This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

KSPE 1010. Mind, Body, Strength, and Fitness. 1 Hour.

Exercise sessions in the Fitness Center designed to improve strength, endurance, flexibility and overall health--the components of physical fitness. Varied forms of exercises (yoga, circuit training, aerobics, plyometrics, etc.) will be applied to improve overall health.

KSPE 1011. Personal Fitness. 1 Hour.

Designed for students who are motivated to improving fitness levels, managing body mass, and achieving optimal fitness by following a custom-made exercise plan.

KSPE 1015. Fundamentals of Yoga. 1 Hour.

Theory and practice of basic yoga postures, breathing practices, stretching and relaxtion techniques as a method of improve flexibiiity, decrease stress and improve physical and mental well-being.

KSPE 1020. Weight Training. 1 Hour.

A beginning course emphasizing proper weight lifting techniques and the benefits of weight training exercises. Students will train the major muscle groups. Attention is given to weight room safety, policies and procedures.

KSPE 1021. Intermediate Weight Training. 1 Hour.

Students learn and practice new weight lifting techniques and exercises with higher percentage of maxes.

KSPE 1022. Advanced Weight Training. 1 Hour.

Prerequisites: Instructor permission. Designed to learn power lifting and the Olympic lifts (the clean, the clean & jerk, and the snatch.).

KSPE 1030. Step Aerobics. 1 Hour.

A beginning level course in the activity of stepping. Students train towards being able to step up for 30 continuous minutes.

KSPE 1031. Intermediate Step Aerobics. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: KSPE 1030. An intermediate level course in the activity of stepping.

KSPE 1040. Fitness in Rhythms and Dance. 1 Hour.

An introduction to the development of rhythmic skills, aerobic activities, dance movements, and exercises to improve physical fitness.

KSPE 1050. Fitness Walking. 1 Hour.

Basic walking is used as a modality of exercise and instruction focuses on how walking can be used as a lifetime fitness activity. Students learn how to apply the basic principles of exercise and will be taught to monitor their pulse to assess exercise intensity.

KSPE 1060. Jogging. 1 Hour.

Jogging or running is used as the exercise modality. Attention is given to the various training methods that runners use to improve their performance.

KSPE 1070. Snow Skiing I. 1 Hour.

A series of lessons designed for beginning to advanced snow skier. A five day stay at an appropriate skiing location is required. A fee is required.

KSPE 1071. Snow Skiing II. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: KSPE 1070. For those who participated in KSPE 1070 and wish to make another ski trip. A fee is required.

KSPE 1080. Beginning Tennis. 1 Hour.

A beginning course in tennis stressing the basics of singles and doubles play. Attention is given to the performance of the basic strokes as well as to the history, rules, etiquette and strategies of play.

KSPE 1081. Intermediate Tennis. 1 Hour.

A continuation of KSPE 1080 designed for those who wish to learn more advanced techniques in the game of tennis. Attention is given to the improvement of the various strokes and to the development of advanced playing abilities.

KSPE 1090. Racquetball. 1 Hour.

A beginning course in racquetball emphasizing the basic rules and strategeies of play. Attention is given to the skills needed to participate successfully in the sport.

KSPE 1100. Beginning Badminton. 1 Hour.

A beginning course in badminton stressing the basic rules and strategies of play. Attention is given to the skills, needed to participate successfully in the sport.

KSPE 1110. Archery. 1 Hour.

Designed for beginning or novice archer. Basic techniques of indoor target archery emphasizing the care and use of equipment, range safety, stance and shooting techniques, scoring and competition will be taught.

KSPE 1120. Beginning Golf. 1 Hour.

A beginning course designed to teach the basics of the game of golf. Instruction focuses on the grip, stance and basic swing pattern. A fee is required.

KSPE 1121. Intermediate Golf. 1 Hour.

Provides instruction in all facets of the game of golf. Students work at mastering the basic skills by practicing various kinds of shots. A fee may be required.

KSPE 1150. Bowling. 1 Hour.

Instruction is directed to the history, terms, scoring and techniques of bowling. Fee may be required.

KSPE 1170. Karate. 1 Hour.

An introduction to the basics of Karate. Successful completion of the course requirements leads to yellow belt certification.

KSPE 1240. Beginning Swimming. 1 Hour.

