This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Dr. Ivan Nikolov, Director
204 Georgia Avenue

Dr. Robert C. Harding, Program Coordinator
2306H West Hall

The Center for International Programs offers a multidisciplinary minor in International Studies, which is designed to meet three objectives: (1) provide students with a fundamental understanding of international studies as an academic field and the dynamics involved in international issues and concerns; (2) provide students with a substantial exposure to a specific world region, transnational problem, or disciplinary specialty that is international in scope; and (3) to offer opportunities for undergraduate research, service learning, and community engagement in the international dimension.

Selected Educational Outcomes

  1. To clearly describe the parameters of international studies as a field of inquiry and practice, both in historic perspective and current usage;
  2. To evaluate career possibilities that are international in nature as well as the most suitable educational paths to those careers;
  3. To appreciate the complexities of cultural differences and the impact of these differences on cross-cultural understanding;
  4. To apply the tools of research to a major international and interdisciplinary problem, issue, or phenomenon;
  5. To express thorough knowledge of a particular international problem, world region, or international dimension of an academic discipline.

The program is a blend of traditional class room learning, one-on-one work with a faculty member, and a mandatory overseas study experience. The minor in International Studies consists of (1) a core component that is required of all students taking the minor, and (2) a minor concentration tailored to individual student interests and backgrounds. Students must have and maintain an overall GPA of 2.75 to be admitted into and remain in the minor.

Requirements for the Minor in International Studies

Core Requirements
INTL 2090Introduction to International/Intercultural Studies3
INTL 4800Senior Capstone Course3
Upper Division Study Abroad Course 13
Minor Concentration (see below)9
Total Hours18

Minor Concentration 9 hours

Must include at least 6 hours of upper division coursework. The concentration consists of three courses related to a particular world region of interest to the student, to an international problem or issue, or to the comparative application of a particular discipline. Students’ selection of courses must be approved by a designated advisor within their major as well as by the Director of International Programs. Courses within the concentration may be distributed as follows:

  1. Existing courses within the curriculum that address the region, international problem, or disciplinary dimension of interest to the student 0-9 hours
  2. Completion of a language course at the intermediate level or above appropriate for the focus of the student’s concentration 0-3 hours
  3. Special topics courses compatible with the student’s approved concentration 0-6 hours
  4. The Model United Nations course (INTL 3170), if the focus of the course is appropriate to the student’s concentration 0-6 hours
  5. Completion of a study abroad experience or an individual plan of experiences relevant to the student’s approved concentration 0-6 hours

Advisory Committee

All inquiries regarding the minor should be directed to Dr. Robert Harding or Dr. Ivan Nikolov. The minor is assisted by an advisory board made up of faculty experienced in the field of International Studies. Students may wish to consult with these faculty members in their respective colleges regarding overseas study opportunities and completion of a Senior Capstone Project (INTL 4800). For specific information, click here