This is an archived copy of the 2018-2019 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

CSD 5010. Language Disorders in Young Children. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: Completion of undergraduate CD course sequence. An advanced study of the nature and treatment of language disorders in young children through the age 5. Focus is placed on the role of the communication environment and intervention planning and implementation. This course may be taken by non-CD majors with the addition of a lab component.

CSD 5020. Diagnostics. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites; Completion of undergraduate CS course sequence. An in-depth study of the evaluation and assessment processes for communication disorders. Content encompasses appraisal planning, interviewing, ecological observation, instrumentation, informal and standardized procedures appropriate for determination of eligibility and program planning.

CSD 5030. Phonological Disorders. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: Completion of undergraduate CD course sequence. Advanced study of assessment and treatment of speech sound disorders. Emphasis placed on motor based as well as cognitive-linguistic based analyses and treatment strategies.

CSD 5040. Fluency Disorders. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: CSD 2999 and completion of undergraduate CD course sequence. Advanced course in differential diagnosis and treatment of stuttering in adults and children. Additional topics include cluttering and stuttering behaviors associated with acquired neuropathies.

CSD 5050. Beginning Practicum. 2 Hours.

Prerequisites: Completion of undergraduate CD course sequence. A supervised experience in a university or community-based setting requiring application of assessment and treatment procedures for individuals primarily with mild to moderate articulation and language disorders. This course will include a weekly seminar on topics related to the profession.

CSD 5060. Language Disorders of School Age Children. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: CSD 2999 and CSD 5010. A continuation of the study of language disorders with focus on children from elementary school through adolescence. Topics include advanced language development, school curriculum, impact of communicative and linguistic deficiencies on academic progress, collaborative models of intervention, narratives and discourse analysis. May be taken by non-majors with a lab component.

CSD 5070. Traumatic Brain Injury, Dementia, and Progressive Neurological Disorders. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: CSD 5030. Application of diagnostic and therapeutic principles related to persons with traumatic brain injury, dementia, and progressive neurological disorders.

CSD 5080. Dysphagia and Motor Speech Disorders. 3 Hours.

A study of diagnostic and therapeutic principles related dysphagia and motor speech disorders.

CSD 5090. Aural Habilitation/Rehabilitation. 3 Hours.

Prerequisite: CSD 2999. The study of hearing habilitation and rehabilitation methods, materials and amplification/assistive devices for children and adults with hearing impairment.

CSD 5100. Intermediate Practicum. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: CSD 2999, CSD 5050, and a Grade Point Average of 3.0. A supervised experience in a university, community, or home-based setting requiring application of assessment and treatment procedures to individuals with mild to moderate articulation, language, fluency, voice, and hearing communication disorders. This course will include a weekly seminar of topics related to the profession.

CSD 5110. Science and Research in Communication Disorders. 3 Hours.

Advanced theoretical, statistical, and applied experimental designs, including implementation for single-subject and group design in communication disorders.

CSD 5120. Aphasia and Other Neurogenic Disorders. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: CSD 2999. A study of the diagnostic and therapeutic principles related to aphasia, TBI, and progressive neurological communication disorders.

CSD 5130. Congenital & Multifactorial Syndromes and Disorders. 3 Hours.

Advanced study of communication disorders associated with genetic/congenital/multifactorial disorders. Topics may include assessment and intervention planning for persons with craniofacial anomalies, cerebral palsy, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Fetal Alcohol syndrome, and other congenital, genetic, and multifactorial disorders.

CSD 5140. Advanced Practicum. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: CSD 5100 and Grade Point Average of 3.0. A supervised experience in a university, community, or home- based setting with emphasis on test administration, scoring, and interpretation for client services. Treatment of moderate to severe articulation, language, fluency, voice, hearing, and neurogenic communication disorders is emphasized. Weekly student seminars centered on presentations of diagnostic reports/results and proposed intervention strategies are included in this course.

CSD 5150. Advanced Audiology. 3 Hours.

