This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

SOCI 6200. Sociology of Organizations. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the program. A sociological analysis of complex organizations. Course foci include theories and concepts in such areas as bureaucracy, power, authority, and organizational culture.

SOCI 7000. Sociological Issues in Race, Class, and Gender. 3 Hours.

A study of socially structured inequalities in terms of societal resources such as power, status, and wealth. The course focuses on stratification by economic class, race/ethnicity, and gender in contemporary society.

SOCI 7011. Sociology in Applied Settings. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the program or permission of the instructor. Exploration of the use of sociology on both the micro and macro levels. Special emphasis is placed on the use of sociological theory and methods to work with clients, organizations, and communities as well as the ethical concerns raised by working with people.

SOCI 7012. Sociological Theory. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of undergraduate sociological theory course or permission of the instructor. An analysis of contemporary sociological theory. The emphasis is on the relationship between theory and research, micro, meso, and macro linkages as well as the application of theory to understanding social problems and social policy.

SOCI 7021. Statistical Applications in Sociology. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of an undergraduate statistics course or permission of the instructor. Evaluation of social statistics and data management for applied research problems. Students will use computers to build data files, explore archival datasets, and prepare written analyses of research problems. Students will gain skills in determining which statistics to use for particular research problems and designs, which statistics provide the most practical means for reading and interpreting data, and what computer software is available to facilitate data analysis in sociology.

SOCI 7022. Research Methods. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of an undergraduate statistics course and the successful completion of an undergraduate social science research course. Survey of qualitative and quantitative methodologies in the discipline of sociology. Students will develop skills by hands-on data analysis when appropriate.

SOCI 7060. Environmental Sociology. 3 Hours.

An examination of the sociological context of environmental problems. Topics include environmental thought, sustainable development, climate change, population dynamics, energy and society, the environmental movement, environmental justice, and current environmental policy discussions.

SOCI 7100. Issues in Applied Sociology. 3 Hours.

Analysis of issues relevant to an applied sociological perspective. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

SOCI 7700. Family Sociology. 3 Hours.

A study of family as an institution and the interaction between family and society by considering the historical and social influences on family life and by examining how the family unit affects the social world.

SOCI 7800. Sociological Practice. 3 Hours.

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Taken twice for credit. Field placement site must be approved by the course instructor. Students will integrate sociological knowledge and practical experience during their placement in a field setting. Major integrative paper is required.

SOCI 8010. Sociology of Education. 3 Hours.

A study of education as a social institution with an emphasis on an analysis of theory and research relating social factors to academic performance and attitudes.

SOCI 9010. Sociological Analysis of Education. 3 Hours.

A sociological analysis of education as a social institution and as a setting for social interaction, to include such topics as social stratification, gender, ethnicity, race, social organization, social change, cultural diversity, group dynamics, religion, and leadership. Case studies will be used to emphasize the relationship between sociological theory and educational practices.

SOCI 9070. Culture of Formal Work Organizations. 3 Hours.

Also offered as PADM 9070. The study of organizational culture and methods of changing culture in public and nonprofit organizations. The impact of culture on organizational behavior will be discussed.