SPAN 1001. Beginning Spanish Language and Introduction to Hispanic Cultures, I. 3 Hours.
Emphasis on the development of proficiency and communicative competence at the novice level in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines. Various sociocultural aspects and the distinctiveness of certain cultural traditions are studied.
SPAN 1002. Beginning Spanish Language and Introduction to Hispanic Cultures, II. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 1001 or the equivalent. A continuation of SPAN 1001, with emphasis on proficiency and communicative competence at the novice level in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines. Awareness of various sociocultural aspects and the distinctiveness of certain cultural traditions.
SPAN 1111. Intensive Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: Two or more years of high school Spanish or the equivalent. Emphasis on the development of proficiency and communicative competence at the novice level in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines. Awareness of various sociocultural aspects and the distinctiveness of certain cultural traditions. SPAN 1111 is a one-semester com- bination of SPAN 1001 and SPAN 1002. This course is designed for those students not fully prepared for the 1002 level. SPAN 1111 reviews the concepts presented in SPAN 1001 and advances the student through the material of SPAN 1002.
SPAN 2001. Intermediate Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures I. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 1002 or the equivalent. Emphasis on the development of proficiency and communicative competence at the intermediate level in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines. Awareness and understanding of various sociocultural aspects and the distinctiveness of certain cultural traditions.
SPAN 2002. Intermediate Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures II. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2001 or the equivalent. A continuation of SPAN 2001, with emphasis on proficiency and communicative competence at the intermediate level in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines. Awareness and understanding of various sociocultural aspects and the distinctiveness of certain cultural traditions.
SPAN 2011. Intermediate Conversation. 1 Hour.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: SPAN 2002, and SPAN 2010. A course in conversational Spanish with emphasis on increasing the speaking performance level of students and preparing them to take the assessment interview, the Oral Proficiency Interview, as a requirement for entry into the major. The course is to be taken concurrently with SPAN 2010 as an introduction to the major or minor in Spanish. Students may repeat SPAN 2011 for elective credit without enrolling in SPAN 2010. SPAN 2011 may be repeated to a maximum of 3 hours credit.
SPAN 2020. Spanish for Communication in the Criminal Justice Fields. 3 Hours.
Basic Spanish for practical use in criminal justice, with a focus on in-take and basic procedural communication. This course will address cultural norms and facets of the Latino community with the United States. Includes field trips and practicum experiences with relevance to the discipline.
SPAN 3000. Intermediate Grammar and Conversation. 3 Hours.
Prerequisites or corequisites: SPAN 2002. A study of selected lexical items and grammatical structures and concepts of the Spanish language along with development of speaking skills through conversation in the target language. The course serves as an introduction to the major in Spanish.
SPAN 3010. Culture, Conversation and Composition. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or consent of the instructor. A cultural approach to the improvement of writing and speaking skills in Spanish. The essays in the writing workshop and the class discussions will focus on the themes found in stories, films, or videos from the Hispanic world. Emphasis will be placed on Hispanic culture, vocabulary building, writing techniques, and problemic Spanish language structures.
SPAN 3012. Applied Spanish Conversation for Professionals. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or consent of instructor. Practice in both formal and informal discourse for communication in professional settings such as social services, law enforcement, business and healthcare. Designed for the intermediate level student, this course focuses on refining fluency through discussions and practical experiences.
SPAN 3014. Language, Culture, and Advanced Conversation. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or consent of instructor. Advanced practice in both formal and informal discourse for communication in professional settings such as social services, law enforcement, business and healthcare. Conversational practice will focus upon discussing and debating how the historic and contemporary cultural realities of the Spanish-speaking world affect language and oral communication.
SPAN 3150. Civilization and Culture of Spain. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or consent of the instructor. Study of the religious, philosophical, geographical, historical, sociopolitical, and economic beliefs that form the identity of Spain. Emphasis will be placed on the development of the modern nation, the significance of the Golden Age in Spain's history, and the major events of the twentieth-century. The works of representative artists, composers, and writers from the various historical periods will be studied.
SPAN 3160. Civilization and Culture of Latin America. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or consent of the instructor. Study of the religious, philosophical, geographical, historical, sociopolitical, and economic beliefs that form the identity of Latin America. Emphasis will be placed on pre-Columbian societies, Discovery and Conquest, Revolutions and Dictatorships, and Contemporary Latin America.
SPAN 3200. Introduction to Hispanic Literature. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or consent of the instructor. Introduction to major representative literary works and some non-canonical texts of Spain and Latin America. The acquisition of critical and organizational skills in reading and their application to Hispanic texts will be emphasized.
SPAN 3250. Survey of Peninsular Literature. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3200 or consent of the instructor. Study of representative literary texts from the Middle Ages to the present within their historical context. The development of poetry, drama, and narrative prose will be emphasized.
SPAN 3260. Survey of Latin American Literature. 3 Hours.
Survey of selected essays, poems, short stories, and other literary works from Latin America.
SPAN 3300. Introduction to Spanish Phonetics and Phonology. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or consent of instructor. Introduction to the phonetics of the Spanish sound system and to the principles of phonological analysis and transcription. Emphasis is placed on the contrast between Spanish and English pronunciation of vowels and consonants, as well as on intonation and rhythm. Review of some dialectical variations in various areas of the vast Spanish speaking world will be reviewed.