Advanced study of audiometric diagnostic procedures and interpretation. Students will participate in a variety of experiences designed to provide a working knowledge of all audiometric test battery.

CSD 5160. Voice Disorders. 3 Hours.

A theoretical and applied study of the diagnosis and treatment of vocal disorders.

CSD 5170. Issues and Trends in Communication Disorders. 2 Hours.

Addresses current professional issues in speech-language pathology and audiology which affect service delivery including the code of ethics of the profession addressed in light of changing social, economic and political arenas.

CSD 5180. Cultural and Dialectical Issues in Communication Disorders. 2 Hours.

Prerequisites: CSD 5010, CSD 5060. Seminar on the interrelation of sociological variables and linguistic performance with special emphasis on communication differences and disorders among culturally and linguistically diverse populations.

CSD 5190. Applied Practicum in the Public School. 9 Hours.

Prerequisites: 3.0 GPA, minimum of 100 client contact hours completion of or concurrent enrollment in all graduate course work and consent of instructor. Supervised practicum consisting of full-time off-campus placement in public schools under the direct supervision of a speech-language pathologist holding the certificate of clinical competence. Students participate in client management, diagnosis, scheduling, staffing, and other activities specific to the setting. May be repeated with instructor's consent.

CSD 5200. Augmentative/Alternative Communication. 3 Hours.

Study of communication options, techniques, and strategies for persons with severe communication disorders resulting from a variety of conditions.

CSD 5210. Externship in Communication Disorders. 9 Hours.

Prerequisites: 3.0 GPA; minimum of 100 client contact hours completion of all graduate course work; and on-site interview and consent of instructor. Supervised practicum consisting of full-time, off-campus placement in clinical settings such as hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers and private practice sites under the direct supervision of a speech-language pathologist holding the certificate of clinical competence. Students participate in supervised client management, diagnosis, staffing, scheduling and other activities specific to the setting.

CSD 5220. Directed Study in Communication Disorders. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: with prior approval of instructor, advisor and Department Head. This course enables the student to explore in depth a topic relevant to his/her special interest in communication disorders. This course may be repeated.

CSD 5230. Thesis. 1-3 Hours.

Prerequisites: RSCH 7100, CSD 5170. Research project resulting in the completion of a thesis.

CSD 5450. Auditory Oral Meth for Teacher. 3 Hours.

This course covers application of diagnostic and therapeutic principles related to the development of oral speech in children with significant loss of auditory acuity.

CSD 8010. Contemporary Issues and Trends in Communication Disorders. 3 Hours.

A course designed for presentation and discussion of current issues of local, state, and national importance related to the prevention or solution of problems which impact the field of communication disorders.

CSD 8020. Seminar in Theory and Applied Intervention. 1 Hour.

Seminar presentations regarding in-depth exploration of problems, theories, treatments, and research in specific area of communication disorders and state of the art interventions based on theoretical conceptualizations. Students will complete 4 one-hour seminars. This course may be repeated for credit when the topic(s) covered is different. Individual topics to be announced with suffix and title.

CSD 8030. Professional Communication and Collaboration. 3 Hours.

A seminar designed to help the speech-language pathologist organize programs, prepare and administer budgets, supervise professional personnel and physical plant facilities, and provide in-service training.

CSD 8080. Thesis. 6 Hours.

This course is for the development and defense of the thesis prospectus.

CSD 9000. Orientation to Doctoral Studies in CSD. 0 Hours.

Review curriculum and courses, doctoral policies and regulations; get oriented to online/hybrid learning environments; an introduction to critical content, university faculty, and resources available in their graduate program.

CSD 9100. Professional Seminar in Doctoral Studies I. 1 Hour.

Course is graded as "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory". First professional development seminar based on major/minor topic areas of study. Students will meet with special topics groups to design, deliver, and evaluate professional presentations based on their implementation of an evidence-based practice and to share topical resources. Topical seminars will include lectures from experts in a variety of CSD fields.

CSD 9110. Advanced Clinical Supervison. 3 Hours.

