This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

LEAD 7010. Ethics and Issues in Educational Leadership. 3 Hours.

Study of ethics with emphasis on its application to contemporary issues in the field of educational leadership. Interest in educational leadership based on empirical literature.

LEAD 7020. Developing Leadership Capacity in Schools and Communities. 3 Hours.

An examination of the knowledge and skills necessary to increase leadership capacity in schools at all levels and into the extended community. The course addresses the need for developing individual and organizational capacity and the impact of increased leadership capacity on school performance. The student is provided information focusing on leadership practices with increased performance potential.

LEAD 7100. School Leadership. 3 Hours.

An examination of the application of the processes of interpersonal relations and effective leadership skills and their relationship to successful school programs.

LEAD 7110. Inquiry Based Approaches to Curriculum Development, Revision, and Instructional Improvement. 3 Hours.

An examination of curriculum development and contemporary changes as they relate to social aims, learner characteristics, and social problems. Existing research in the area of curriculum and instruction pertinent to educational leaders in critiqued. Emphasis in on curriculum and instruction foundations, design, basic concepts, theory, and trends of curriculum from early childhood through secondary levels.

LEAD 7120. Instructional Leadership and Supervisory Practices for Improved Teaching and Learning. 3 Hours.

An examination of the knowledge and the development of the skills necessary for the effective and efficient supervision of instructional programs. A variety of supervisory models will be employed. Knowledge of learning, teaching, and student development will be stressed as a basis for making supervisory decisions.

LEAD 7130. Technology Leadership for School Improvement. 3 Hours.

Instruction and supervised practice leading to educational leadership candidates' application of technology skills designed to foster school improvement and student achievement.

LEAD 7200. Principles of Curriculum and Instruction for Educational Leaders. 3 Hours.

An examination of curriculum development and contemporary changes as they relate to social aims, learner characteristics, and social problems. Existing research in the area of curriculum and instruction pertinent to educ- ational leaders is critiqued. Emphasis is on curriculum and instruction foundations, design, basic concepts, theory, and trends of curriculum from early childhood through secondary levels.

LEAD 7210. Ethics and Law. 1 Hour.

Review of the major statutes and litigation affecting educational and educational-related areas as well as ethical decision-making practices. Emphasis is on information about professional ethics and behavior appropriate to educational and educationally-related settings.

LEAD 7220. Human Resources Leadership for School Improvement. 3 Hours.

An examination of the recruitment, selection, and induction of new employees; faculty development and evaluation; laws relating to employment practices; interpersonal skills involved in student, staff, and community relationships; role definitions of personnel supervision; and administration of school personnel policies and practices.

LEAD 7230. School and System Fiscal Management and Budgeting. 3 Hours.

A study of the business and financial functions involved in managing schools, to include staffing, salary, scheduling, inventories, accounting procedures, and facilities. Development, implementation, and evaluation of financial resources and allocation systems will be examined.

LEAD 7300. Fiscal and Facilities Management for Educational Leaders. 3 Hours.

Content covers the area of financing of school corporations in the current economic and political setting, with emphasis on interrelationships of educational, economic, and political decisions. Applications of school business management practices to support such services as transportation, food service, plant services are analyzed.

LEAD 7310. Leadership for Community and Public Relations. 3 Hours.

An examination of school-community media relationships and techniques of communication employed between the school and the community at large. Typical situations in which conflict is present in education and educationally-related settings are analyzed with a focus on conflict management skill acquisition.

LEAD 7400. Legal Issues for Educational Leaders. 3 Hours.

An overview of the legal structure of education, liability, constitutional rights, contractual relationships, federal and state regulations, collective action, and special education rules and regulations is provided. Historical perspective in law and education with in depth reviews of case law showing the evolution of courts as educational policy makers.

LEAD 7420. Ethical and Legal Issues for Leadership. 3 Hours.

An overview of the legal structure of education, including liability, constitutional rights, contractual relationships, federal and state regulations, collective actions, and special education rules and policies. Case law and the evolution of the courts as educational policy makers are examined.

LEAD 7500. Human Resource Management and Development.. 3 Hours.

Examination of the recruitment, selection, and induction of new employees; faculty development and evaluation; laws relating to employment practices; and interpersonal skills involved in student, staff, and community relationships.

LEAD 7650. Leadership Issues in Higher Education. 3 Hours.

The processes of effective leadership and their relationship to the success of educational and educationally-related pro- grams at the community level will be analyzed. Organization and administration of relevant settings with a focus on the competencies necessary for leadership and management at the community level.

LEAD 7700. Supervision of Instructional Programs. 3 Hours.

