Health and Physical Education Programs of Study (see Teacher Education)
Healthcare Administration Programs of Study
- BBA in Healthcare Administration
- Healthcare Administration Minor
- Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Administration (Online only)
Health Fields, Preparation for
Healthcare Administration Minor
History Department
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Programs of Study
- BA in History
- MA in History
- History Minor
- History Certificate (for teaching college history surveys)
Human Resources Management Minor
Human Services, Department of
- Department
- Programs of Study
ID Cards (VSU 1Cards)
Instructional Support, Learning Support Policy
Instructional Technology Programs of Study
Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Programs
Interdisciplinary Studies, BA in
International Baccalaureate (IB)
International Business, BBA in
International/Intercultural Studies Minor
International Students
Internship Guidelines (Undergraduate)
Joint Enrollment (Undergraduate)
Journalism Programs of Study
- BA in English (Journalism and Editing Track)
- Minor
Language Requirements (Undergraduate)
Leadership, Technology, and Workforce Development, Department of
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Programs of Study
- BSEd in Workforce Education and Development
- BS in Office Administration and Technology
- MEd in Adult and Career Education (Business Education and Information Technology Option, Workforce Education and Development Option, Career and Technical Education Option)
- MEd in Instructional Technology
- MEd in Educational Leadership
- EdS in Instructional Technology
- EdS in Educational Leadership
- EdD in Adult and Career Education
- EdD in Leadership
- EdD in Curriculum and Instruction
- Certificate in Online Teaching
- Certification in Library Media
- Certification in Educational Leadership
Certificate in Community and Technical College Leadership - Online Teaching Endorsement
Library and Information Studies
- Department
- Programs of Study
- MLIS and Concurrent Media Specialist Certification (State of Georgia)
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Minor
Management and Marketing, Department of
- Programs of Study
Marriage and Family Therapy, M.S. in
Mass Media Programs of Study
- BFA in Mass Media
- Mass Media Studies Minor
- Institutional Cross-training Certificate in Journalism and Mass Media
- Programs of Study
Maximum Hours per Semester
Medical School, Preparation for
Medical Withdrawals: Undergraduate or Graduate
Mid-Term Grades (Undergraduate)
- Accounting
- Aerospace Studies
- Advertising and Promotion
- Africana Studies
- Anthropology
- Applied Statistics
- Art
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Business Analytics
- Business Law
- Chemistry
- Coaching
- Communication
- Computer Science
- Creative Writing and Contemporary Literature
- Criminal Justice
- Dance
- Deaf Studies
- Economics
- English Studies
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Studies
- Forensic Accounting
- French
- Geography
- Geology
- German
- Health and Physical Education
- Health Communication
- Healthcare Administration
- History
- Human Resources Management
- International/Intercultural Studies
- Journalism
- Literature and Language
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Mass Media Studies
- Mathematics
- Middle Eastern Studies
- Music
- Native American and Indigenous Studies
- Nutritional Science
- Operations Management
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Professional Writing
- Professional and Applied Ethics
- Professional Sales
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Recreation and Leisure
- Religious Studies
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Theatre Arts
- Women's and Gender Studies
Modern and Classical Languages, Department of
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Programs of Study
- BA in French (Language and Culture Track, Language and International Trade Track, World Languages and Cultures Track, Accelerated Undergraduate-to-Graduate Track)
- BA in Spanish (Language and Culture Track, World Languages and Cultures Track)
- M.A.T. in English as a Second Language (ESOL)
- M.A.T. in Foreign Language Education (French or Spanish)
- French Minor
- German Minor
- Spanish Minor
- Certificate in Spanish for Professionals (Online only)
- Latin American Studies Certificate
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Certificate (Online only)
- English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Endorsement
