This is an archived copy of the 2018-2019 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Dr. Connie L. Richards, Dean
1036 Bailey Science Center

Mission Statement

The College of Arts and Sciences is dedicated to serving students, faculty, the institution, and the region. All programs and services are governed by a commitment to excellence that is the hallmark of the College.

To Serve Students

The College serves students through the Core Curriculum and through various programs of study in preprofessional, transfer, and degree programs. The Core Curriculum, most of which is delivered by departments and programs in Arts and Sciences, provides all students of the University a foundation grounded in the liberal arts disciplines of the humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and mathematics. Learning outcomes of the Core are designed to develop critical thinking, written and oral communication skills, and the ability to use technology effectively. Beyond the Core, the mission of the College is to provide quality minors and associate, bachelor, and graduate degrees in these traditional disciplines and in interdisciplinary programs, and to serve students in programs in other colleges. All programs are characterized by having clearly defined goals, coherent structure, currency, relevance, and rigor, and all prepare students to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.

To Serve Faculty

The College serves its faculty by providing an environment in which instructional excellence is expected and valued; service to the university and community is encouraged; and scholarly activity, research, and creative endeavors are supported and rewarded. Through activities as varied as the recruitment of new faculty to the celebration of the contributions of retiring faculty, the College creates a congenial work environment that supports its faculty intellectually and professionally.

To Serve the Institution

Beyond program contributions, the College of Arts and Sciences seeks to serve the university community at large by its participation in the various activities that make up the life of the institution outside the classroom. Students and faculty from Arts and Sciences participate in academic and non-academic extracurricular activities, including governance organizations, and serve on departmental, college, and university committees that contribute to the effective functioning of the institution. An integral part of the mission of Arts and Sciences is to seek out and support opportunities for collaboration with other units of the University outside of the College.

To Serve the Region and Beyond

The College of Arts and Sciences, as the largest academic unit of Valdosta State University, plays a major role in helping the University meet its service mission to the intellectual, cultural, and economic life of the region. Through teaching, research, creative endeavors, and the spectrum of outreach and support activities provided by the students and faculty of the College, Arts and Sciences contributes to an improved quality of life for all citizens of the region.

Eleven academic departments comprise the College of Arts and Sciences: Biology; Chemistry; English; History; Mathematics and Computer Science; Modern and Classical Languages; Office of Academic Student Instructional Support; Philosophy and Religious Studies; Physics, Astronomy, and Geosciences; Political Science; and Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice.

The degrees of Associate of Arts, Associate of Applied Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Master of Arts, Master of Public Administration, Master of Science, and Doctor of Public Administration are granted through the College. Four interdisciplinary programs also are housed in the College of Arts and Sciences: African American Studies, Honors, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies.

The Bachelor of Arts degree with a major either in art or in music is offered in conjunction with the College of the Arts; the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in psychology, the Bachelor of Applied Science degree with a major in technical studies, and the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in psychology are offered in conjunction with the College of Education and Human Services. The Bachelor of Science degree with a major in athletic training and the Bachelor of Science with a major in Exercise Physiology are offered in conjunction with the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Detailed degree requirements may be found in the Valdosta State catalog in sections of the Departments of Art, Music, Psychology and Counseling, Adult and Career Education, Athletic Training, and Exercise Physiology.

The Associate of Arts degree may be earned upon satisfactory completion of 60 semester hours of academic credit, to include completion of Areas A through F of the Core Curriculum. Any single Area F may be selected from among departmental listings. The Associate of Applied Science degree cooperative program and the Associate of Applied Science degree in dental hygiene with Valdosta Technical Institute are offered in conjunction with the College of Education and Human Services.

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center (SSC) at Valdosta State University is the compass that helps students plot a course through their college careers and get a bearing on success through tutoring, advising, and on-campus job opportunities. The SSC provides peer tutoring in core curriculum courses, including natural sciences, math, writing, social sciences, and foreign languages–face-to face and online. In addition, assistance is provided with course and major selection, time management, and long-range academic planning. Through the Student Employment Office, students can find information on securing part-time employment at VSU. All services of the SSC are free to VSU students.