SPAN 4010. Advanced Grammar. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or consent of the instructor. Advanced study of the structure of the Spanish language, with emphasis on practical composition and refinement of written expression.
SPAN 4020. Advanced Conversation. 3 Hours.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3010 or consent of the instructor. Intensive approach to spoken Spanish at the advanced level with emphasis on increasing the speaking performance level of students and preparing them to take the exit assessment interview, the Oral Proficiency Interview, at the end of their program of study. SPAN 4020 may be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit.
SPAN 4110. Spanish Phonetics and Phonology. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 and ESOL 4010. Introduction to the phonetics and phonemics of the Spanish sound system, including but not limited to phonological analysis and transcription. Emphasis is placed on the study of those sounds found in the dialects of what has been traditionally labeled American Spanish (Mexico, Central America, and the South American highlands); however important dialectal variations, such as those found in Caribbean and peninsular Spanish, will also be presented.
SPAN 4220. Hispanic Women Writers. 3 Hours.
Also offered as WGST 4220. Prerequisite: SPAN 3200 or consent of the instructor. Exploration of the way in which Hispanic women writers have created voices and identities through a variety of textual strategies. A study of the development of feminist discourse through these works will also be covered. Readings may include works from Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Isabel Allende, Julia de Burgos, Luisa Valenzuela, Angeles Maestretta, Rosario Castellanos, Merce Rodoreda, Ester Tusquets, Santa Teresa de Avila, Ana Maria Matute, Carmen Martin Gaite, and Rosa Montero.
SPAN 4230. Medieval Spanish Literature. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite SPAN 3150 and 3250 or consent of instructor. A study of Medieval Spanish Literature. The course will consider various literary genres such as the lyric, the epic, the romance, as well as prose within an historical and cultural time frame.
SPAN 4240. Golden Age Spanish Literature. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3150 and 3250 or consent of instructor. Study of selected texts, literary movements, and the cultural background of Spanish literature of the Golden Age (Renaissance/Baroque), including selections of poetry, prose and drama.
SPAN 4250. Twentieth Century Spanish Literature. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3150 or consent of the instructor. Study of the genres, movements and writers most representative of the literature of Spain during the twentieth century. The course begins with the writers of the Generation of '98, continues with selected works in fiction, drama, and poetry of the years prior to and immediately following the Civil War, and concludes with examples of the literature of Spain in the last decades of the twentieth- century.
SPAN 4260. Latin American Prose: Twentieth-Century Novel. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3160 or consent of the instructor. Study of selected Latin American novels which reflect the major trends in the development of the genre during the twentieth century.
SPAN 4270. Latin American Prose: Twentieth-Century Short Story. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3160 or consent of the instructor. Study of selected Latin American short stories which reflect the major trends in the development of the genre during the twentieth century.
SPAN 4500. Profession-Related Practicum or Study Abroad. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3014 or consent of the instructor. Supervised service learning in a Spanish-speaking community or study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country. Appropriate courses in the student's major field may be substituted.
SPAN 4501. Research Project in Spanish for Professionals. 3 Hours.
Prerequisites or consent of instructor. Professional and practical use of oral and written Spanish through the development of a community-based project for improving successful communication with Spanish speaking clients. An appropriate course in the student's major field may be substituted.
SPAN 4800. Special Topics. 3 Hours.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3010 or consent of the instructor. Special topics in Spanish language or Hispanic literature, civilization, or culture. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 hours if topics are different.
SPAN 4950. Directed Study. 1-3 Hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 and SPAN 3200 or consent of the instructor. Study in an area or topic of Spanish language or Hispanic literature, civilization, or culture not normal- ly found in established courses offered by the department. Students may also study more extensively an area or topic covered by the departmental curriculum. May be repeated up to a maximum of 3 hours if topics are different.
SPAN 4970. Study Abroad Practicum. 1 Hour.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or consent of the instructor. Orien- tation to the study abroad experience. Pre-departure ses- sions will focus on preparing the student to achieve the maximum learning potential from his/her stay in the selected site. Assigned readings and videos and regular discussion with the supervising instructor will familiarize the student with significant cultural practices that may differ from those of U.S. society and with geographical and historical features of the region as well as prepare him/her to function in the daily life of the community. A series of activities will be designed for the student to complete during the study abroad stay, and upon his/her return, the student will make at least three preparations related to the study abroad experience to university Spanish classes, elementary, middle or high school classes, or community organizations. The course is a requirement for all Spanish majors and minors who participate in a study abroad program. Credit for the course is in addition to other credit earned through the study abroad program.
SPAN 4980. Community Practicum. 1-3 Hours.
An experiential learning course consisting of supervised volunteer activities in schools, libraries, community organizations, or businesses. Students apply language and/or culture skills in helping their community. Practicum activities develop specialized vocabulary and/or cultural skills appropriate to their areas of work. Weekly reports and conferences with the supervising instructor are required. Course can be repeated for credit up to 3 credits.
SPAN 4990. Senior Seminar. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: Senior Standing. Capstone course, focused on selected special topics, designed to help students synthesize their knowledge and reinforce the skills they have acquired as Spanish majors. Required of all Spanish majors.
SPAN 4993. Senior Seminar for eMajor. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: Senior Standing. Capstone course, focused on selected special topics, designed to help students synthesize their knowledge and reinforce the skills they have acquired as Spanish majors. Required of all Spanish eMajors only.