FREN 1001. Beginning French Language and Introduction to Francophone Cultures, I. 3 Hours.
The development of proficiency and communicative competence at the novice level in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines. Various sociocultural aspects and the distinctiveness of certain cultural traditions are studied.
FREN 1002. Beginning French Language and Introduction to Francophone Cultures, II. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 1001 or the equivalent. A continuation of FREN 1001, with emphasis on proficiency and communicative competence at the novice level in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines. Awareness of various sociocultural aspects and the distinctiveness of certain cultural traditions.
FREN 1002H. French Language and Introduction to Francophone Cultures II (Honors). 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 1001 or the equivalent. A continuation of FREN 1001 in an enriched environment, with emphasis on the development of proficiency and communicative competence at the novice level in the basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines. The course will emphasize awareness of various sociocultural aspects and the distinctiveness of certain cultural traditions.
FREN 2001. Intermediate French Language & Francophone Cultures, I. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 1002 or the equivalent. Emphasis on the development of proficiency and communicative competence at the intermediate level in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines. Awareness and understanding of various sociocultural aspects and the distinctiveness of certain cultural traditions.
FREN 2002. Intermediate French Language & Francophone Cultures, II. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2001 or the equivalent. A continuation of FREN 2001, with emphasis on proficiency and communicative competence at the intermediate level in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines. Awareness and understanding of various sociocultural aspects and the distinctiveness of certain cultural traditions.
FREN 2010. Intermediate Conversation. 3 Hours.
A study of conversational techniques, integrating grammatical structures and appropriate vocabulary. Emphasis is given to practicing spoken French and to using audio programs to increase listening comprehension. Attention is also given to pronunciation and phonetics.
FREN 3001. French Conversation. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2001 or Instructor approval. A study of conversational techniques, integrating grammatical structures and appropriate vocabulary. Emphasis is given to practicing spoken French and to using audio programs to increase listening comprehension. Attention is also given to pronunciations and phonetics.
FREN 3002. French Composition. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2002 or Instructor approval. A study of writing techniques, integrating grammatical structures and appropriate vocabulary. Emphasis is given to the practical application of grammar study through original compositions and translations (English to French), Attention is also given to pronunciation and phonetics.
FREN 3010. French Grammar and Composition. 3 Hours.
Prerequisites: FREN 2001 and FREN 2002 or MCL departmental approval. A thorough review and expansion of the main grammatical concepts, rules, and applications studied in FREN 1001, 1111 or 1002, 2001, and 2002 courses. A practical application of grammar study through translations (English to French), formal/informal writing and refinement of self-editing skills.
FREN 3150. French Culture and Civilization. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2002 or MCL departmental approval. A survey of the historical, sociological, literary, and artistic developments of France up to modern times.
FREN 3160. Francophone Culture and Civilization. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2002 or MCL departmental approval. A survey of the historical, sociological, philosophical, literary, and artistic developments of the Francophone world.
FREN 3200. Introduction to Literature. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2002 or MCL departmental approval. The development of students’ reading skills and knowledge of the major literary genres. Texts are from contemporary sources and traditional literary selections of prose, poetry, and theater.
FREN 3201. Approaches to Literature. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2002 or Instructor approval. The development of students' reading and writing skills along with knowledge of the major literary genres and contemporary sources (selections of prose, poetry, and theater).
FREN 3250. Survey of French Literature. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 3200 or MCL departmental approval. Selected major literary works, authors, and literary movements of France from the Middle Ages to the present.
FREN 3260. Survey of Francophone Literature. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 3200 or MCL departmental approval. Selected major literary works, authors, and literary movements of the Francophone world.
FREN 3300. French Phonetics and Phonology. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2010 or MCL departmental approval. Study of phonetic principles and their application.
FREN 3320. French Oral Expression. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2010 or consent of instructor. A practical study of spoked French with emphasis on communication strategies that make it easier for students to communicate in a French context. Through creative classroom activities and exercises, students learn appropriate cultural interaction while discussing ideas, exchanging opinions, and giving advice or information. Practical spoken vocabulary is stressed. Attention is given to the grammatical structure of the language.
FREN 3450. Culture, Business, and Society in the French-Speaking World. 2 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2010 or MCL departmental approval. A study of French culture as it relates to business practices in the Francophone world. A variety of authentic media sources will be used. Emphasis will be on listening comprehension and translation as well as on business correspondence.
FREN 3500. French Oral and Written Expression. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2002 or MCL departmental approval. A practical study of spoken and written French, with emphasis on oral and written communication strategies that make it easier for students to communicate in a French context. Attention is given to the grammatical structure of the language.
FREN 3622. Survey of French Literature II. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 3400 or consent of instructor. Selected major literary works, authors, and literary movements of France from the 19th century to the present.
FREN 3900. Intensive Language Study. 1 Hour.
Prerequisite: FREN 2910 or MCL departmental approval. Intensive study to improve the student’s ability in a particular area of French language or literature. This course requires independent work by the student and may be repeated with different topics for a total of 3 hours.
FREN 4001. Advanced Conversation. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2002 or Instructor approval. An advanced study of spoked and written French, with emphasis on oral communication strategies, including the interpersonal and presentational modes, for communication in Francophone contexts.
FREN 4002. Advanced Composition. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2002 or Instructor approval. An advanced study of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary with refinement of writing skills through composition.
FREN 4010. Advanced Grammar and Composition. 3 Hours.
Prerequisites: FREN 2002 or MCL departmental approval. An advanced study of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, with refinement of writing skills through composition. As part of the Georgia French Collaborative, this is a distance-learning course conducted in French.
FREN 4210. Business French. 3 Hours.
Prerequisites: FREN 2010 or MCL departmental approval. An introduction to the economic and business practices of contemporary France and the Francophone world.
FREN 4400. French Phonetics and Advanced Conversation. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 2010 or MCL departmental approval. Study of phonetic principles and their applications.
FREN 4800. Special Topics. 3 Hours.
FREN 4950. Directed Study. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: FREN 4400, FREN 4410, or consent of instructor. Study in an area or topic of Francophone literature or the French language not normally found in established courses offered by the department. The work is done under the supervision of a professor.
FREN 4960. Study Abroad Special Topics. 3 Hours.
Consult the Department of Modern and Classical Languages regarding arrangements, requirements, and credit. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours if topics are different.
FREN 4980. Community Practicum. 1 Hour.
Graded “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory.” A practical application of students’ skills in French. Students will either tutor students enrolled in public or private schools or complete a research project that requires extensive use of all language skills. This course may be repeated for up to 4 credit hours. Field trips comprise 70% of the final grade.
FREN 4990. Senior Seminar. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: Senior Standing. An all-inclusive communication skills course. This course focuses on the four basic skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. It is designed to assess and reinforce the skills the student has acquired as a French major. Required of all French majors.
FREN 4991. Senior Seminar. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: Senior Standing. An all-inclusive communication skills course. This course focuses on the four basic skills; reading, listening, speaking and writing. It is designed to assess and reinforce the skills the student has acquired as a French major. Required of all French Majors.