Music, Department of
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Programs of Study
- BA in Music (General Track, Education Track, Jazz Track)
- BM in Music Performance (Piano Track, Organ Track, Voice Track, Orchestral Instruments Track, Guitar Track, Jazz Track)
- MAT in Music Education
- MMP (Master of Music in Performance)
- Music Minor
Music Performing Organizations
Native American and Indigenous Studies Minor
Non-Resident and Resident Classification
Numbering of Courses: Undergraduate or Graduate
Nursing and Health Sciences, College of:
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Programs of Study
- AAP in Dental Hygiene
- BS in Exercise Physiology
- BS in Health Sciences
- MSN (Family Nurse Practitioner Track, Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Track)
- DNP (BSN-to-DPN Program, MSN-to-DPN Program)
- Post-Master Nurse Practitioner Certificates
- Nutritional Science Minor
Office Administration and Technology Major
Organizational Leadership Program
Philosophy and Religious Studies, Department of
- Department
- Programs of Study
- BA (Philosophy Track, Religious Studies Track)
- Philosophy Minor
- Religious Studies Minor
- Professional and Applied Ethics Minor
Physics, Astronomy, Geosciences, and Engineering Technology, Department of
- Department
- Programs of Study
Political Science, Department of
- Department
- Programs of Study
Post-Master Nurse Practitioner Certificates
Prior Learning Assessment (Undergraduate)
Professional and Applied Ethics Minor
Professional Schools, Preparation for
Psychological Science, Department of
- Department
- Programs of Study
- Programs of Study
Reclassification of Resident or Out-of-State Students
Regents' Engineering Transfer Program
Scholarships: Undergraduate or Graduate
School Counseling Programs of Study
Second Degree
Secondary Education Program
Seven-Year Rule (Graduate)
Social Work, MSW (Master of Social Work)
Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice, Department of
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Programs of Study
Spanish Programs of Study
- BA in Spanish (Language and Culture Track, World Languages and Cultures Track, Accelerated Undergraduate-to-Graduate Track)
- M.A.T. in English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
- M.A.T. in Foreign Language Education (FLED)
- Spanish Minor
- Spanish for Professionals Certificate (Online)
Special Education Programs of Study--see Teacher Education, Department of
Stages of Progress Required (Undergraduate)
Student Instructional Support (Undergraduate)
Student Teaching (Undergraduate)
Study Abroad (Undergraduate)
Substitutions and Waivers (Undergraduate)
Suspension, Academic (Undergraduate)
Teacher Certification (Undergraduate)
Teacher Education, Department of
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Programs of Study
- BSEd in American Sign Language/English Interpreting
- BSEd in Elementary Education
- BSEd in Elementary Education (Online)
- BSEd in Health and Physical Education
- BSEd in Middle Grades Education
- BSEd in Secondary Education
- BSEd in Special Education (Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing)
- MAT in Agriculture Education
- MAT in Education
- MAT in Health and Physical Education
- MAT in Middle Grades or Secondary Education
- MAT in Special Education
- MAT in Special Education--Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
- MEd in Elementary Education
- MEd in Health and Physical Education
- MEd in Middle Grades Math and Science
- MEd in Curriculum and Instruction in Accomplished Teaching
- MEd in Special Education--Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
- EdS in Coaching Pedagogy in Physical Education
- EdS in Special Education
- EdS in Teacher Leadership
- Georgia Reading Endorsement
- Deaf Studies Minor
- Coaching Minor
- Health and Physical Education Minor
- Recreation and Leisure Minor
- Mathematics Endorsement for K-5 Teachers
- Science Endorsement for K-5 Teachers
Teaching College English Certificate
Theatre Programs of Study
- BFA in Theatre (Performance Track, Production Track, Musical Theatre Track, Theatre Management Track)
- Theatre Arts Minor
Theological School, Preparation for
Transfer Credit (Undergraduate)
Transient Students (Letters of Good Standing)
Transportation and Parking, Office of
Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses
Verification of Lawful Presence
Waivers and Substitutions (Undergraduate)
Withdrawal Policy (5-W Limit, Medical Withdrawal, Mental Health Withdrawal)