This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Dr. Kate Warner, Head
Room 134 Continuing Education Building

The Marriage and Family Therapy Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Training and Education (COAMFTE) of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT).

MFTH 6700. Family Sociology. 3 Hours.

The social context of contemporary issues facing families. Including family history, cross-cultural issues, and research and theory regarding changing gender roles, family violence and abuse, divorce, single-parenting, work families, sexual orientation, non-traditional families, and other relevant issues.

MFTH 6800. Relational Theory, Practice, and Ethics. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the basic epistemological theories and practices in marriage and family therapy, history of the field and current developments, and the ethics and values associated with a systemic orientation to change. Implications for practice are emphasized.

MFTH 6900. Foundations of Family Therapy. 3 Hours.

Introduction to postmodern theory and social constructionism. The course will focus on understanding human interaction, meaning making, and problem resolution through both relational and narrative lenses. Students will explore the relationship between meaning, language, stories, and cultural discourses.

MFTH 6990. Supervisor's Training in Marriage and Family Therapy. 3 Hours.

Limited to graduate students who already hold the master's degree and are pursuing the status of "Supervisor in Train- ing" through the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. (Graded on S/U basis). Offered on an individual basis, readings of supervision, supervision styles, systemic family therapy, and ethics for supervision will be explored.

MFTH 7050. Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: MFTH 6800. An in-depth study of the skills, sensitivities, and theoretical ideas needed by family therapists to encounter otherness and navigate the interface between professional responsibilities, ethics, social justice, and the social and political context of treatment. Implications for practice are emphasized.

MFTH 7101. Family Systems Theories. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: MFTH 6800. An in-depth study of family systems theory. Emphasis on the major schools of thought included in a systems analysis of the family and current issues and ideas within family systems discourse.

MFTH 7102. Interventions in MFT. 3 Hours.

Pre or co-requisite: MFTH 7101. A review of the various intervention techniques employed by the major theoretical approaches to MFT. Emphasis on skill development, video and role-play demonstrations, and linking practice to theory and appropriate treatment goals.

MFTH 7103. Advanced Theories Seminar. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: MFTH 7102. A series of seminars that allow students to develop in depth understanding of at least two theoretical approaches to MFT. Examples of offerings include structural/strategic, experiential, family of origin, narrative/constructivism, feminist, solution-oriented. May be repeated.

MFTH 7200. Research in Marriage and Family Therapy. 3 Hours.

An examination of the various concepts and theories used in marriage and family therapy research. Outcome research will be emphasized. Students will be expected to complete a major project demonstrating their ability to perform research in family therapy.

MFTH 7350. Legal Issues in MFT. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite; MFTH 6800. Legal responsibilities and liabilities in the practice of family therapy. Addresses issues such as limits to confidentiality, therapist liability, and client privilege. Includes working with the legal system and relevant aspects of family law.

MFTH 7400. Psychopathology & Pharmacology in MFT. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: MFTH 6800. Legal responsibilities and liabilities in the practice of family therapy. Addresses issues such as limits to confidentiality, therapist liability, and client privilege. Includes working with the legal system and relevant aspects of family law.

MFTH 7500. Development in the Family System. 3 Hours.

Human growth and development within the family system. Includes theories of individual development, developmental tasks over the family life cycle, normative and non-normative change, processes of divorce and remarriage, and social, economic, and ethnic influences on the family life cycle. Implications for practice are emphasized.

MFTH 7510. Human Sexuality and Gender. 3 Hours.

The cultural, social, physical, psychological, and interpersonal aspects of human sexuality and gender. Includes gender role socialization and the development of gendered identities, sexual functioning and attraction, sexual orientation, and problems related to sex and gender.

MFTH 7550. Family Stress and Crisis. 3 Hours.

Understanding normative and catastrophic stress, trauma, and crisis across the lifespan from a family systems perspective. Focus on approaches to preventions and intervention with families, agencies, and communities.

MFTH 7600. Practicum in Marriage and Family Therapy. 6 Hours.

Prerequisite: MFTH 7102 and approval of the MFT Faculty. Co-requisite: MFTH 7350. Supervised experience in the practice of marriage and family therapy. Includes practice and live supervision at the MFT Training Clinic as well as experience in community placements. Requires a minimum of 20 hours per week. Must be taken three successive semesters for a total of 500 hours of direct client contact.

MFTH 7601. Treatment Issues in Family Therapy. 3 Hours.

A review of the predominant treatment modalities used by family therapists when treating families in crisis. Emphasis will be placed on intervention issues surrounding family violence, sexual coercion, and the role of the conflict.

MFTH 7602. Couples and Sex Therapy. 3 Hours.

A review of those theories, specific therapies, and research studies applied to couples with an emphasis on the marital dyad.

MFTH 7650. Special Topics in MFT. 1-3 Hours.

A rotating series of seminars addressing important contemporary issues in the field of marriage and family therapy. Examples of topics include working with children, working with adolescents, spirituality, family violence, and substance abuse. May be repeated for credit.

MFTH 7700. Assessment in Marriage and Family Therapy.. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: MFTH 7101 and MFTH 7500. How to assess family processes within a developmental context. Models for assessing family functioning and use of individual and family assessment instruments will be included.

MFTH 7880. Professional Ethics Seminar. 1 Hour.

Addresses professional issues in the workplace. Includes marketing oneself, politics of the workplace, professional licensure and clinical membership, working in interdisciplinary teams, professional wellness, and the ethics, values, and decision-making associated with current practice issues.

MFTH 7980. Internship in Marriage and Family Therapy. 1-5 Hours.

Prerequisite: MFTH 7600. Supervised experience in the practice of marriage and family therapy in a community placement. Requires enough direct contact hours additional to practicum to total 500 before graduating.

MFTH 7990. Directed Study in Family Therapy. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Specialized study in an area of Marriage and Family Therapy under the direction of a faculty member.