Red Cross instruction to equip the individual with the basic water safety skills and knowledge in order to make him or her reasonably safe while in, on or near the water. Designed for the non-swimmer.

KSPE 1241. Intermediate Swimming. 1 Hour.

An introduction to a wide variety of swimming skills, surface dives, and turns.

KSPE 1260. Fitness Swimming. 1 Hour.

Principles and practices of distance and interval conditioning workouts. The course is designed to improve the skills of swimmers who already have a knowledge of swimming strokes.

KSPE 1270. Volleyball. 1 Hour.

A beginning course designed to teach the fundamental skills, strategies and team concepts of volleyball. Attention will be given to the mastery of skill development, rules, game etiquette, and historical information.

KSPE 1280. Techno Games and Exercise. 1 Hour.

Designed to improve moderate to vigorous physical activity as well as health-related fitness components through the use of gaming technology (dancing, fitness, sports, adventures, etc.).

KSPE 1290. Soccer. 1 Hour.

An introductory course designed to present the fundamental skills, strategies, and team concepts of soccer. Attention is given to the skills of dribbling, passing, shooting, trapping, heading and tackling.

KSPE 1300. Basketball. 1 Hour.

An introductory course designed to present the fundamental skills, strategies, and team concepts of basketball. Attention is given to the improvement of the student's existing skill level.

KSPE 1380. Special Topics: Physical Activity. 1-2 Hours.

Course designed to allow participation in special physical education activities not offered in the regular curriculum (May be repeated).

KSPE 1390. Varsity Athletics. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: Member of a VSU Varsity Athletics Team. Development of skills, techniques and strategies of athletic performance through participation in the intercollegiate varsity athletic program. May be taken once during any academic year, and may be repeated for credit. Does not meet physical education activity requirements for education majors.

KSPE 2000. Health and Wellness for Life. 2 Hours.

A course of study investigating the major health problems in modern society, with emphasis on methods of understanding and developing lifestyle changes for longer and healthier life. Information on topics such as alcohol, drugs, stress management, nutrition, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy and parenthood, cigarette and tobacco use, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases will be discussed.

KSPE 2010. Activities and Games for Coaches and Teachers. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Declared health and physical education major or permission of the department head. Instructional techniques primarily emphasizing elementary school physical education activities, dance, health-related fitness, and related content areas.

KSPE 2020. Coaching and Teaching Team Sports. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Declared health and physical education major or permission of the department head. Instructional techniques primarily emphasizing middle and secondary physical education activities, team sports, and related content areas.

KSPE 2070. Lifeguard Training. 2 Hours.

Prerequisite: Demonstrate swimming competency. Red Cross course to lead to certification as a lifeguard.

KSPE 2080. Water Safety Instructor. 2 Hours.

Prerequisite: Demonstrate swimming competency. Red Cross course to lead to certification as swimming instructor.

KSPE 2081. Lifeguard Instructor Training. 2 Hours.

Prerequisites: Red Cross Lifeguarding Certification. Ability to meet the standard on all skills in CPR and First Aid Courses. Leads to certification as a Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor.

KSPE 2150. First Aid - CPR. 2 Hours.

A study of the techniques of emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (adult, child, and infant) and accident prevention. Emphasis will be placed on examining the interrelationships among human behavior, the environment and accidents.

KSPE 2999. Entry to the Education Profession. 0 Hours.

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. A required non-credit course for all teacher education candidates pursuing a VSU recommendation for initial certification; must be successfully completed prior to admission to teacher education. Candidates are required to establish an electronic portfolio and provide evidence that all teacher education admission requirements have been satisfactorily met. If an unsatisfactory grade is earned, the course must be repeated until a satisfactory grade is received.

KSPE 3101. Foundations & Technology in Health and Physical Education. 3 Hours.

Also offered as CHPE 3101. Prerequisite: KSPE 2999: The principles and scope of physical education, sport and physical education history and development, the importance of physical education, fitness measurement, as well as the technology use in health and physical education disciplines including, web research, email, and apple technologies.

KSPE 3141. First Aid/CPR and Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries. 3 Hours.

Also offered as CHPE 3141. Prerequisite: KSPE 2999: Pertinent information relative to various techniques of emergency, first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (infant, child, and adult) and accident prevention. Students may obtain certification for American Red Cross CPR certification and first aid certification. Exposure to basic concepts and techniques related to physical activity and athletic injury prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.