Study of the knowledge and skills necessary for the effective and efficient supervision of instructional programs. A variety of supervisory models will be employed. Knowledge of learning, teaching, and student development will be stressed as a basis for making supervisory decisions.

LEAD 7820. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 3 Hours.

An introduction to the concept of institutional effectiveness which focuses on an institution's ability to use planning strategies and evaluation information to assess current performance and plan for improvements. The design and appropriate implementation of assessment and evaluation methods as they relate to addressing various accreditation standards will be examined. Examples of how to develop a comprehensive system of evaluation related to missions and goals will be described for academic and non-academic support units.

LEAD 7830. Law and Policy in Higher Education. 3 Hours.

This course is intended to familiarize students with statutory and case law that has implications for higher education administrators and policy makers with particular emphasis on such areas as employment, including affirmative action, dismissal, contracts, civil rights, due process, and student rights.

LEAD 7900. Internship in Educational Leadership I. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor required. A supervised field experience designed for the student to acquire and demonstrate appropriate educational leadership, administrative, and instructional supervision competencies.

LEAD 7910. Internship in Educational Leadership II. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: LEAD 7900. Supervised field experience designed for the student to demonstrate appropriate educational leadership, administrative, and instructional supervision competencies.

LEAD 7920. Leadership Field Experiences I. 3 Hours.

A supervised field experience designed for the candidate to acquire appropriate educational leadership, administrative and instructional supervision competencies.

LEAD 7922. Internship in Higher Education Leadership. 3 Hours.

An advanced supervised internship relevant to the student's program in postsecondary leadership is provided. This field experience is focused on acquiring first-hand knowledge of appropriate leadership, administrative, and management competencies at the post-secondary level.

LEAD 7930. Leadership Field Experiences II. 3 Hours.

A supervised field experience designed for the candidate to acquire appropriate educational leadership, administrative and instructional supervision competencies.

LEAD 7999. Thesis in Educational Leadership. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to M.Ed. Program in Educational Leadership and permission of advisor. Completion of an original research project in the student's major area under the direction of a department thesis committee. Graded Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.

LEAD 8030. School Culture, Change and Organizational Dynamics. 3 Hours.

A study of organizational culture and its impact on individual and organization performance. Topics include the need for change, the change process, and how organizational structure impacts performance. Students will explore the dynamics within organizations and how schools may create high-performing cultures.

LEAD 8140. Leadership for Creating an Effective Learning Environment. 3 Hours.

Instruction and supervised practice leading to candidate's demonstration of the knowledge and skills necessary to create a teaching and learning environment for successful student achievement and school improvement.

LEAD 8200. School Reform and Change. 3 Hours.

Effective strategies and tactics for changing schools, varieties of school restructuring, and the individual and organization dynamics involved in change will be presented. Change and change strategies in formal and informal organ- izations are foci. Students will develop change strategies and apply them to selected situations.

LEAD 8230. Financing and Managing Educational Facilities. 3 Hours.

An examination of the relationship between educational facilities and an appropriate learning environment. The course addresses the role of educational leaders in planning financing, constructing, modifying, renovating, maintaining, and managing educational facilities. The course includes supervised performance-based field experiences.

LEAD 8240. Managing Resources for School Improvement. 3 Hours.

An examination of human and fiscal resource management functions necessary for developing successful schools. Procurement, development, evaluation of human resources, evaluation of fiscal resources, and allocation systems will be examined. The course includes supervised performance-based field experiences.

LEAD 8400. Organizational Theory for Educational Leaders. 3 Hours.

A critical analysis of the theoretical assertions and empirical knowledge claims that have led to the dominant structures, power relationships, and performance expectat- ions of American schools.

LEAD 8510. Building Leadership for the 21st Century. 3 Hours.

An examination of the major functions of building-level leadership including instructional leadership, instructional supervision, resource management, personnel development and evaluation, professional development, and school and community relations. The course includes supervised performance-based field experiences.

LEAD 8520. Executive Leadership for the 21st Century. 3 Hours.

An examination of the executive leadership position in local school systems. Includes preparation for becoming an executive leader; planning and decision making; financial issues; employment processes; and working with school boards, staff, and community leadership. The course includes supervised performance-based field experiences.

LEAD 8610. School, Community, and Media Relations for Educational Leaders. 3 Hours.

This course examines school-community-media relationships and techniques of communication employed between the school and a variety of public groups. Typical situations in which conflict is present in educational and educationally-related settings are analyzed, with a focus on conflict management skill acquisition.

LEAD 8620. Leading a Professional Learning Community. 3 Hours.

