This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

AS 1000. Leadership Laboratory. 1 Hour.

Graded “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory.” Practices in both followership and leadership. A study of Air Force customs and courtesies, drill ceremonies, military commands, and Air Force opportunities (for 1000- and 2000-level AS students). Advanced leadership experiences in planning, organizing, and executing cadet training activities; preparing and presenting briefings and other oral and written communications (for 3000- and 4000-level AS students). The leadership laboratory is required of AS students each semester, but total credit is limited to 3 hours.

AS 1001. Foundations of the U.S. Air Force I. 1 Hour.

Corequisite: AS 1000. A survey course designed to introduce students to the United States Air Force and Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps.

AS 1002. Foundations of the U.S. Air Force II. 1 Hour.

Corequisite: AS 1000. A survey course designed to continue the student’s introduction to the United States Air Force and Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps.

AS 2001. The Evolution of U.S. Air and Space Power I. 1 Hour.

Corequisite: AS 1000. Examines general aspects of the air and space power from a historical perspective. The course covers a time period from the first balloons and dirigibles to the Korean War.

AS 2002. The Evolution of U.S. Air and Space Power II. 1 Hour.

Corequisite: AS 1000. Examines general aspects of air and space power from a historical perspective. The course covers a time period from the Vietnam War to present operations.

AS 3001. Leadership Studies I. 3 Hours.

Corequisite: AS 1000. A study of leadership, management fundamentals, professional knowledge, Air Force personnel and evaluations systems, leadership ethics, and communication skills required of an Air Force junior officer.

AS 3002. Leadership Studies II. 3 Hours.

Corequisite: AS 1000. Continues the study of leadership, management fundamentals, professional knowledge, Air Force personnel and evaluations systems, leadership ethics, and communication skills required of an Air Force junior officer.

AS 4001. National Security Affairs. 3 Hours.

Corequisite: AS 1000. Examines the national security process, regional studies, advanced leadership ethics, and Air Force doctrine.

AS 4002. Preparation for Active Duty. 3 Hours.

Corequisite: AS 1000. The final step in preparing an officer candidate for active duty. This course examines the military as a profession, officership, military justice, and civilian control of the military.