This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

LEAS 1100. Introduction to Paralegalism. 3 Hours.

An introduction to the field of paralegalism. The course will include the role of paralegal in the legal system, the regulation and ethics of practice and the skills necessary for successful practice.

LEAS 3200. Legal Research I. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: LEAS 1100. A study of legal research methods utilizing state and federal sources. Students will develop professional skills as they read and analyze appellate court opinions, legislation and pleadings.

LEAS 3201. Legal Research II. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: LEAS 1100 and LEAS 3200. A continuation of Legal Research I. This course will emphasize computer assisted legal research skills as well as the preparation of legal documents.

LEAS 3210. Pre-Trial Preparation and Procedures. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: LEAS 1100. The study of pre-trial procedures and tactics in civil and criminal cases. The course will include methods of investigation, interviewing clients, preparation of clients and witnesses for testifying, competency of evidence, preparation of interrogatories, other discovery methods, and pleadings.

LEAS 3230. Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: LEAS 1100. The study of procedural and substantive criminal law. The application, interpretation, and enforcement of criminal law will be addressed. The role of the paralegal in the criminal justice system will be emphasized.

LEAS 3250. Law Office Management. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: LEAS 1100. The study of the business aspects of the practice of law. Topics include appropriate business structure, office systems, marketing and development issues, staffing and personnel issues, liability insurance, managing time, technology, and billing. Ethics and professionalism in dealing with clients and the general public will also be addressed.

LEAS 4200. Family Law. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: LEAS 1100. The study of the applicable law surrounding family relationships. The issues of adoption, marriage, divorce, alimony, child custody and support, and property division will be addressed.

LEAS 4240. Elder Law. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: LEAS 1100. The study of the legal problems associated with the elderly and issues of aging. Topics of discussion will include social, psychological, legal, and financial aspects of planning for the elderly. Issues will include Medicare and Medicaid benefits, nursing home institutionalization, Social Security, and probate and estate planning.

LEAS 4250. Trial Advocacy. 3 Hours.

An examination of all aspects of presenting a case in trial. Students develop effective methods for analyzing and preparing cases for presentation in trial. Students will learn and use basic technical skills necessary as members of the University's Mock Trial Team at tournaments sponsored by the American Mock Trial Association.

LEAS 4251. Trial Advocacy II. 3 Hours.

Also offered as POLS 4251. Supervised study of all aspects of presenting a case in trial with practice of trial skills in a mock setting. Students will compete in one or more mock trial competitions within the region and will write a research paper. The course may be taken three times for credit.

LEAS 4260. Alternative Dispute Resolution. 3 Hours.

Also offered as POLS 4260. Prerequisite: LEAS 1100. The study of various methods of alternative dispute resolution. Topics include preparation for and techniques used in mediation, arbitration, and alternative dispute resolution. Also addressed will be ethics and professionalism in dealing with represented and unrepresented individuals.

LEAS 4270. Immigration Law. 3 Hours.

An overview of U.S. immigration law with an emphasis on the paralegal's role. Topics include preparation of visa applications, the admission and removal of immigrants and non-immigrants, and citizenship and naturalization.

LEAS 4290. Tort Law. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: LEAS 1100. A basic study of the development of tort law in the United States. Emphasis is placed on law as it pertains to negigence, strict liabitity, and intentional torts. Current legal and ethical questions are examined.

LEAS 4700. Directed Study in Legal Assistant Studies. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisites: Legal Assistant Studies major and LEAS 1100. Directed reading and research in selected areas of legal assistant studies. Topics examined will include those not normally found in established legal assistant studies courses. Regular conferences between instructor and student will be required. Permission of the advisor, in- structor and department head must be obtained prior to registration.

LEAS 4800. Legal Assistant Studies Capstone. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: LEAS 1100, LEAS 3200. An integration of concepts and tools from previous curriculum in the degree program. The course also provides students with the tools to evaluate critically and discuss ethics of the legal profession.

LEAS 4802. Special Topics in Legal Assistant Studies. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: LEAS 1100. Selected topics of interest in legal assistant studies. The course may be repeated for credit if the topics are different.

LEAS 4900. Internship in Legal Assistant Studies. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Legal Assistant Studies major, LEAS 1100 and LEAS 3200. Supervised, practical experience in an appropriate legal setting. Permission of the advisor, instructor, and department head must be obtained prior to registration.