Instruction and supervised practice leading to candidate's demonstration of the knowledge, skills, and practice necessary for developing and leading staff to create a teaching and learning environment for successful student achievement and school improvement. The course includes supervised performance-based field experiences.

LEAD 8630. Coaching and Mentoring for High-Performing Schools. 3 Hours.

A study of the knowledge and skills necessary to practice coaching and mentoring for high-performing schools. The course will increase student awareness and knowledge of the impact of coaching and mentoring on individual and organization performance. It also addresses organizational culture and the impact culture has on performance. The course includes supervised performance-based field experiences.

LEAD 8650. Personnel Issues and Considerations. 3 Hours.

Role definitions of personnel supervision, analysis of role conflict, needs assessments, observation and diagnosis of teacher classroom performance, writing remedial plans, conducting post observation conferences, and evaluating performance will be discussed. Administration of school personnel policies and practices relating to professional staff, supporting staff, and students will be analyzed.

LEAD 8660. Business and Finance. 3 Hours.

This course conveys the business and financial functions involved in managing schools, such as staffing, salary, scheduling, inventories, and accounting procedures. Develop- ment, implementation, and evaluation of financial resource and allocation systems will be examined.

LEAD 8710. Directed Study in Educational Leadership. 1-3 Hours.

An intensive study in the student's field of specialization to meet individual needs and interests. No more than two directed study courses may be used in a program of study.

LEAD 8900. Internship and Field-Based Research I. 3 Hours.

A supervised application of leadership competencies to the resolution of problems in an educational setting.

LEAD 8910. Internship and Field-Based Research II. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: LEAD 8900. A supervised capstone field-based project involving school improvement.

LEAD 8920. Advanced Leadership Field-Based Experiences I. 6 Hours.

Graded Satisfactorily or Unsatisfactorily. A supervised residency that provides significant opportunities for the leadership candidate to synthesize and apply the knowledge and develop the skills to lead a school district. The candidate performs substantial, sustained, standards-based work in real settings, planned and guided cooperatively by faculty supervisors and school district personnel.

LEAD 8930. Advanced Leadership Field-Based Experiences II. 6 Hours.

A supervised residency that provides significant opportunities for the leadership candidate to synthesize and apply the knowledge and develop and practice the skills necessary to lead a school and/or district. The candidate performs substantial, sustained, standards-based work in real settings, planned and guided cooperatively by faculty supervisors and school district personnel. Graded satisfactorily or unsatisfactorily.

LEAD 8940. Advanced Leadership Field-Based Experiences III. 6 Hours.

A supervised residency that provides significant opportunities for the leadership candidate to synthesize and apply the knowledge and develop and practice the skills necessary to lead a school and/or district. The candidate performs substantial, sustained, standards-based work in real settings, planned and guided cooperatively by faculty supervisors and school district personnel. Graded satisfactorily or unsatisfactorily.

LEAD 8950. Advanced Leadership Field Based Experiences IV. 3-6 Hours.

Graded "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory". A supervised application of leadership competencies to the resolution of problems in an educational setting. This course is designed for candidates adding either building level or system level leadership to an existing performance-based leadership certificate. Course may be repeated for credit.

LEAD 9000. Special Topics in Educational Leadership. 3 Hours.

Advanced study focusing on public school improvement and/or the improvement of school leaders through student-designed projects, research or practica that address the program's conceptual framework.

LEAD 9010. Seminar in Organizational Leadership. 3 Hours.

Theoretical and practical knowledge base for leadership and the skills and processes needed to drive organizational improvement. Emphasis will be placed on leadership for meeting the needs of diverse organizational communities.

LEAD 9020. Planning and Change for Leaders. 3 Hours.

Theoretical and practical aspects of planning and change will emphasis on the knowledge and skills necessary when planning for continuous organizational improvement in an efficient, effective, and systematic manner.

LEAD 9030. Leadership Problems: Interdisciplinary Analysis. 3 Hours.

The focus of this course is on the application of inter- disciplinary analysis and leadership skills to the resolution of educational problems and issues.

LEAD 9040. Organizatioanl Theory, Culture, and Leadership. 3 Hours.

A review of research from high-performing organizations. The course examines the performance of organizations related to organizational theory, culture, and leadership in such organizations.

LEAD 9900. Special Topics in Leadership. 3 Hours.

Advanced study of specific contemporary issues in leadership. May be repeated under different topics.

LEAD 9999. Dissertation in Leadership. 1-6 Hours.

Investigation and completion of a field-based project on a leadership or leadership-related issue. Development and defense of the dissertation proposal and the dissertation. The course must be taken each fall and spring semester until the dissertation is completed. The number of hours must be approved by the dissertation chair. A minimum of 9 hours must be taken.