This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Online Graduate Education Programs and Collaboratives

Selected Educational Outcomes

  1. Candidates in advanced teacher education programs demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the content that they will teach.
  2. Candidates in advanced teacher education programs select and use a broad range of instructional strategies and technologies that promote student learning and will clearly explain the choices they make in their practice.
  3. Candidates in advanced teacher education programs reflect on their practice and identify their strengths and areas of needed improvement.
  4. Candidates in advanced teacher education programs analyze student, classroom, and school performance data and make data-driven decisions about strategies for teaching and learning so that all students learn.

Selected Program Assessments

  1. Candidates in advanced teacher education programs will demonstrate the level of their content knowledge through performance on comprehensive examinations or completion of capstone project.
  2. Candidates in advanced teacher education programs will demonstrate their use of instructional strategies and technologies through completion of a self-evaluation of a teaching episode.
  3. Candidates in advanced teacher education programs will document reflection and will identify areas of strengths and areas for improvement through completion of the COEHS Advanced Teacher Self-Assessment Instrument.
  4. Candidates in advanced teacher education programs will demonstrate their ability to positively impact P-12 learning through documentation of student performance and achievement in an electronic portfolio.

Admission Deadlines

Collaborative online education programs deadlines are established each term. Check the website for admission deadlines and application forms. 

Master of Education with a Major in Middle Grades Math and Science

On-line collaborative degree with the University of North Georgia

Admission Requirements

  1. Must hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally-accredited institution.
  2. Must have a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average (GPA) or combined undergraduate and graduate GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale. VSU has a "no forgiveness" policy when calculating GPAs. Applicants not meeting the required GPA may be eligible for admission by an alternative pathway. (See the Graduate Programs page.)
  3. Must hold a valid Level 4 or higher Induction or Professional teaching certificate in Middle Grades Math and/or Middle Grades Science in the state of Georgia.Teachers certified in states other than Georgia may be eligible if they hold the equivalent of a Georgia professional teaching certificate in Middle Grades Math or Science. VSU reserves the right to request additional documentation, if needed.

Note: To be eligible for a certificate upgrade from the GaPSC upon completion of the M.Ed. in Middle Grades Math and Science, a candidate must hold a certificate in Middle Grades math and/or science prior to beginning the program.

Program Retention, Dismissal, and Readmission Policies

  1. The maximum time allowed for completion of the degree is seven calendar years. No work completed more than seven years prior to degree completion will be accepted toward the degree, except with special permission from the student's advisor and approval from the Associate Provost for Graduate Studies and Research.
  2. No more than 9 semester hours of academic work may be transferred from another institution into a College of Education and Human Services graduate program. Transfer credit will be evaluated after admission by the academic department.
  3. Earning grades below "B" in graduate courses will result in the following consequences: students will be dismissed from the Graduate School if they accumulate three or more academic deficiency points unless otherwise indicated by individual program policy. A grade of "C" (although it may be credited toward a degree) equals one deficiency point. A grade of "D," "WF," "F," or "U" (none of which will be credited toward a degree) equals two deficiency points.
  4. If dismissed from the program, a student must not be enrolled for two semesters. Application for readmission may be initiated during the second semester. Readmission is not guaranteed, and prior academic performance and student conduct/disposition in the program will be considered. The academic program reserves the right to place specific conditions and contingencies on any offer of readmission.

Program Completion Requirements

  1. A 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) is required for graduation. No grade below a "C" will be credited toward the degree.
  2. Candidates must submit an application for graduation at least one semester prior to their expected graduation date.
Core Courses15
MGMS 7100Research Methodology in Education3
MGMS 7000Professional Development Seminar I (VSU)3
MGMS 7200Conceptualizing Middle Level Learning and Diversity in Context (NGCSU)3
MGMS 7240Instructional Leadership, Curriculum and Assessment (NGCSU)3
MGMS 7400Physical Science for Middle Grades (NGCSU)3
Content Courses18
MATH 5180Mathematics for Middle School Teachers (VSU)3
MATH 5190Algebra and Geometry for Teachers (VSU)3
MATH 6161Mathematical Reasoning (VSU)3
MGMS 7400Physical Science for Middle Grades3
MGMS 7401Chemistry, Earth Science and Astronomy for Middle Grades3
MGMS 7402Life Science and Natural History for Middle Grades (NGCSU)3
Capstone Course
MGMS 7650Teaching Practicum3
Total Hours Required for the Degree36

Master of Education with a Major in Curriculum and Instruction in Accomplished Teaching

On-line collaborative degree with Columbus State University and Georgia Southern University

Admission Requirements

  1. Must hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally-accredited institution.
  2. Must have a cumulative undergraduate grade point average (GPA) or combined undergraduate and graduate GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale. VSU has a "no forgiveness policy" when calculating GPAs. Applicants not meeting the required GPA may be eligible for admission by an alternative pathway. (See the Graduate Programs page.)
  3. Must have a valid Level 4 or higher Induction, Professional, Advanced Professional, or Lead Professional teaching certificate, service field certificate, or Life certificate in the State of Georgia. Teachers certified in states other than Georgia may be eligible. To qualify, a teacher must hold the equivalent of a Georgia clear/renewable teaching certificate. VSU reserves the right to request additional documentation, if needed.

Program Retention, Dismissal, and Readmission Policies

  1. The maximum time allowed for completion of the degree is seven calendar years. No work completed more than seven years prior to degree completion will be accepted toward the degree, except with special permission from the student's advisor and approval from the Associate Provost for Graduate Studies and Research.
  2. No more than 9 semester hours of academic work may be transferred from another institution into a College of Education and Human Services graduate program. Transfer credit will be evaluated after admission by the academic department.
  3. Earning grades below "B" in graduate courses will result in the following consequences: students will be dismissed from the Graduate School if they accumulate three or more academic deficiency points unless otherwise indicated by individual program policy. A grade of "C" (although it may be credited toward a degree) equals one deficiency point. A grade of "D," "WF," "F," or "U" (none of which will be credited toward a degree) equals two deficiency points.
  4. If dismissed from the program, a student must not be enrolled for two semesters. Application for readmission may be initiated during the second semester. Readmission is not guaranteed, and prior academic performance and student conduct/disposition in the program will be considered. The academic program reserves the right to place specific conditions and contingencies on any offer of readmission.

Program Completion Requirements

  1. A 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) is required for graduation. No grade below a "C" will be credited toward the degree.
  2. Candidates must submit an application for graduation at least one semester prior to their expected graduation date.

Note: According to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC), all candidates applying for a certificate in Curriculum and Instruction are required to present passing scores on Georgia's state-approved educator certification assessment(s) for Curriculum and Instruction. The Valdosta State University Dewar college of Education and Human Services requires all candidates to take the appropriate state-approved assessment(s) for program completion. Candidates are not required to pass the state-approved assessment(s) in order to graduate from the program but cannot be recommended for certification until they successfully complete all coursework and pass the Georgia state-approved assessment(s) for certification in Curriculum and Instruction.

Core Courses9
EDAT 5999Professional Orientation0
EDAT 7100Research Methodology in Education3
EDAT 7133Trends, Issues and Research in Education3
EDAT 6159Multicultural Studies across the Curriculum3
Georgia Framework Domains18
EDAT 6226Curriculum Design for Student Achievement3
EDAT 6115Knowledge of Students and Their Learning3
EDAT 7132Framework for Teaching3
EDAT 6001Using Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning3
EDAT 7131Enhancing Student Performance3
EDAT 6000Professional Decision Making3
Approved Electives9
Total Hours Required for the Degree36