The SSC is located in Langdale Residence Hall and its services are available to all students. Call 229-333-7570 for information or to make an appointment, or visit the website

Degree Programs Offered through the College of Arts and Sciences

Associate of Arts

Associate of Applied Science

VSU/Wiregrass Tech Cooperative Program in Dental Hygiene

Bachelor of Arts

  • Art
  • Biology
  • English
  • French
  • History
  • Legal Assistant Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Philosophy and Religious Studies
  • Psychology
  • Political Science
  • Sociology/Anthropology
  • Spanish

Bachelor of Science

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Information Systems
  • Computer Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Environmental Geosciences
  • Office Administration and Technology
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Physics
  • Psychology

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Pre-Professional Program

Although degrees are not conferred in pre-professional areas such as pre-medicine or pre-dentistry, programs of study are available that prepare students to enter other institutions where they can complete their professional training. Some programs require students to finish a four-year sequence in a major; others call for students to complete a two- or three-year sequence of study. Since requirements for pre-professional degrees vary according to programs and students’ needs, it is important that students declare early their intention to pursue specialized study so that they may receive proper advising. Pre-professional areas and the departments responsible for advising are listed below.

Advising for Pre-professional Programs

Advising in For Programs in
Department of Biology Allied Health Programs, Community Health, Nutrition, Dental Hygiene, Medical RecordsAdministration, Medical Technology, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Physical Therapy, Physician’s Assistant, Respiratory Therapy, Preparation for Dental Medicine, Medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine
Department of Chemistry Medicine, Dental Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy
Department of Physics, Astronomy, and Geosciences Preparation for Engineering
Department of Political Science Preparation for Law
Department of English Preparation for Law, Theology, or Seminary
Department of History Preparation for Law
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies Preparation for Law, Theology, or Seminary
Department of Marketing/Economics Preparation for Law
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice Preparation for Law or Social Work

Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees

Specific Requirements for the Associate of Arts Degree

  1. The Associate of Arts degree may be earned by any student who completes:
    1. Areas A, B, C, D, and E of the Core Curriculum, and
    2. any Area F of the Core Curriculum.
      The minimum number of semester hours needed to fulfill these requirements is 60.
  2. No more than 40 semester hours of transfer credit may be applied toward degree requirements; a minimum of 20 semester hours of lower division credit must be completed in residence.
  3. The minimum cumulative grade point average for graduation is 2.00.
  4. A State of Georgia Legislative requirement states that degree candidates must possess and demonstrate a reasonable mastery of United States history, Georgia history, the United States Constitution, and the Georgia Constitution. These requirements are met by the successful completion of POLS 1101 or POLS 1101H and HIST 2111 or HIST 2111H or HIST 2112 or HIST 2112H. The VSU Office of Testing in Powell Hall West offers an exemption test to transfer students whose American history course did not include Georgia history or whose political science course did not include Georgia Constitution.
  5. Students must apply for and be accepted in the Associate of Arts degree program prior to completion of Associate of Arts degree requirements.
  6. Academic advisement of students seeking the Associate of Arts degree shall be the responsibility of Centralized Advising.
  7. An application for the degree along with evidence of payment of the graduation fee must be submitted to the Registrar two semesters prior to the anticipated graduation date.

Specific Requirements for the Degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science

  1. A minimum of 120 semester hours of academic work in an approved program is required for graduation. The approved program must include 60 semester hours in the completed Core Curriculum.
  2. The degree program requires at least 21 semester hours of upper division courses in the major field and at least 39 semester hours of upper division work overall.
  3. Thirty of the last 40 semester hours must be completed in residence at Valdosta State University, except in the Medical Technology Program and the Dual Degree Program with the Georgia Institute of Technology.
  4. No more than 90 semester hours from a transfer institution may be applied toward the degree.
  5. Attain a minimum overall grade point average of 2.00, and earn no grade lower than a “C” in all courses used to satisfy major field requirements.
  6. Several bachelor’s degree programs in the College of Arts and Sciences require the completion of a three-course or four-course sequence in a foreign language.
  7. Complete at least 6 semester hours of course work numbered 3000 or above in a single discipline outside the major.
  8. A State of Georgia Legislative requirement states that degree candidates must possess and demonstrate a reasonable mastery of United States history, Georgia history, the United States Constitution, and the Georgia Constitution. These requirements are met by the successful completion of POLS 1101 or POLS 1101H and HIST 2111 or HIST 2111H or HIST 2112 or HIST 2112H. The VSU Office of Testing in Powell Hall West offers an exemption test to transfer students whose American history course did not include Georgia history or whose political science course did not include Georgia Constitution.
  9. The College of Arts and Sciences will not accept transfer credit for capstone requirements.