Advanced study of both the theoretical and applied aspects of clinical supervision. This course will emphasize the development of skills and knowledge necessary to provide effective and culturally and developmentally appropriate clinical supervision.

CSD 9200. Professional Seminar in Doctoral Studies II. 1 Hour.

Graded "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory". Prerequisite: Successful completion of CSD 9100 with a grade of "S". Second professional development seminar based on major/minor topic areas of study. Students will meet with special topics groups to develop, present, and evaluate professional presentations based on their implementation of an evidence-based practice and to share topical resources. Topical seminars will include lectures from experts in a variety of CSD fields.

CSD 9220. Advanced Clinical Intervention I. 3 Hours.

A clinical practicum for demonstration of evidence-based interventions. Students will identify an intervention area and implement multiple evidence-based assessments/interventions with an appropriate client population. Students must document a minimum of 150 intervention hours in CSD 9220 and 9230 focused on increasing their evidence-based intervention effectiveness.

CSD 9230. Advanced Clinical Intervention II. 3 Hours.

Prerequisites: CSD 9220. A continuation of CSD 9220. An online seminar in which students will share their findings from their intervention projects and discuss evidence-based practices. Students must document a minimum of 150 intervention hours in CSD 9220 and 9230 focused on increasing their evidence-based intervention effectiveness.

CSD 9400. Advanced Topics Minor Force-Literature Review. 3 Hours.

Seminar addressing current evidence-based practices in three chosen topical areas. Students will identify three minor topical areas and work with an advisory committee to generate a series of readings that will deepen each student's knowledge of current best practices in each area.

CSD 9410. Advanced Topics Minor Focus-Applications. 3 Hours.

Evidence-based practice research and application course. Students will identify clients who have communication disorders related to the designated minor topic areas. Students will implement and evaluate an evidence-based intervention plan based on the needs of the clients.

CSD 9500. Advanced Topics Major Focus-Literature Review. 3 Hours.

Seminar addressing current evidence-based practices in a chosen topical area. Students will identify a major topical area and work with an advisory committee to generate a series of readings that will deepen each student's knowledge of current best practices in the area.

CSD 9510. Advanced Topics Major Focus-Applications. 3 Hours.

Evidence-based practice research and application course. Students will identify clients who have communication disorders issues related to the designated major topic area. Students will implement and evaluate an evidence-based intervention plan based on the needs of the clients.

CSD 9520. Advanced Topics Major Focus-Product. 3 Hours.

Seminar on developing professional training programs. The course will focus on adult learning theory and teaching strategies as they relate to the dissemination of evidence-based practices in the major topical area.

CSD 9521. Single Subject Design in Clinically Based Research. 3 Hours.

Preparation for conducting research using single subject design and single case study design with emphasis on causal inference. This course will discuss the salient features as well as the advantages and disadvantages of these research methodologies. Students will participate in critiquing and analyzing published research and will apply these methodologies to current clinical treatment paradigms.

CSD 9530. Social & Cultural Aspects of Underserved Populations. 3 Hours.

Overview of the social, cultural, economic, and linguistic variables impacting speech-language pathology services to underserved populations. Students will assess their own cultural competencies and learn about intervention and assessment variables that may be influenced by cultural, social, or linguistic differences.

CSD 9531. Assessment and Management of Underserved Populations. 3 Hours.

Impact of social and cultural aspects on assessment and intervention in communication disorders. The course will emphasize best practices in assessment and intervention with a focused attention on cultural and social contexts.

CSD 9998. CSD Dissertation Proposal and Defense. 3 Hours.

Graded "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory". Development and defense of dissertation proposal. Students will focus identifying a suitable dissertation topic, reviewing relevant literature, and submitting and defending the dissertation proposal.

CSD 9999. CSD Dissertation. 3 Hours.

Graded "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory". Prerequisites: Completion of major courses and approval of advisor. Implementation and defense of the completed dissertation. The number of hours taken per term must be approved by the dissertation chair. A minimum of 9 hours must be completed for the degree.