KSPE 3160. Special Topics in Exercise Science. 1-4 Hours.

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. A flexible course of study dealing with current events or special topics in exercise science. May be repeated.

KSPE 3200. Nutrition for Health and Human Performance. 3 Hours.

Also offered as CHPE 3200. Prerequisite: KSPE 2999. An introduction to the characteristics of the essential dietary nutrients and their respective roles in the body. Emphasis is placed on the effects of nutritional practices on health and human performance.

KSPE 3301. Contemporary Health Issues. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: KSPE 2999. Pertinent information relative to selective health content areas, including death and dying, human sexuality, character education, violence, and mental and emotional health. Stress-related content will be infused into the mental and emotional health areas as well as many of the other content offerings in the course.

KSPE 3401. Instructional Planning and Evaluation. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: KSPE 2999. Provides the student with pertinent information relative to basic instructional and planning methodologies basic statistics, data analysis, assessment and evaluation procedures and instruments across the psychomotor, cognitive and affective domains, and the application of this content within the health and physical education settings.

KSPE 3411. Human Movement Applications. 4 Hours.

Prerequisite: KSPE 2999; Also offered as CHPE 3411. Information on neuroanatomy and neurophysiology relative to motor development and motor learning, coupled with functional anatomy as it pertains to the dynamics of human motion. Emphasis is placed on mechanical analysis of human movement.

KSPE 3420. Exercise Physiology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: KSPE 2999; Also offered as CHPE 3420. An understanding of how the body, from a functional standpoint, responds, adjusts, and adapts to exercise. Topics include bioenergetics, neuromuscular concepts, cardiorespiratory considerations, physical training, and environmental concerns involving physical activity, athletic performance, and health-related fitness.

KSPE 3450. Comprehensive Health Education. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: KSPE 2999; An investigation of health content pertaining to nutrition, fitness, body weight/composition, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic lung diseases, and cancer.

KSPE 3460. Health Education Methods and Materials. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: KSPE 2999. Pertinent information relative to selected health instructional techniques specifically addressed in the public school setting. Attention to learning activities appropriate for school health programs in elementary, middle grade, and secondary schools, health education models, health promotion, and related content specific issues included in school health curricula. Appropriate classroom management and motivational strategies for behavioral modification in health education. Opportunities for classroom teaching experiences with micro-teaching and public school health teaching episodes.

KSPE 3700. Elementary Physical Education Methods and Content. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: KSPE 2999. Designed to provide the student with information related to instruction in physical education methodologies and content for preschool through fifth grade public school students. Field experiences in the public schools are required.

KSPE 3911. Diversity in Sport and Physical Education. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: KSPE 2999. Introduction to physical education and sport for exceptional children and diverse populations. The course provides an overview of litigation and the passage of various federal laws pertaining to human diversity in physical education and sport, including diverse cultures, physical differences, communication diversity, behavior differences, sensory diversity, and family diversity. Field experience in the public schools are required.

KSPE 4220. Management of Physical Education Programs. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: KSPE 2999; Also offered as CHPE 4220. A study of administrative theory and principles as they relate to the process of planning, organizing, supervision, personnel, budget, facility design, risk management, and other issues that are related to operating physical education and sport programs in educational and community settings.

KSPE 4580. Directed Study in Physical Education. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor and Department Head. Development of an in-depth study of an approved topic of interest related to the field of physical education.

KSPE 4710. Middle Grade & Secondary Physical Education Methods & Content. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: KSPE 2999. This is a check-point course, and check-point requirements must be met. Information related to instruction in physical education methodologies and content for middle grade and secondary public school students. Field experience in public schools are required.

KSPE 4780. Internship in Physical Education. 6 Hours.

Prerequisite: Completion of coursework and approval of department.

KSPE 4790. Student Teaching in Health and Physical Education. 10 Hours.

Prerequisite: Completion of all requirements to student teach as listed in the university's undergraduate catalog. Co-requisite: KSPE 4800.

KSPE 4800. Professional Practice Seminar. 2 Hours.

Prerequisite: Completion of all requirements to student teach as listed in the university's undergraduate catalog. Co-requisite: KSPE 4790. Reflection of educational practices and refinement of concepts emanating from student teaching experience. Presentations of electronic portfolios along with other related materials, including an exit exam, are required.