MUE 2700. Brass Methods. 1 Hour.
Prerequisite: Music or Music Education majors only. Techniques of performance and methods of teaching brass instruments.
MUE 2710. Woodwind Methods. 1 Hour.
Prerequisite: Music or Music Education majors only. Techni- ques of performance and methods of teaching woodwind instruments.
MUE 2730. Percussion and Woodwind Methods. 1 Hour.
Techniques of performance and methods of teaching percussion and woodwind and percussion instruments. Music or Music Education majors only.
MUE 2999. Entry to the Education Profession. 0 Hours.
Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. A required non-credit course for all teacher education candidates pursuing a VSU recommendation for initial certification; must be success- fully completed prior to admission to teacher education. Candidates are required to establish an electronic portfolio and provide evidence that all teacher education admission requirements have been satisfactorily met. If an un- satisfactory grade is earned, the course must be repeated until a satisfactory grade is received.
MUE 3000. Music Teaching. 2 Hours.
An overview of music teaching for individuals and ensembles in studios and school environments. Students explore music teaching us transference of professional skills and knowledge within diverse settings that build upon the assets and resources that students bring to their learning.
MUE 3600. General Music Curriculum. 2 Hours.
Prerequisite: Grade of "S" in MUE 2999. Materials and methods of elementary music instruction in schools, k-12, including the historical and philosophical foundations of general music education. Instruction in basic pedagogy of all classroom instruments: fretted, recorders, percussion, and barred. Instruction in technology included. Includes daytime field experience in area schools.
MUE 3650. Conducting. 3 Hours.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2012 and MUSC 2052; BA Music - Music Education Track only. Techniques of choral and instrumental conducting.
MUE 3720. String Methods. 1 Hour.
Techniques of performance and methods of teaching string instruments. Music or Music Education majors only.
MUE 3730. Percussion Methods. 1 Hour.
Techniques of performance and methods of teaching percussion instruments in heterogenous groups. Music or Music Education majors only.
MUE 3750. Vocal Methods. 1 Hour.
Techniques of performance and methods of teaching vocal music. Music or Music Education majors only.
MUE 3780. String and Brass Methods. 1 Hour.
Techniques of performance and methods of teaching brass and string instruments. Music or Music Education majors only.
MUE 4600. Choral Curriculum and Techniques. 2 Hours.
Prerequisites: Grade of "S" in MUE 2999. Materials and techniques of choral music instruction and curriculum in schools, including rehearsal techniques, vocal development, repertoire, administration, instructional approaches, and assessment strategies. Music or Music Education majors only. Includes daytime field experience in area schools.
MUE 4610. Instrumental Curriculum and Techniques. 2 Hours.
Prerequisites: Grade of "S" in MUE 2999. Materials and techniques of instrumental music instruction and curriculum in schools, including rehearsal techniques, repertoire, administration, instructional approaches, and assessment strategies. Music or Music Education majors only. Includes daytime field experience in area schools.
MUE 4620. Advanced Choral Conducting. 2 Hours.
Prerequisite: MUSC 3650. Conducting and rehearsal techniques used in choral music classes. Students will refine their conducting skills and acquire knowledge of the latest developments in rehearsal strategies for use with choral singers of any age.
MUE 4630. Advanced Instrumental Conducting. 2 Hours.
Prerequisite: MUSC 3650. Conducting and rehearsal techniques used in instrumental music classes. Students will refine their conducting skills and acquire knowledge of the latest developments in rehearsal strategies for use with instrumentalists of any age.
MUE 4700. Marching Band Techniques. 1 Hour.
Marching fundamentals, drill routines; and arranging for, organizing, and producing a high school marching band. Includes the use of computer-assisted design techniques.
MUE 4720. Advanced String Methods. 1 Hour.
Prerequiste: MUE 3720. Intermediate and advanced techniques of secondary string instrument performing, advanced methods of teaching and basic knowledge of school string orchestra repertoire.
MUE 4790. Student Teaching in Music. 10 Hours.
Prerequisites: Completion of coursework, consent of department, and admission to teacher education program at Valdosta State University. Co-requisite: MUE 4800.
MUE 4800. Seminar for Student Teaching. 2 Hours.
Prerequisites: Student Teaching registration. Discussion of issues and problems related to student teaching.