ECED 2999. Entry to the Education Profession. 0 Hours.
Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. A required non-credit course for all teacher education candidates pursuing a VSU recommendation for initial certification; must be success- fully completed prior to admission to teacher education. Candidates are required to establish an electronic portfolio and provide evidence that all teacher education admission requirements have been satisfactorily met. If an un- satisfactory grade is earned, the course must be repeated until a satisfactory grade is received.
ECED 3000. Integrating and Applying Technology into the ECE Curriculum. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: ECSE 2999. Explores the integration and application of technology into the early childhood curriculum. Achieved through modeling and applying teaching and learning strategies; discussions of technology and pedagogy; strategies of classroom management; the review and evaluation of technology and software appropriate for use with young children; and the development of integrated technology learning activities, which include the Georgia Performance Standards.
ECED 3190. Practicum I: Classroom Mangement and Environmental Design PreK-K. 2 Hours.
Prerequisites: ECSE 2999, and a minimum GPA of 2.75. Graded “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory.” Pre-K or K classroom experiences supervised by mentor teachers and instructors for a minimum of 100 hours; debriefing seminars on the implementation of developmentally appropriate content areas and strands, appropriate teaching formats and strategies, and professional behavior; and observation of teaching and management strategies for all students in their classroom.
ECED 3300. Teaching Mathematics and Science to Young Children. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: ECSE 2999. This is a check-point course, and check-point requirements must be met. Recent developments in curriculum and methods on instruction of contemporary school mathematics in grades P-5, including the use of manipulative materials, technology, and other resources. ECED 3690, or a practicum approved at the program level, is required as a corequisite for this course.
ECED 3400. Planning for Instruction and Classroom Management. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: ECSE 2999. Fundamentals of teaching across all content area subject matter will be explored including models of teaching, lesson and unit planning, and creating a classroom environment that is conducive to learning.
ECED 3690. Practicum II: Classroom Management and Environmental Design K-3. 2 Hours.
Prerequisites: ECSE 2999, minimum GPA of 2.75, grade of “S” in ECED 3190. Graded “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory.” This is a check-point course, and check-point requirements must be met. Grade 1-3 classroom experiences supervised by mentor teachers and university supervisors for a minimum of 100 hours; debriefing seminars on the implementation of developmentally appropriate content areas and strands, appropriate teaching formats and strategies, and professional behavior; and observation of teaching strategies for all students.
ECED 4300. Teaching Language Arts in Early Childhood Education. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: ECSE 2999. The application of methods for teaching listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and visually representing in early childhood. Emphasis is placed on methods of process writing for the genres of journal, descriptive, letter, biographical, narrative, and poetic writing.
ECED 4400. Social Science Methods in Early Childhood. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: ECSE 2999. A study of the content, curriculum, methods, and technology to support instruction in the social sciences in grades P-5. ECED 4690 or a practicum placement approved at the program level is required as a corequisite of this course.
ECED 4500. Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education. 3 Hours.
Prerequisite: ECSE 2999. Application of developmentally appropriate science programs in the context of standards-based inquiry and focusing on constructivist models of student learning of content, attitudes, and skills. Instructional technology will be integrated with curriculum for grades P-5. ECED 4690 or a practicum approved at the program level is required as a corequisite of this course.
ECED 4690. Practicum III: Classroom Management and Environmental Design 3-5. 2 Hours.
Prerequisites: ECSE 2999, minimum GPA of 2.75, grade of “S” in ECED 3190 and in ECED 3690. Graded “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory.” Grades 4-5 classroom experience supervised by mentor teachers and university supervisors for a minimum of 100 hours; debriefing seminars focused on the implementation of developmentally appropriate content areas and strands, appropriate teaching formats and strategies, and professional behavior; and observation of appropriate teaching strategies for students.
ECED 4790. Student Teaching & Reflective Seminar. 9 Hours.
Prerequisites: Completion of all core and previous semester professional courses (professional courses with a “C” or higher) and a minimum GPA of 2.75. Corequisite: ECSE 4420. A semester-long experience in an early childhood full-day classroom (P-5) under the direct supervision of an assigned mentor teacher and university supervisor. The seminar examines interrelationships of home, school, and community resources and other topics related to the student teaching experience.
ECED 4890. Internship in Early Childhood Education. 6 Hours.
Prerequisites: Completion of requirements to student teach as listed in the University’s Undergraduate Catalog, submission of passing scores on Praxis II, and certification by a school district of the status of the candidate as an employee. Credit: Course completion requires a two-semester internship, taken for a total of 12 hours (6 hours each semester). Guided professional experiences in an early childhood classroom (P-5) as a capstone/culminating activity of the Early Childhood Education Program. Students teach and manage a classroom under the guidance of a mentor teacher and university professor. Experience includes observations, participation, teaching, classroom management, and collaboration with school personnel.